Qin Lie was a little scared even thinking about it.

If it hadn't been for the evidence that Gu Chen killed Kong Yuntian today, maybe the Longyan team would have been wiped out when they moved tomorrow night.

"What about the Su family?" Qin Lie asked again, "What mission does the Su family have?"

Kong Zhaohui is not very clear about this.

He said: "The only arrangement I know of the Su family is to cooperate with the Xiao family's armed forces to enter the field during security. As for how to use the Su family's own armed forces, Henry Zhang and Su Donghai did not mention it on their faces. "

Qin Lie also believed this.

According to Xiao Mei's way of doing things, if you want to use them, you will definitely give them poor information and will not let them communicate casually.

In fact, even after chatting with Kong Zhaohui, Qin Lie's knowledge is limited.

How many people will enter the Xiao family tomorrow, when these people will start, and where they will be distributed, I don't know.

Qin Lie touched the back of his head, thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "By the way, if you are asked to take a look at part of the security of Su's house tomorrow night, it should be fine."

Kong Zhaohui thought for a while before saying, "That's not my task. If I go there suddenly, I will inevitably be suspicious."

Qin Lie said: "But you are still a member of their alliance after all, so they won't be so suspicious of your own people."

"As long as you pretend you didn't see me today." Qin Lie added.

After listening to Kong Zhaohui, he hesitated and said: "I can only say that it should be possible, but I am not sure, I can only try."

"Ok!" Qin Lie said, "Then try your best to get to the security of an entrance as much as possible."

"What are you doing?" Kong Zhaohui asked.

Qin Lie said without concealment, "I also have a team that is going to come in with weapons."

"Your team?" Kong Zhaohui's eyes showed disdain, "Just your Longyan team?"

"It's not the Longyan Squad." Qin Lie said, "It's a team with similar combat power as the mysterious force Henry Zhang showed you..."

Kong Zhaohui's eyes were full of disbelief: "You also have such a team, what are you kidding??"

Qin Lie said: "Like Henry Zhang's team, it is not convenient to disclose the origin of this team, but I do have it."

Kong Zhaohui shook his head: "Impossible, how could there be such a team in this world."

"You haven't seen the combat effectiveness of that team at all. Let me tell you, since you know that the Xiao family is going to start tomorrow, the best way is to not let the leadership of the family go to the competition venue tomorrow, and be tough with that team. It's absolutely impossible."

Qin Lie knew exactly what kind of team he was up against.

He said firmly: "You believe me, I have really seen the team you mentioned, and it is impossible for me not to go there tomorrow, and it is impossible for the Xiao family not to do it."

"Since the Xiao family thinks that tomorrow is the best time to deal with us, it is also the best time to lead him out and kill him. I won't give up this opportunity."

As soon as these words were finished, Kong Zhaohui fell silent.

It was only then that he noticed that Qin Lie was really unusual.

When other people heard that the Xiao family was going to make a move, and they had an incredible team in their hands, the first thing they thought about was to avoid colliding with the Xiao family as much as possible.

But he is not.

His first thought was not to avoid its edge, his first thought was to lead the snake out of the hole, and then kill the Xiao family in turn!

Where did he get his confidence from?

Just looking at Qin Lie's determined look, it doesn't seem like a joke.

"Okay." Kong Zhaohui finally responded and said, "I will try my best to try. If I can't get that security position, I can't help it."

"Well." Qin Lie also said, "Try it, I really need the distribution of their armed forces tomorrow night, so that I can make a targeted layout."

"Yes." Kong Zhaohui said.

"If from today to tomorrow, there are any other trends and news from the Xiao family, I also need you to communicate with me in time." Qin Lie added.

He didn't look at Kong Zhaohui's attitude very eagerly, and finally reminded: "Kong Zhaohui, now I want to engage in the Su family, and you also want to engage in the Su family, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, stop playing tricks on me. "

Kong Zhaohui sighed heavily, and finally said: "I know what you think, don't worry, this time the great family will not backstab you, I will tell you if there is any information, you don't have to worry about it."

With Kong Zhaohui's assurance, Qin Lie was relieved.

In order to facilitate timely communication, Qin Lie and Kong Zhaohui even left contact information for each other.

This is absolutely impossible to happen before today.

After doing this, Qin Lie left the villa in a hurry, and went out through the back door over the wall, in order not to attract the attention of the Xiao family.

After leaving Xiao's house, Qin Lie didn't stop, and a call was made to Guan Hai's mobile phone.

He told Guan Hai on the phone that he wanted to see Xuanyuan Hao, and told everything he knew about the Xiao family's actions.

Guan Hai was also very strong, and he invited Xuanyuan Hao out that afternoon, which was still the small teahouse before.

In the teahouse, Qin Lie told Xuanyuan Hao about all the arrangements.

He also emphasized telling Xuanyuan Hao that Xiao Mei's biggest goal this time was the Xuanyuan family. When he entered the arena tomorrow, he must arrange enough experts around to ensure the safety of himself and Li Caiying.

I communicated with Xuanyuan Hao about some details of the action, and hoped that Xuanyuan Wei would cooperate with the action.

After saying this, Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Hao didn't stay for long, Qin Lie left after about half an hour.

When leaving, Qin Lie was touched by one thing.

When he was about to say goodbye temporarily because of other preparations, Xuanyuan Hao stopped him from behind.

At that time, Xuanyuan Hao only said one sentence.

He said: "Child... be careful with everything..."

Qin Lie's heart trembled violently.

It's been a long time since I heard such concern.

Since grandpa passed away, few people care about his safety any more. Even Situ Xuan will only help him solve the trouble by himself.

This kind of psychological comfort has never existed.

Qin Lie didn't know how to respond for a while, and finally smiled bitterly, without looking back, he replied, "You too."

Just such a simple conversation, this is actually a father and son, but the old man and the young man who failed to break through the estrangement just said goodbye.

Qin Lie can't take care of that much. The only thing he wants to do now is to do things well for tomorrow.

As long as the Xiao family is eradicated tomorrow, then their family can live together in an upright manner.

After doing this, Qin Lie quickly left the teahouse and returned to Shijia Village.

That night, he called Shentu Aoshi, Han Shiyu, Tang Hongxiao, Murong Huanyu and others together again to discuss the countermeasures collectively.

Each of them has their armed forces ready and ready to go before the day ends.

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