After watching the video, Kong Zhaohui held Qin Lie's phone tightly.

His fingers rattled, his whole body trembled, and he was extremely angry.

Qin Lie said: "Hey, this is my phone, don't give you my phone and break it!"

Suddenly, Kong Zhaohui broke out and slapped the desk fiercely.

"Son of a bitch!"

With a bang, this palm was so powerful that it directly cut off the entire desk by the waist.

The computer on the desk, the ashtray, the frame of the pen, these things smashed to the ground.

This is not enough to relieve his anger. Kong Zhaohui turned his head and punched the wall of the study. His strength was not weak. When he punched, the entire wall of the study was shaking.

Naturally, his fist was seriously injured because of this.

It's just that the bloody fist can't relieve his grief.

He kept scolding in the study: "What a Henry Zhang, what a Xiao Mei!"

"Crying and begging to pull the Lao Tzu Alliance, saying that after everything is done, the benefits will be divided among the three families!"

"Alliance, I am united with Nima's alliance, I have worked hard to do things, but you are sticking a knife in the back!"

"Kill my son, touch the foundation of our family, really think my Kong family is so easy to bully!"

"Thinking that my Kong family was the top of the super family a thousand years ago, and now being teased like this by a Xiao family, I don't care about Lao Tzu!"

Qin Lie knew that the Confucian family was inherited from Confucius and has a very long history.

A thousand years ago, Confucian culture was the most prevalent. At that time, the Kong family was indeed an unprecedented super family.

Kong Zhaohui said this now because he was really angry.

"Henry Zhang, Xiao Mei, Gu Chen!"

Kong Zhaohui shouted out these three names tremblingly, obviously unable to control his emotions.

He kicked the shattered desk violently, then suddenly got up and walked out the door.

Seeing this situation, Qin Lie felt bad, and quickly said, "What are you going for?"

"What am I going to do?" Kong Zhaohui said angrily, "Of course I am going to kill Henry Zhang and Xiao Mei, the dog thieves, to avenge my son!"

Qin Lie was worried about this, and quickly got up to chase.

He stepped forward and clinging to Kong Zhaohui's shoulder, and said loudly, "You can't go now!"

Kong Zhaohui was so angry that he could hear Qin Lie's advice.

Shaking his shoulders, he shook Qin Lie's hand down, and said sternly, "What do I want to do I need you to teach me? We'll settle the account later, and now you leave it to me!"

Because Qin Lie knew about the Xiao family's actions tomorrow, it was impossible for Kong Zhaohui to cause trouble today.

After his right hand was shaken off by Kong Zhaohui, his left hand grabbed Kong Zhaohui's shoulder again, but he was not allowed to go.

Kong Zhaohui got a little impatient, turned around and bumped Qin Lie with his elbow, and said sternly, "You really want to die, don't you?"

Kong Zhaohui's skill is not bad, at least on the level of Tang Hongxiao and Qiu Bai.

Qin Lie didn't dare to force his elbow, and crossed his hands to block his damage.

With a lot of strength, Qin Lie was knocked out by more than two meters.

His feet rubbed back parallel to the floor, supported his body and rushed up quickly, quickly fighting with Kong Zhaohui.

The two sides fought fiercely. Although Qin Lie did feel a little powerless, the two sides actually fought a deadlock.

Kong Zhaohui's eyes were red and he had lost his mind: "Qin Lie, originally you came to tell me the truth of Tian'er's death. I didn't want to kill you yet, but you have to do more things. Do you really want to die?"

On Qin Lie's side, he also explained while fighting: "In any case, you can't go to Henry Zhang today."

"If you look for it today, you're just trying to scare the snake. Tomorrow he will act. Tomorrow is the best chance to kill him. If you go today, how can you guarantee that you can kill him??"

Kong Zhaohui was very surprised to hear this, and the movements of his hands finally slowed down a little.

So that both of them gradually eased down.

Kong Zhaohui asked Qin Lie strangely: "How do you know Henry Zhang will act tomorrow?"

Qin Lie gasped and said: "In this world, there will always be someone who will find a way to spread the information. You don't need to know where my news came from, you just need to know that there is no one in this world who can be more intelligent than me. I want the Xiao family to die!"

On this point, Kong Zhaohui believed him.

Gradually, Kong Zhaohui also regained a sense of reason.

Then, he leaned against the wall, did not open the door of the study, and asked Qin Lie, "What are your plans?"

"Can you speak properly now?" Qin Lie looked at him.

Kong Zhaohui still had the same question: "What plan do you have for the Xiao family?"

Qin Lie replied, "What exactly is planned depends on how much you can tell me."

After this sentence, both sides fell into silence.

Obviously, Qin Lie's words are pulling Kong Zhaohui into his own camp.

He was in Henry Zhang's camp at the beginning. If Henry Zhang's plan was revealed, he would completely betray Henry Zhang and stand on the same front as Qin Lie.

This matter had a great impact, and Kong Zhaohui was thinking about it himself.

After half a minute, Kong Zhaohui said, "Do you want to bring me in?"

Qin Lie didn't hide it: "Now our two goals are the same, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and the grievances between us can be resolved later."

"Then why should I trust you again?" Kong Zhaohui said again.

Qin Lie quickly responded to him and said, "You don't have to believe me, but with your ability, is it really Henry Zhang and Xiao Mei's opponent?"

After saying these words, Kong Zhaohui fell into silence again.

He was thinking about it himself.

Yes, the Confucius family now is no longer the Confucian family of a thousand years ago.

Even if Kong Wei is not dead, with the strength of the Kong family's prosperity, he is not the opponent of the Xiao family, not to mention that after Kong Wei's death, he came to power and carried out a series of integration and rectification of the family, which also greatly damaged the family's vitality.

The current strength of the Kong family is almost half of the strength of the Kong family during Kong Wei's time.

Otherwise, he would not agree to Henry Zhang's alliance request so easily.

He and Henry Zhang were allied, to a large extent, they felt that it might be very difficult to deal with Qin Lie alone.

Now, on the spur of the moment, to collide with Henry Zhang and Xiao Mei, he will undoubtedly hit the stone with an egg.

Qin Lie's words are not good, but they are true.

He can't be Henry Zhang's opponent at all now.

After thinking for a while, Kong Zhaohui finally calmed down completely.

He took a deep breath, spit it out again, and finally made up his mind to change his position.

Finally he looked at Qin Lie and said, "What exactly do you want to know?"

Qin Lie seized the opportunity and said: "Tomorrow, all the information you know about the Xiao family's actions, what they want to do, how to do it, and what they want you to do, etc. The more detailed the better."

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