Qin Lie would never think that Henry Zhang could make these arrangements.

There is Xiao Mei beside Henry Zhang, which can only be Xiao Mei’s handwriting.

In this case, the Longyan team will not be able to arrive at the scene in a short time.

The only people he can hire now are Minghui's Gu family army team, a team of forty-seven people, plus the team he participated in the competition, and some armed forces from the Tang family.

Most importantly, none of these armed forces brought in guns, which is the biggest problem.

How can we get the initiative back in such a situation?

Qin Lie scratched his head, thinking about how to solve it.

It's just that the situation on the field continues, and this time Henry Zhang directly aimed at Xuanyuan Hao.

Xiao Yi in the stands, just as he did when dealing with Han Jichang, came to Xuanyuan Hao in the same way, and said to Xuanyuan Hao, "Parent Xuanyuan, please..."

Xuanyuan Hao narrowed his eyes, not moving a single trace.

Including Li Caiying also held his hand tightly and told him not to go over.

Who is Xuanyuan Hao, the patriarch of the Xuanyuan family, the leader of the highest family of the eight great aristocratic families in recent decades.

The Xuanyuan family's status today is inseparable from Xuanyuan Hao's contributions.

His chengfu is definitely the deepest among all the aristocratic clan leaders, how could Xiao Yi's threat make him emotionally fluctuated.

Listening to Xiao Yi's words, he completely ignored it, not even squinting his eyes.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Xiao Yi continued: "Patriarch Xuanyuan, can't you hear me? Our patriarch invites you to come down now, and I hope you can cooperate."

Xuanyuan Hao still had a calm expression, without any movement, his lips lightly opened, and two words came out from the bottom of his throat: "Take it!"

Ji Canghai has followed Xuanyuan Hao for many years, and many times he doesn't need to say so clearly to know what to do.

After Ji Canghai heard Xuanyuan Haotian's order, he approached Xiao Yi very quickly since the seat of the chair suddenly burst out.

The speed was so fast that Xiao Yi had no chance to react at all.

He rushed to Xiao Yi's side, flicked the gun in his hand, twisted it, unloaded it, and even took down Xiao Yi's gun and took it into his own hands.

At the same time, the other hand grabbed Xiao Yi's neck and slammed it down, and Xiao Yi was pressed down on the back of a chair. Then, the muzzle of the disarmed gun was aimed at Xiao Yi's temple.

The threat of the muzzle made Xiao Yi a lot more honest, and he raised his hands in horror.

Henry Zhang was shocked when he saw this picture.

Unexpectedly, the Xuanyuan family could organize an effective counterattack.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Henry Zhang ordered again to let the other gunmen in the surrounding quickly top it.

Still the same situation as the Han family, this one, dozens of guns surrounded the Xuanyuan family's head.

The atmosphere was tense again.

But the Xuanyuan family is not the Han family after all, and the name of the first family in the past few decades is not for nothing.

Xuanyuan Hao did not give in, and gave another order to Xuanyuan Wei next to him.

What kind of team is Xuanyuan Guard? All of them are the elite of the elite. Except for the perverted and outrageous team of the Gu Family Army, Xuanyuan Guard is No.1.

Many of their individual combat capabilities are above Qin Lie.

Whether it is melee combat or hot weapons, they are all mastered very skillfully.

Seeing all the gunmen from the Xiao family surrounded, none of the Xuanyuan Guards panicked. Just like Ji Canghai dealt with Xiao Yi, they rushed forward and dealt with one targetedly.

Get started, fight, disarm, all in one go.

Within ten seconds, all the guns in these people's hands were taken down, the muzzle was reversed, and it was aimed at the people of the Xiao family.

The situation was instantly reversed because of Xuanyuan Guard's powerful combat power.

Henry Zhang saw this and didn’t even react.

Ji Canghai asked Xuanyuanhao, "Patriarch, what should I do?"

Xuanyuan Hao sat in the center and said solemnly, "Kill!"

The indifferent speech, Xuanyuan Guards also executed quickly.

The command went down, and all the guns in Xuanyuanwei's hands spewed flames!

chug chug chug...

The bullets went out one by one, and this time it was the Xiao family's turn to be annihilated one by one.

Ten seconds later, all the gunmen surrounding Xuanyuan's house fell, leaving Xuanyuan Hao and his Xuanyuan Wei standing in that area.

This situation excited everyone, and they began to be suppressed for a long time. This was their first counterattack against the Xiao family today.

Some even cheered with excitement.

He applauded loudly: "Xuanyuan Hao, well done!"

"Okay, good kill!"

"Destroy these scumbags!"

"Let the beasts of the Xiao family have a good look, we are not so easy to bully!"

"Xuanyuanhao did a great job!"

The surrounding area was engulfed in a commotion for a while.

Henry Zhang’s face finally changed, his pupils dilated, unbelievable.

His biggest reliance before was that he had a gun, and everyone else didn't have one. What he didn't expect was that the Xuanyuan family disarmed all his guns.

How can this work!

He must be suppressed.

Immediately, Henry Zhang gave an order to all the surrounding gunmen: "Surround them all, don't let them get the position, surround me and kill them!"

For a while, all the gunmen in the entire venue moved again.

One by one, they all leaned near Xuanyuan Hao, armed with guns, and began to fight with Xuanyuan Wei.

Gunshots erupted in an instant, flames splashed everywhere, and the venue became a battlefield for a while.

Xuanyuanwei's people are really powerful, their number is far lower than the Xiao family's gunmen, but if they really do it, the Xiao family's gunmen can't help them.

Xuanyuan Wei formed a circle around Xuanyuan Hao, protecting Xuanyuan Hao and Li Caiying inside.

The quality of the Xiao family's gunmen was inferior to Xuanyuan Wei, and they began to die in large numbers.

And this situation is not what the Xiao family wants to see.

Xiao Mei is also the same, the gunmen have more important actions, they need to maintain the order of the entire venue.

If a lot of people die later, the other families in the entire venue will be violent, and the scene will be completely overwhelmed.

Xiao Mei will come to Henry Zhang's side.

Henry Zhang was very anxious, and asked Xiao Mei: "Can you let your subordinates take action."

The people under Xiao Mei are naturally the Gu family army.

This is their last secret weapon.

To eat Xuanyuan Wei, special armament like the Gu Family Army was necessary.

But Xiao Mei shook her head and said in a low voice, "No, it hasn't reached that level yet. You should let your people withdraw first."

Henry Zhang widened his eyes and said suspiciously: “It’s already like this, you still don’t plan to use your people.”

"Don't worry." Xiao Mei said calmly, "Xuanyuan Hao, I have other ways to deal with it, you just tell your people to retreat!"

Henry Zhang didn’t quite understand what Xiao Mei said.

But this younger sister's shrewdness is deeper than his, and she has more ideas than herself. She said that if there is a way, there must be a way.

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