"Just think about it, if we succeed this time, we will become the top two in several aristocratic families, and we won't have to look at anyone in the future!"

Su Donghai was horrified when he heard what Kong Zhaohui said.

In a low voice, "Kong Zhaohui, what's wrong with you? Can you talk nonsense about these things here? What if others hear it?"

Kong Zhao said innocently, "It's just the two of us here, who else can hear it?"

Su Donghai was speechless, hated him and said, "Anyway, don't mention these things."

"Okay, then you'll have no problem with me standing here to play, right?" Kong Zhaohui said again.

For some reason, Su Donghai always felt that there was something wrong with Kong Zhaohui today.

But what is the specific problem, Su Donghai can't say.

Maybe it's really like what he said, because things are too exciting tonight.

"You stand, you stand whatever you want!" Su Donghai didn't bother to argue with him.

After saying this, Su Donghai withdrew and left.

Kong Zhaohui looked at the figure of Su Donghai leaving, the corner of his mouth raised, his goal was achieved.

He came to the security checkpoint of Su's house, beeping for so long, naturally he had his purpose.

He just wants to stay here to see who is going in and out of the security check here.

If he sees an abnormal person, he will write down the person and find a way to notify Qin Lie.

This is the layout of those armed forces that Qin Lie wants.

In addition to this opening, the other entrance also has people from his Confucius family.

It means that every person who enters through the security gate in charge of the Su family must pass through his eyes.

This can slowly figure out the specific layout of the Xiao family in the venue.

After finishing this, Kong Zhaohui took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qin Lie.

The content is simple: in place, there are suspicious people and I will tell you their location in time.

On Qin Lie's side, after receiving the news, he immediately responded to him and said, "Okay, hard work.

Qin Lie himself was also preparing some things. Ming Hui led the ancient army under the second master, Qin Lie had already brought them into the venue.

When they walked through the security checkpoint of Murong's house, they all brought in the weapons they were best at using.

Each of them wore masks and hats to prevent their peers from recognizing the ancient army under Xiao Mei.

However, their positions have not been fixed yet. The specific positions need to wait for Kong Zhaohui to confirm the position of the Xiao family's team before Qin Lie can make specific arrangements.

Outside the venue, the Longyan Squad, the Cape family, Logan, and Sakurako Aoi have all been transferred to a place less than five kilometers away from the venue to stand by.

If there is a problem at the venue, they can gather to support at any time.

But what was strange to him was that none of the ordinary armed and mercenary teams of the Xiao family that he had sent Jiang Lei to stare at had any movement.

This made him groan in his heart.

What does it mean?

The Xiao family has found so many teams to come, aren't they ready to start?

Or do they feel that just relying on the Gu family army in their hands is enough to cope with today's scene?

Qin Lie didn't understand, but he still didn't dare to neglect, and still told Jiang Lei and the others to stare at him.

In addition to these, what Qin Lie has to prepare for is tonight's competition.

In the semi-finals, he appeared as the first person to start again, and his opponent was Xuanyuan Tianci, who was the first in Group B.

Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci have played against each other not once or twice.

Basically every time they play, the two of them are almost tied.

However, according to the information in hand, Qin Lie knew that Xuanyuan Tianci was essentially a member of the Xiao family, and even Xiao Xingyao could accept the transformation and his growth was amazing. Maybe Xuanyuan Tianci would be the same.

So he did not dare to neglect.

Before preparing to take the stage, Situ Xuan was still admonishing him.

He said: "Today the Xiao family is going to close the net, and you are on the Xiao family's must-kill list again. Xuanyuan Tianci is likely to kill you directly in the ring."

"You remember, you can fight if you can, but if you can't get down, you even have to prepare to deal with other off-field opponents besides Xuanyuan Tianci, such as Xiao Yuanshan..."

"But don't worry, as long as people outside the field dare to take action, Old Man Qiu and I will not stand by and watch. You do your best and don't be brave."

Qin Lie nodded, everything under control.

He reassured Situ Xuan: "Master, this Xuanyuan Tianci wants to kill me in the ring, why don't I want to kill him in the ring, I have too many accounts with him that need to be settled, don't worry, I have my measure."

It doesn't even count that Xuanyuan Tian gave him the throne of Xuanyuan family's first son, making him unable to be with his biological parents.

Even the subsequent conflicts and Wen Jing's death were enough for Qin Lie to kill him.

In the ring tonight, there will be no end to death.

Qin Lie said that he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

No matter how the situation develops, one Xuanyuan Tianci, one Xiao Xingyao, one Henry Zhang, one Xiao Yuanshan, these four people, he needs his life!

At around 6:50, Kong Zhaohui sent a distribution map over.

The picture had the location code of the entire venue, and some of the locations were circled in red by him. These locations were what Kong Zhaohui saw and the people from the Xiao family sat after entering the arena.

Qin Lie sent this picture to Minghui because he was about to take the stage.

Minghui, as the team leader of the Gu Family Army, has experienced hundreds of battles, and he should be able to deal with these situations at his fingertips.

Qin Lie doesn't have to worry so much either.

Now Qin Lie's main energy is still on the showdown with Xuanyuan Tianci.

There were many spectators outside, and many people still knew the situation tonight, and they were all looking forward to the fateful confrontation between Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci.

It was raining heavily outside, but it did not affect the enthusiasm of the audience in the venue at all.

The host in charge of the atmosphere of the scene mobilized the atmosphere of the scene through an opening remark and emotional mobilization, and the cheers of the crowd almost overturned the ceiling of the venue.

After a few minutes of heat, the host outside finally called their names.

"Next, let's invite our first semi-finalists to enter the field!"

"Young Junjie from the Tang family, Qin Lie, and, our Xuanyuan family's proud son, Xuanyuan Tianci!!!"

For a paragraph, the sound waves outside are stronger.

When Qin Lie walked into the arena from the entrance of the stadium, he felt that his eardrums were about to be deafened.

After the two came to the stage, the atmosphere at the scene was even more prosperous.

As opponents, Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci were both much calmer.

Standing on the ring, the two were two meters apart, Xuanyuan Tianci only asked Qin Lie.

"Are you ready to die?"

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