The scene was already messy enough because Gu Chen's shot killed a referee.

At this time, the Xiao family took out guns to block all exits, and even a large number of gunmen appeared in the audience.

The ordinary members of those families were all terrified.

The gunmen scolded and said loudly: "Be honest, sit for me, put your head in your hands, dare to move, and smash your heads!"

"Don't move at all, and then shout to send you to Lord Yama."

The gunmen roared, and the surrounding voices were suddenly suppressed again.

Standing under the ring, Qin Lie noticed the movement in the stands, and his heart moved.

Immediately, he sent a voice to Kong Zhaohui.

"Kong Zhaohui, didn't you say that only people with cold weapons came in? What's the matter with so many people with guns?"

Kong Zhaohui began to stare at those people entering at the security checkpoint.

He said that the people who entered through the opening were basically cold weapons, which meant that they were basically people from the ancient army.

Gu Jiajun was good at using cold weapons, so Qin Lie only noticed that group of people.

But now there are so many gunmen in the stands, and the number is not in the minority. This is definitely not within his budget.

Kong Zhaohui immediately said, "I don't know either. Those who just passed the security check were indeed carrying only cold weapons. I didn't see any guns carried by one person. These guns were obviously not brought in from the security check."

After this paragraph was finished, Kong Zhaohui added: "I saw that their guns were all taken out from under the seats, and it is estimated that they should have been prepared to put them here. It's totally hard to say."

Qin Lie slammed a fist into his palm, a little annoyed.

He really didn't expect the Xiao family to do this, it should have been prepared from a long time ago.

Bring those guns in before today's game and figure out a way to hide under the seat.

All they need to do is find the location of the gun, and today's people can walk in swaggeringly.

Suddenly so many gunmen appeared, and the initiative was suddenly out of his hands.

Qin Lie immediately sent a message to Jiang Lei and asked him, "Jiang Lei, how are you doing? Are there still people from the Xiao family who you are monitoring?"

Jiang Lei quickly responded: "brother lie, everyone here is still there, and I haven't seen any action from the Xiao family."

Then this is completely strange. The people from the Xiao family did not move. At this time, where did the people in the stadium come from.

It seemed that the Xiao family was more prepared than they thought.

After thinking for a while, Qin Lie immediately gave Jiang Lei another order: "Jiang Lei, don't worry about those people outside, you bring people to my side first, something has happened here."

"Okay!" Jiang Lei didn't ask more, and quickly said, "Is everyone here?"

"Yes, everyone." Qin Lie nodded.

There was no way to talk any more. After explaining this, Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu quickly found a safe place to hide - right at the feet of Minghui and the other two members of the ancient army.

At this time, I am afraid that only close to Minghui and the others can ensure safety.

Fortunately, Su Xiaoxiao and the others did not let Qin Lie come over today. They were all combat members under his command, so they were better commanders.

When Qin Lie called, the gunmen of the Xiao family suppressed the entire scene.

Even Xuanyuanwei's people, because they don't have guns in their hands, can't fight against the Xiao family's gunmen at this moment.

After all, not everyone has the perverted physique of Gu Jiajun.

At this point in time, the entire venue seemed to be under the control of the Xiao family.

Henry Zhang saw this with a happy expression on his face, and laughed involuntarily.

Then, together with Xiao Xingyao, he walked down from the stand and walked all the way to the middle of the venue.

He is in the middle, other people are around, he seems to be the center of the world at this time.

After reaching this position, he picked up the microphone used by the host, patted the microphone, cleared his throat, looked around, and turned around.

"Dear colleagues and seniors of the aristocratic family, how are you, do you still like today's gift?"

"You know, my Xiao family has prepared this gift for you for many months."

After all, there were still people at the scene who didn't know that this was the masterpiece of the Xiao family.

After seeing Henry Zhang clearly, the older generation of those aristocratic families suddenly became furious.

Pointing at Henry Zhang and roaring: "Henry Zhang, it's actually you!"

"You bastard, what do you want to do?"

"This is the grand competition of aristocratic families, the most sacred occasion between aristocratic families. What do you want to do when you bring your people to the venue?"

"Okay!" Henry Zhang sneered, "The big family, this rotten thing should have been cancelled a long time ago, what's the big deal, you are not the ancestors of my Xiao family, what qualifications do you have to point at me? "

These people were very displeased with Henry Zhang's arrogance and continued to scold.

"Henry Zhang, you are so daring, do you still want to fight against the other seven great families with the power of one family?"

"You have violated the ban, and after today, you will be surrounded and suppressed by the other seven great families!"

"Your Xiao family will die without a place to die because of your stupid behavior."

Henry Zhang listened and sneered, pretending that the people above were farting.

"After today?" He sneered, "Can you make it through today and talk to me about the conditions."

"I'm dead without a place to be buried? Let's see who is in control now?"

Seeing that Henry Zhang was determined to make trouble, others angrily said, "Henry Zhang, what exactly do you want to do?"


Henry Zhang said: "The pattern of the eight great families has existed for too long. There are so many families in just one Huaxia, there is no need!"

"Huaxia needs a super family, but only one super family, and this family is my Xiao family."

The others finally understood what Henry Zhang meant, and said angrily: "You want to destroy other families, and one family is the only one?"

"Haha." Henry Zhang sneered, "Your understanding ability is really strong, and I finally figured out my purpose."

"You will surely die without a burial!"

"Henry Zhang, you, and your Xiao family, all have to die."

"The background of the seven major families can be eaten by your Xiao family?"

“Henry Zhang, go to your Spring and Autumn White Dream!”

Everyone angrily rebuked Henry Zhang, but Henry Zhang didn’t take it to heart at all.

He whispered: "Whether it can be done, let's see the real chapter under our hands!"

Having said that, Henry Zhang waved to Xiao Yi, who was in charge of the order in the field, and said casually: "Xiao Yi, bring down your nearest Han family head, I want to discuss something with him."

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