The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1815 Killing One To Set An Example


Xiao Yi got the order and quickly shot.

Because next to him is Han Jichang, the head of the Han family, and Xiao Yi holds the gun in his hand, so he is going to arrest Han Jichang.

After all, Han Jichang is also the head of the Han family.

The Han family has a very large position in the system. Han Qi, as the second child of the family, is also the deputy director of the Kyushu Bureau.

Nor are they soft persimmons.

Qin Lie informed them yesterday that there would be a change in the Xiao family, and Han Jichang actually had a lot of experts beside him.

Xiao Yi came to arrest Han Jichang, instantly igniting their anger.

The masters around Han Jichang suddenly stood up and prepared to fight against Xiao Yi.

There were about a dozen people around Han Jichang, and the leader stood up and pointed at Xiao Yi and said, "What do you want to do, you can also move the people of the Han family?"

Although the bodyguards of the Han family were all shirtless, they didn't seem to be afraid of Xiao Yi at all.

Xiao Yi's side was even more violent. They relied on the crowd. Seeing that the bodyguards of the Han family wanted to resist, all the gunmen in the surrounding area surrounded them.

In an instant, dozens of guns were aimed at the heads of these bodyguards.

It has been said that ordinary bodyguards are definitely not the opponents of bullets.

If they were bare-handed, the Xiao family would not necessarily be their opponent, but at this time Xiao Yi's people had guns, and the bodyguards of the Han family still had to respect them.

Han Jichang didn't want to see his subordinates sacrifice for him for no reason. When his bodyguard was about to fight the other side, he grabbed his subordinate's shoulder and whispered.

"Okay Tang Cheng, you step back and let me see what his Xiao family is going to do."

Tang Cheng, the bodyguard here, said angrily: "Patriarch, what's there to see, today's Xiao family's wolf ambitions, you will definitely be in danger when you go down, Patriarch, let us do it with him!"

"Yes, Patriarch, even if they have guns, we are not afraid at all. If they want to move you, they must step on our bodies."

Han Jichang sympathized with his subordinates, shook his head and said, "It's all a senseless sacrifice, step back, I'm the patriarch, don't get your identity wrong."

"Patriarch!" Tang Cheng wanted to stop him.

But Han Jichang angrily reprimanded: "Retreat!"

After that, Tang Cheng finally calmed down, and after saying yes, Tang Cheng finally let the people around him go down.

As for Han Jichang, he walked up alone, followed behind Xiao Yi, and followed by two Xiao family members.

The three escorted Han Jichang and came to Henry Zhang.

Henry Zhang and Han Jichang looked at each other, Han Jichang was neither humble nor arrogant, so he looked at Henry Zhang like that.

In terms of identity, Henry Zhang is just the patriarch of the super family, and he is also the patriarch of the super family.

Two people have equal status, Han Jichang does not need to be humble.

Henry Zhang’s face was full of smirks, he looked at Han Jichang with a smile and said, “Brother Han, are you okay recently?”

However, Han Jichang told him directly: "Henry Zhang, see you every day after the family competition. You don't know if I'm okay. What do you want to do, you might as well say it directly."

"it is good!"

Henry Zhang pretended to applaud, and said: "I like your straightforward character like you, since you want to solve the problem, I will directly say my request."

"How, do you want to live?" Henry Zhang asked Han Jichang.

Han Jichang's brows moved, but he didn't panic.

He whispered, "You want to kill me?"

Henry Zhang spread his hands: “I have such a big battle today, there is nothing I dare not do.”

Han Jichang continued: "Then why don't you talk about your conditions."

Henry Zhang quickly said: "It's very simple, if you want to survive, if you want your Han family to continue, first, half of your Han family's assets must be turned over to my Xiao family."

"From now on, your Han family will become an affiliated family of my Xiao family. When you Han Jichang see me Henry Zhang, you will kneel down and call the family head. From generation to generation, it will never change!"

Henry Zhang’s words spread through the loudspeaker to the entire venue.

This sentence caused an uproar at the scene.

Everyone simply felt that their ears had heard it wrong.

"Damn, isn't his request too much!"

"Who gave him confidence in the end?"

"Eternal life will become his Xiao family's affiliated family, can you think of this?"

"The Han family's weight in the system is so heavy, even if Han Jichang agrees, Mr. Hua cannot agree."

"The Xiao family is fighting against Mr. Hua!"

Everyone thought it was incredible, Henry Zhang’s words were ridiculous.

And Henry Zhang listened and smiled.

Could Mr. Hua's factor be taken into account?

If it was in the past, Henry Zhang would definitely be afraid of Mr. Hua, but now, he is really not afraid of Mr. Hua.

Why, because Mr. Hua is also afraid of the Gu family.

The Gu family is China's Dinghaishenzhen!

Xiao Mei's status in the Gu family is not low, and this is Henry Zhang's confidence.

Moreover, as long as he can deal with today's affairs, cook raw rice, and raise his status to the highest level, even if Mr. Hua has an opinion, I am afraid he will not dare to say it.

On the side of Han Jichang, looking at Henry Zhang with indifference, Gu Jing has no waves.

"Do you think this proposal is realistic?" he said.

Henry Zhang said: "Brother Han, maybe you misunderstood what I mean, I am not discussing with you, I am telling you the conditions of your life."

"Do it, you live, if you can't do it, you die!"

The corner of Han Jichang's eyes finally twitched, because he was not sure if what Henry Zhang said was true or not.

There is no one in this world who is not afraid of death, especially someone in a high position like him. If he dies, it will not be just him, but the entire Han family.

But the ancestors' ancestral training made him unable to sell the interests of the Han family.

After thinking for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, I can't agree to this condition."

"Ha ha……"

Henry Zhang listened, spread his hands, and looked helpless.

For the last time, he only said three words: "I'm sorry."

After saying this, Henry Zhang suddenly took out a gun from his clothes, even a pistol that had been loaded for safety long ago.

He quickly took out his gun, aimed it at Han Jichang's forehead, and pulled the trigger without a pause!


Everyone only heard a crisp gunshot, and the bullet was fired from the muzzle, penetrated from Han Jichang's eyebrows, and shot out from the back of the head. The skull behind was shattered and fell to the ground.

One shot made the floor of the venue a mess, and Han Jichang's brain flowers were scattered on the ground.

Han Jichang's eyes were round to death, and he finally fell straight into a pool of blood, and was silent again.

Henry Zhang’s shot was too decisive.

He drew his gun, aimed it at Han Jichang, pulled the trigger, and everything was done in one go without any hesitation.

Not only Han Jichang didn't expect it, but also others at the scene.

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