When Xuanyuan Tianci walked out of Li Caiying's room, his eyes were wet, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

He was sincere.

In fact, every word he just said in front of Li Caiying was true.

He is very grateful for Li Caiying's nurturing grace over the years, and he also regards Li Caiying as a mother from the bottom of his heart.

It's just a pity, the position is different, he is the Xiao family at heart.

At the same time, he was also controlled by Henry Zhang and had to do what Henry Zhang wanted.

He just told Li Caiying a lie, that is, what he did was sorry for them, not to fight Qin Lie in the ring.

Rather, a chronic poison had been administered to the tea just now.

This poison was brought here by Xiao Meite, and the average doctor could not find it at all. The delay of this poison is twelve hours.

It was eight o'clock in the morning, which meant that at eight o'clock in the evening, Li Caiying would be poisoned, and even if Hua Tuo was alive, she would not be able to save her.

The moment Li Caiying drank the tea, he had already done this sorry for them.

Xuanyuan Tianci personally sent this adoptive mother who had raised him for 27 years to Huangquan Road.

Xuanyuan Tianci was still human after all, and he had a minimum conscience in his heart.

So after doing this, his heart was tingling, and the tears were helpless.

Everything will end today, and the grievances that have been indulged for 30 years will end today.

With strong guilt, Xuanyuan Tianci returned to his room, and after a short period of cleaning, he left the hotel, not knowing where he went.

At about half past eight, Xuanyuan Hao finished his practice and returned to his room.

Seeing him come back, Li Caiying told Xuanyuan Hao that Xuanyuan Tianci had just come to her to serve tea and said a bunch of inexplicable things.

Li Caiying didn't know Xuanyuan Tianci's identity at all, but Xuanyuan Hao knew it for a long time.

After hearing these things, he frowned, very strange.

He heard that Xuanyuantian gave Li Caiying a toast, and Li Caiying drank it.

Xuanyuan Hao raised a caution for a while, and called the family doctor over to examine Li Caiying's body.

But in the end, the doctor came to the conclusion that Li Caiying was all right and there was nothing abnormal.

Only then did Xuanyuan Hao let go.

However, what is the significance of Xuanyuan Tianci coming here to serve tea inexplicably?

I don't understand, but after confirming that Li Caiying was in good health and instructing her not to walk around freely today and pay attention to safety, Xuanyuan Hao also quickly left the hotel.

Li Caiying was also surprised by Xuanyuan Hao's performance.

Why is this father and son so wrong today.


As for Qin Lie, he had already done almost the preparatory work yesterday.

Today he was waiting for seven o'clock in the evening.

During the process, I have been paying attention to the movements of the Xiao family's armed forces, and it is very strange that the Xiao family's armed forces are actually very calm, and none of them have moved.

Qin Lie also did one more thing during the day, he made a phone call.

This phone call informed a person who was in Longcheng. Qin Lie asked him to come over within today, but the other side hesitated for a long time before agreeing.

In this way, the whole day, which was difficult and oppressive, was finally passed.

6:30 pm, half an hour before today's game...

The cloud had been suppressed for a whole day, and finally broke out ten minutes ago.

The heavy rain poured down, and the rain curtain was full of the sky, casting a shadow on this huge city.

The rain was so loud that the raindrops on the ground fell like rolling balls. If people didn't speak loudly face to face, they would easily be engulfed by the sound of rain.

The venue is the same venue.

There are a total of four entrances to the venue, south, east, north and west, and the security personnel are already in place at this time.

There are two families in charge of security for a few days, one is the Murong family of the host, and the other is the Su family who helps to share the pressure of the staff.

Every spectator entering the venue must go through a triple security check.

One is metal detection, and the second is dangerous goods detection, both of which are machine inspections.

If you pass these two levels, there is a manual inspection in the last level.

After all, the family competition was forced to be official, and the original intention of holding it was not to want anyone to make trouble in the venue.

It's just that this incident also gave Qin Lie and the Xiao family a loophole to exploit.

The Su family and the Xiao family are united, and the people from the Xiao family want to bring weapons into the field, so they go through the two openings of the Su family.

People from Qin Lie's side had to go through the two openings of Murong's house if they wanted to bring weapons into the arena.

Therefore, the security here is actually useless.

However, it is not completely useless.

Around 6:30, Su Donghai stood behind his people with his hands behind his back, watching the entire security work to ensure that those who should be put in can be put in, and those who shouldn't be put away.

Su Donghai's eyes were like torches, and although his expression was calm, his heart had long since been turbulent.

Because he knew that there was going to be a big commotion tonight.

If all goes well, his revenge for killing his son will be avenged, and at the same time, the Su family will be able to join the first-tier super family from now on, leaving other families far behind.

This is a great achievement he has never thought of since he inherited the patriarch.

So at this time, Su Donghai's eyes were full of eagerness.

It seems that he has seen the bright future of the Su family.

At about this time, another person came to Su Donghai and came over to greet him naturally.

"Old Su, how is it, do you still lack manpower in this place?"

The person who came was none other than Kong Zhaohui, the parent of the Kong family.

Su Donghai saw him and felt strange.

But he didn't react much, and he said with his hands behind his back, "Kong Zhaohui, why are you running here if you don't stay where you should be?"

Kong Zhaohui laughed: "My task is too simple, and now Qin Lie's people have no movement. They are bored. Come and have a look."

Su Donghai said: "It's not necessary, I only have two security checks at the entrance, and I have enough people. Besides, I set a secret code with Henry Zhang yesterday, you don't know, you can't do it even if I give it to you. "

Kong Zhaohui said in a low voice, "Then why don't you just tell me the secret code?"

"It's better not to." Su Donghai said, "It's better for us to each perform our own duties and go their own way. It's easy to get into trouble."

Kong Zhaohui did not panic, and continued: "We are all allies now, why are you still so wary."

Su Donghai hissed in a low voice, squinting his eyes and looking at Kong Zhaohui.

"Kong Zhaohui, why do you feel a little wrong today?"

"Is there?" Kong Zhaohui pretended not to know anything.

Prevarication: "Maybe there is too much to do today, I am too excited."

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