According to Xiao Mei's meaning, Henry Zhang was in the walkie-talkie and asked all the gunmen who were fighting against Xuanyuan Wei to withdraw.

In that section of the stands, only the Xuanyuan family were left standing alone.

In the first round of battle, the venue became quiet again.

Seeing the situation subside, Xiao Mei came to the stand alone and looked at Xuanyuan Hao from a distance.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't like to talk, he just looked down at Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei opened her mouth first.

She said, "Xuanyuan Hao, are you sure you don't want to come down and negotiate?"

Xuanyuan Hao's eyes were like torches, and he was silent for a long time before saying, "I don't like being directed."

"Okay..." Xiao Mei's expression was relaxed, and she was even smiling, "You are still as rebellious as before."

I don't know if this is a compliment or a mockery.

After a pause, Xiao Meicai said again: "But today, you can come down if you want, and you can come down if you don't want to."

Xuanyuan Hao didn't move, but raised his eyelids, not knowing what Xiao Mei said.

And Xiao Mei didn't explain, she raised her hand and looked at her watch.

Finally said: "It's almost time, it's time to come."

Xuanyuan Hao still didn't understand Xiao Mei's meaning.

But at this moment, Li Caiying, who was staying by Xuanyuan Hao's side, suddenly grabbed Xuanyuan Hao's hand and said.

"Ahao, my chest hurts so much..."

Li Caiying's words caught Xuanyuanhao's attention, Xuanyuanhao frowned, took Li Caiying's shoulders, and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Caiying did not speak, but vomited out a mouthful of blood.

The blood was black, and it fell into the corridor under his feet, exuding a strong stench.

"It hurts!"

"Husband, I really hurt!"

For a while, Li Caiying lost her strength and fell into Xuanyuan Hao's arms.

Moreover, this loss of strength became more and more serious with the advancement of time, and in the end, I couldn't even speak.

Xuanyuan Hao panicked and didn't know what to do.

If there is someone in this world who can cause Xuanyuan Hao's mood swings, then that person must be Li Caiying.

Xuanyuan Hao loves Li Caiying too much.



Xuanyuan Hao shook Li Caiying's shoulders over and over again, hoping to wake Li Caiying.

But the harder he tried, the more weak Li Caiying felt, which he could never accept.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Hao aimed his gaze at Xiao Mei, and his mood finally fluctuated: "Xiao Mei, what did you slut do to her?"

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao like this, Xiao Mei sneered: "Patriarch of the dignified Xuanyuan family, I thought you could keep calm all the time, Xuanyuan Hao, so you will panic too?"

Xuanyuan Hao was impatient at this time, and pointed at Xiao Mei and shouted loudly: "Stop talking nonsense, what did you do to her?"


Xiao Mei said, "Your wife is now caught with a poison specially made by our family, called broken heart powder."

"The effect of this poison is that it will only be toxic when it is mixed with the acid in the intestinal tract when it is all concentrated in the intestines. If there is no antidote, the poisoned person will die within an hour due to the toxicity spreading throughout the body, while Its delayed effect, twelve hours."

"Oh, by the way, did you give her a physical examination during the day today, and found that there was nothing wrong?? Haha, this is the power of this poison!"

Xuanyuan Hao listened, breathing heavily, his eyes swept like a sharp blade to Xuanyuan Tianci, who was recovering from the wound next to him.

He said sharply, "What did you do?"

Obviously, before today's incident, Li Caiying drank Xuanyuan's god-given tea, which was Li Caiying's only suspicious meal in the day.

He even went to the family doctor to see if Li Caiying was poisoned.

The results of the inspection were all normal.

But after all the calculations, he didn't calculate that this poison actually has a delayed effect, and it can be effective when combined with an acidic substance in the body.

This Xiao Mei is really vicious.

In the face of Xuanyuan Hao's questioning, Xuanyuan Tianci felt guilty and did not dare to answer.

He was slashed more than a dozen times by Qin Lie during the competition, and now he has no strength, but because of guilt, he can only turn his eyes to one side.

"How can you do it, Xuanyuan Tianci!!"

Xuanyuan Hao said loudly, "Even if she's not your biological mother, she is still the adoptive mother who has raised you for so many years!"

"Her milk fed you when you were young. For so many years, her thoughts have been on you. How dare you kill your mother?"

"How did we raise such a wolf-hearted thing like you!"

Xuanyuan Tianci didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to say anything.

However, his words caused quite a stir in the scene.

Everyone was talking about it, but they didn't expect it at all.

"What, isn't Xuanyuan Tianci born to Xuanyuan Hao?"

"what's going on?"

"Isn't it always said that Xuanyuan Tianci is the young master of the Xuanyuan family, or the number one young man in China, is it the pride of the Xuanyuan family?"

"How can this be reversed here? What the hell happened?"

"But this Xuanyuan Heavenly gift is cruel enough. Even if it's not his own, the Xuanyuan family has raised him for so many years, and he actually poisoned Li Caiying directly!"

"Haha, in this way, it's really a wolf-hearted and dog-lung!"

"Xuanyuan Hao has such a successful life, but he has raised such a white-eyed wolf."

Xiao Mei's reaction was different from other people's when she heard this.

It listened and said with a sneer: "Hehe, Xuanyuan Hao, you already know that Xuanyuan Tianci is not your biological son. It seems that you have not done less investigation."

Xuanyuan Hao doesn't want to say these useless things now, and it is what he has to do to save Li Caiying's life.

"Stop talking nonsense, Xiao Mei, where is the antidote?"

Xiao Mei said in a low voice, "Nature is here with me, are you going down or not!?"

Taking advantage of this incident, Xiao Mei successfully hung a sharp sword over Xuanyuan Hao's head.

The person who knows Xuanyuan Hao best in this world is Xiao Mei. She knows very well what can make Xuanyuan Hao subdue.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Hao had no choice this time. He first handed over the unconscious Li Caiying to Ji Canghai and asked Ji Canghai to protect him.

Then, with murderous eyes in his eyes, he walked out of Xuanyuanwei's encirclement and walked down the stage step by step.

In front of everyone's eyes, he came to Xiao Mei's, his eyes were level with Xiao Mei, and then he spread out a palm and placed it in front of Xiao Mei, with only two words: "Antidote."

Xiao Mei also looked at Xuanyuan Hao flatly. This was the moment she had been waiting for for thirty years.

She has been dreaming about this day for many years.

Everything she lost back then, the torture she suffered on this man, she would take back little by little.

So Xiao Mei's emotions gradually ran away, her frosty face was full of murderous intent, and the words came out from the bottom of her throat: "Please!"

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