Han Jichang!

The patriarch of the Han family of the eight great families!

It has absolute influence in the government system!

The second child, Han Qi, is in the Kyushu Bureau, and the third child, Han Pinming, is also a national-level cadre. The roots of the Han family are planted in the entire Longcheng ground.

If the Han family fell, at least hundreds of people on the national system would have to be replaced.

What are the consequences of this? ?

Henry Zhang was not afraid of such consequences at all, and directly attacked Han Jichang?

Everyone thinks that Henry Zhang called Han Jichang just to scare him a little, who would have thought that he actually did it!

Everyone took a deep breath, and then realized that Henry Zhang was not joking.

All the members of the Han family went crazy, from the elders of the family to the bodyguards of Han Jichang, they all ran wild when they saw that Han Jichang was shot and killed on the spot.

These people are crazy, the patriarch is dead, how can they control whether there are guns around.

A group of people left their seats like crazy and rushed to the floor of the field below.

“Henry Zhang, you son of a bitch with wolf ambition!”

“Henry Zhang, you dared to touch my head of the Han family after eating a bear-hearted leopard!”

"Dead thing, die for me!"

There were many kung fu masters present in the Han family, and some of the elders of the Han family were even at the level of Xiao Yuanshan.

They ran wild together, which really brought a lot of pressure to Xiao Yi's people.

These people moved forward one after another, almost breaking the blockade.

Henry Zhang was a little impatient when he saw this. Before today’s events started, he said that none of the patriarchs of the noble family, as well as the elders of the older generation, could stay.

Seeing how dishonest these people were, he didn't bother to talk nonsense.

Directly wave the order to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded and understood what Henry Zhang meant.

He also waved his hand to give an order to his men, and then, the guns of about thirty people behind the Han family were aimed at these people's bodies.

He gave an order, and dozens of guns were shot out one by one. In front, the Han family didn't even react, and they all fell to the floor in response.

The pieces fell down in pieces, very much like the massacres in the concentration camps during World War II.

The cleaning speed of bullets is extremely fast. These people cannot deal with bullets like Minghui, so they can only be annihilated in the hail of bullets.

The entire venue suddenly turned into a Shura field, and the corpse changed from one to dozens.

And even so, everyone still can't think of any way.

Gradually, everyone saw Henry Zhang's determination and knew that he could do anything today.

Most people are finally scared.

At first, there were still people who dared to stand up and point and complain, but now these people can only bow their heads and dare not respond.

For a time, the entire venue was silent, and a strong sense of depression filled everyone's heart.

The torrential rain outside was raging, but the sound of the violent rain was less than one-tenth of the storm inside the venue.

Henry Zhang was very satisfied with such a reaction, he stood arrogantly in the field, looked around, and said with a grin: "Very good, who else thinks I dare not do anything and want me to die without a burial place, stand up and say , I am very welcome."

Of course, no one dared to answer this sentence.

Henry Zhang was proud of this, and then his eyes began to flow again, and swept over the other members of the aristocratic family in the stands.

At the same time, he muttered: "This Han family has been dealt with, which family will be next?"

He was arrogant and felt like he was in control.

His eyes swept across the stands for a long time, and finally seemed to have finally made a decision.

He said: "It's better to have a little trouble, let's go straight to the main meal."

His eyes scanned, and finally he pointed at Xuanyuan Hao with his finger, and said in a normal tone, "Xuanyuan Hao, come down!"

not good!

When Qin Lie heard Henry Zhang calling Xuanyuan Hao, he knew that something was wrong, and Henry Zhang directly started to pan Xuanyuan’s house.

This is one of the biggest enemies of the Xiao family.

At the beginning, they were already so violent towards the Han family, and they didn't know what means they would use to deal with the Xuanyuan family.

But now Qin Lie can only be in a hurry even if he stays on the side, these people have too many guns.

If Minghui and the others deal with these gunmen, there may be no problem, but there is no guarantee that these gunmen will not harm other people.

In the same way, he has the Gu family army in his hand, and Xiao Mei also has the ancient family army in his hand.

The most urgent task now is to take back the initiative in the situation, so that we can have chips in the game.

Qin Lie was anxious and contacted Jiang Lei again.

"Jiang Lei, when will you be here?"

Jiang Lei picked up the phone and said loudly, "brother lie, it's raining too much today. We've tried our best to catch up. In five minutes at most, we'll..."

What Jiang Lei should want to say is that they can be there in five minutes at most.

It's just that before the sentence was finished, a gunshot suddenly sounded on the phone!


Bang bang bang!

chug chug! !

The gunshots seemed to come suddenly, followed by someone else shouting on the phone.

"Brother Lei, enemy attack, there is enemy attack!"

Jiang Lei responded immediately and informed Qin Lie on the phone: "Brother Lie, if there is a situation, let's not talk about it, I will bring the team over as soon as possible!"

Obviously, Jiang Lei was also attacked.

Qin Lie said quickly: "Okay, you handle it carefully."

But Jiang Lei hung up the phone before he could hear what he said.

Qin Lie put down the phone, and his heart sank again.

It seems that the Xiao family's preparations are better than expected.

Didn't it mean that the Xiao family troops who were monitoring did not move? Now there are a group of people at the venue, a group of people who intercepted Jiang Lei, and another group of people who were originally staying in the hotel. How much armed force did the Xiao family bring?

It was Kong Zhaohui and the others who originally arranged to block Jiang Lei. Now that Kong Zhaohui is already on the same front as himself, why are there still people blocking him?

Qin Lie was very puzzled and couldn't help sending a message to Kong Zhaohui: "Kong Zhaohui, did your people stop my people?"

Qin Lie thought about a lot of answers, but none of them matched the answers given by Kong Zhaohui.

What Kong Zhaohui said: "Things are more complicated. The group of people who are blocking you now are indeed my Kong family members, but this is not my inspiration."

Qin Lie frowned, completely stunned: "What do you mean?"

Kong Zhaohui said: "The captain of my armed forces is named Kong Mingyi. He is my cousin and half-brother of Kong Wei. Just now, he defected!"

"It means that it wasn't me who gave the order to intercept your team, it was Kong Mingyi. I can't control them now!"


Qin Lie first thought of this possibility.

Now that Kong Zhaohui is the head of the family, the order doesn't work, it must be that Kong Mingyi who took refuge in Henry Zhang.

The Kong family's armed forces did not listen to Kong Zhaohui's arrangement, but listened to Henry Zhang's, and the situation was ten thousand times more complicated!

Xiao Mei!

Qin Lie was terrified.

Xiao Mei, how many hands does this woman have left behind!

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