Kong Zhaohui walked back to his position.

After sitting down, he lit a cigarette.

Picked up the ashtray on the ground, put it in front of him, took a sip, and shook the ashtray before speaking slowly.

"Actually, after you told me about this, I realized that Henry Zhang was really just using me. He didn't tell me much information, and I can only tell you what I know."

Qin Lie didn't speak, he also found the chair just now and sat down, waiting for Kong Zhaohui's next words.

Kong Zhaohui spoke slowly.

"Actually, Henry Zhang has a great ambition to unite with us this time. Before the big family competition, our Kong family, their Xiao family and the Su family have decided on an alliance."

"That's what Henry Zhang told us, this is what he told us."

"He said that the first priority of his family competition this time is to bring the Xuanyuan family down from the altar."

"He said that the Xuanyuan family has been sitting in the first position for too long, and he will find a way to destroy the Xuanyuan family. The entire Xuanyuan family's property will be divided among the three families."

"If the Xuanyuan family has other joint families, they will all be uprooted this time, and after these families are destroyed, the remaining family property will be owned by the three of us."

"His goal is to transform the aristocratic family into the three major aristocratic families as much as possible compared to the previous eight major families. Even if there are other aristocratic families, they are only affiliates of our three major families. This is what he told us. ."

Qin Lie laughed after listening.

He casually said: "His Xiao family was originally only one of the eight great families, so why do you believe him?"

Kong Zhaohui continued smoking and said, "Because he showed us a very terrifying fighting force."

He paused and said, "I still don't know the origin of that unit, Henry Zhang told me that it was the secret training team of their Xiao family."

"This team's combat effectiveness is extremely strong, far surpassing his Xiao family army, and it is the most combat-effective army I have ever seen."

"Whether that team is cold weapons or hot weapons, or the combat effectiveness of the team's cooperation, it is far away from any existing team in the world."

"It was because of this team that Su Donghai and I believed in him."

Qin Lie nodded slightly, in fact, needless to say, it must be the Gu family army brought over by Xiao Mei.

"Actually, we didn't fully believe him." Kong Zhaohui went on to say, "Su Donghai and I also had our own goals."

"Like me, the turmoil in the Kong family has led to the decline of the Kong family's power. I just want to take advantage of this chaos to give the Kong family some benefits. I haven't thought about the situation of the three major families."

"Like Su Donghai, Su Donghai's purpose is very simple, he just wants your life."

"The mysterious team that Henry Zhang brought out, plus Xiao Mei's IQ bonus, made us think that he had a high winning rate this time, so we chose to join him."

"But now that I think about it, Henry Zhang may have just threw us a little sweetness, but in fact he never thought of sharing the benefits with us, just using us."

Otherwise, he would never have killed Kong Yuntian in secret.

He just wanted to make a mess.

Qin Lie agrees with Kong Zhaohui's current statement.

"What about tomorrow." Qin Lie quickly asked, "What about tomorrow's arrangements, what exactly does he want to do?"

Kong Zhaohui started smoking again and said while smoking.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day he will close the net."

"Because tomorrow is the first semi-final, the patriarchs and big figures of all the families will be present, which means that the core leaders of the major families are all in place."

"Then half of the security work at the venue tomorrow night will be done by the people of the Su family, so Henry Zhang's people will have no problem with entering the venue with any weapons."

"And his mysterious team with strong combat power will also enter the field. At that time, they will hold all the leaders of the major families hostage and use force to ask other families to compromise."

"As for the degree of compromise."

"First, none of the Xuanyuan family's core leadership will remain, Xuanyuan Hao, and some of the Xuanyuan family's elders will all die. They will support a puppet leader to come to power in the later stage and turn the Xuanyuan family into their Xiao family's subsidiary family. "

"Secondly, the overall leadership of the Tang family will not stay, especially you, Qin Lie, who are also on their disposal list. You are mortal, in their plan."

"As for the remaining aristocratic families, without the Xuanyuan family, I must not dare to fight against the Xiao family anymore. Henry Zhang means that the patriarch of the remaining aristocratic families must be killed, and if the others want to survive, they must Give us at least half of the property, otherwise, it will all die."

"After such an operation, the other aristocratic families have basically been cut to the ground, and the three of us will be a family of another level in the future."

"Of course, these are what Henry Zhang told me."

Qin Lie still laughed when he heard it, and finally said, "Do you all believe in such a big cake?"

Kong Zhaohui: "I said, I'm just here to get benefits, whether he draws a big cake or not, in the end, as long as I get benefits, that's fine."

Qin Lie took over the conversation and said, "It seems that you won't get any benefit at all, and you will even become cannon fodder like other aristocratic families."

Kong Zhaohui smiled helplessly, shook his head, put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and said, "Yes, who would have thought Henry Zhang was so shameless?"

Qin Lie continued to ask: "What about you, what is Henry Zhang's mission to your Kong family?"

"It's you." Kong Zhaohui said succinctly.

"The task he gave me was to stare at your people, and your life is my task."

"Otherwise, what's the point of him killing Tian'er and putting the blame on you?"

Qin Lie listened and wondered, "Staring at me?"

"Yes." Kong Zhaohui nodded and said, "Qin Lie, you don't think Henry Zhang didn't know about your actions after arriving in the magic capital."

He paused and then said: "Actually Henry Zhang has always known that your people are monitoring his people, and in the same way, in order to counteract, my people have been monitoring your people."

"Tomorrow, once things start and there is a change, your staff will move, and my staff will immediately follow. Those people who live in the hotel will not be able to come to the venue at all."

I see.

Qin Lie kept nodding, and sure enough, he still wanted to make it easier.

He originally thought that while he was monitoring the Xiao family's team, at most the Xiao family was watching over him.

Unexpectedly, it was the Kong family who did this, and I didn't even notice it at all.

If the Xiao family moves and the Kong family's ordinary armament moves when he starts his own operation tomorrow, he will face a situation where one family fights two, and the Longyan team will not be finished.

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