Looking at the entire venue, Gu Chen's personal strength, even if you count the Gu family army or Situ Xuan, is a first-class ceiling.

His speed is very fast, from the stand to the venue, from the venue to the ring, there is only one afterimage in the whole process.

After the afterimage, he was already in front of Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was still concentrating on dealing with Xuanyuan Tianci, when Gu Chen punched Qin Lie in the chest.

If Qin Lie was hit hard, his whole body flew out.

About five meters in the air, he smashed heavily on the ring.

His chest was in turmoil, and his blood and energy were disturbed by Gu Chen's punch.

Fortunately, after strengthening, the physical quality has also risen to a new level. This punch did not cause fatal damage to him. After adjusting for ten seconds, he climbed up on the ground.

Looking at Gu Chen from a distance, Gu Chen is also watching him from a distance.

Qin Lie's mouth twitched and he smiled, "I can't help it anymore, I thought you were going to watch me kill him."

Gu Chen's answer had nothing to do with Qin Lie's words.

He grinned: "I'm sorry, it's not him, but you!"

"So are you going to do it yourself?" Qin Lie asked.

Gu Chen still answered him with ambiguous words: "How many tricks do you think you can withstand me without dying?"

The meaning of the words is very clear, he is going to kill.

Qin Lie narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, "I want to try it!"

There are still people who don't understand the progress of the situation. The referee below saw Gu Chen suddenly rushing to the stage, stood up and said sternly: "Hey, this gentleman, what are you doing, it's a big competition now, please don't disturb the order of the venue. !"

But how can Gu Chen have such a good temper.

After listening to what the referee said, he didn't turn his head, just waved his left hand casually.

One of his daggers flew out of his cuff, very fast, and went directly into the referee's throat without the referee reacting at all.

The referee clutched his neck, and the blood could not stop seeping out.

After the trachea was pierced, he couldn't even utter a word.

He watched Gu Chen helplessly, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, unable to rest his eyes.

There were many ordinary people from the family in the venue. Seeing this scene, they all screamed in shock.

The venue suddenly became a mess, and the entire auditorium moved.

In the direction of Gu Chen, he grinned, he liked a confident person like Qin Lie the most.

Gu Chen has met many opponents in his life. Except for those old things from the Gu family, among his peers, no one is his opponent, not one!

There is no one who can even get a little closer to him!

This is not blind confidence, this is absolute strength crushing.

When his strength surpasses all his peers, he has no way to be unconfident.

It is difficult, after all, it has not met an opponent for more than 20 years.

Qin Lie is just one of the many ants he has dealt with.

Licking his tongue, Gu Chen took out another dagger from the other hand, then disappeared in the air and launched an attack.

Yes, that's right, Gu Chen has disappeared from the air.

His speed has reached this level, so fast that it can exceed the maximum frame rate that the human eye can accept.

Where does the average person have such a level.

And this time, Qin Lie was a little flustered when he saw it for the first time.

This has surpassed Qin Lie's cognition.

If the speed is so fast, I am afraid that I will fly to the back and stab myself without realizing it.

For a while, Qin Lie looked around, wondering which direction Gu Chen would start from.

Suddenly, Qin Lie's corner of the light glanced, Gu Chen's figure appeared from his left, and a knife cut through the sky and slashed at his neck.

The speed of his hands is still extremely fast, too fast to be beyond Qin Lie's response range.

Even if he already has the strengthening level, he is still like fish under Gu Chen's knife. Qin Lie knows that Gu Chen's move will not be able to withstand it.


The knife goes into the throat, and it is definitely over!

Qin Lie groaned in his heart, feeling that his life had come to an end.

Just at this moment, someone appeared.

He also flashed from the arena to the arena at a speed that was too fast to be seen by the naked eye, and his arrival time was almost the same as Gu Chen's arrival time.

With a knife in his hand, he picked it up on Gu Chen's dagger, and it flew out for Gu Chen.

Immediately after, he kicked Gu Chen on the chest, and he kicked Gu Chen two meters away.

Gu Chen was blocked, and his eyes showed inconceivable.

He never imagined that in this venue, there were still people who could tie him or even beat him back.

It was not until he stood still to see who the other party was, that Gu Chen suddenly realized.

"Oh it's you."

Situ Xuan put his hands behind his back, looked at Gu Chen, and said in a low voice, "It seems that you have noticed me too."

Gu Chen smiled: "There are no more than three people who can fight with me in the whole venue. You are one of them, but if you want to fight me, you are almost talking, and you want to die for your apprentice?"

Situ Xuan said with a nonchalant smile, "I'm already seventy years old, and I don't want to die. I won't know if I'm an opponent or not."

"Have a backbone." Gu Chen said, "Then I'll show you the difference between the Gu family and you."

Qin Lie first breathed a sigh of relief when Situ Xuan came to power.

I just thought that Situ Xuan, who was standing in front of him, was so handsome.

However, he was still very worried, and whispered to Situ Xuan, "Master, this kid does have a little way, you have to be careful."

Situ Xuan said calmly, "I don't need you to remind me when I fight, boy, this person is handed over to me, you can do what you want to do."

"Okay!" Qin Lie didn't try too hard, after all, he was a burden to Situ Xuan here.

Gu Chen is just one of them to deal with, the most important ones are Henry Zhang and Xiao Mei on stage.

He said yes, then turned over and stepped off the stage.

Gu Chen's riot in the ring completely ruined today's program.

And Henry Zhang in the stands, seeing Gu Chen's shot, also sounded the horn of today's attack.

Henry Zhang gave two orders in the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Xiao Gan, lead someone to block all the entrances to the venue, and everyone in the venue, don't let a single one go!"

"Xiao Yi, it's time to bring someone to control the scene!!"



The two orders went down, and two voices came from the opposite side of the walkie-talkie.

Then, wow! Whoa, whoa!

The rolling shutters around the venue were all put down, and the Xiao family's team stood by, armed with submachine guns, in groups of ten, guarding all exits.

At the same time, in the auditorium of the venue, there were also people from the Xiao family who stood up. They opened their auditorium and even pulled out different types of guns from below and aimed them at everyone present.

The atmosphere at the scene was at the highest point.

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