The total number of Xuanyuan Guards was only about 70, but the number of gunmen who rushed over from all directions from the Xiao family had reached at least 500.

The absolute difference in the number of people makes the entire encirclement look like an iron pass.

The gloomy muzzle, the silent personnel on both sides.

A war is coming!


The situation in the venue has been pushed to the top, and at the same time, the battle outside continues.

In a way, the battle in this place also determines the direction of the situation in the venue.

The Xiao family still has the absolute initiative in the venue. The biggest reason is that they used a method to transport a large number of gunmen in.

There were more than 1,000 gunmen from the Xiao family in the venue alone.

This part of the people has completed the control of the field, holding guns in their hands, so that ordinary people do not dare to move.

Therefore, even if there were seven other families in the venue, they could not organize an effective counterattack.

Qin Lie thought of this, so he had already told Jiang Lei and the others to wait three kilometers away.

The distance of three kilometers may only take a few minutes by car.

What Qin Lie thought was that within these few minutes, he should definitely arrive in time.

It was announced yesterday that the people who dealt with him were the Kong family. Because Kong Zhaohui was turned against by Kong Zhaohui, the Kong family thought they could go all the way without hindrance.

Who would have thought that when Jiang Lei led the team to rush past, there was still a strong block.

Halfway through the drive, they were attacked!

This had to make Jiang Lei and the others stop and fight with each other.

On the road in the suburbs, it was pouring rain.

Today's rain in the Magic City seems to have broken the historical record. The raindrops hit the ground, and the sound of the agitation even drowned out the gunshots.

On the east highway, Jiang Lei and others used their car as a bunker at this time, and kept fighting with the Kong family troops on the opposite side, trying to open an opening to support Qin Lie.

Jiang Lei and the others already have quite a few.

There are more than 400 members of the Longyan team, 1,000 members of Logan's team, 300 members of the Cape family team led by Bruni, and more than 1,000 members of the Yamaguchi group of Aoi Sakurako.

All in all, there were nearly 3,000 people.

This kind of crowd, even if it is put on a real battlefield, is a medium-sized battle.

It's just that the Kong family has obviously made preparations.

They dug up the road and made a ditch, with a lot of sandbags stacked on top of the ditch, making a defensive line.

The front line spread out more than 200 meters, the purpose is very clear, is to prevent Jiang Lei and others from advancing.

Because these people are hiding in the ditch, Jiang Lei and the others can't clearly calculate how many people there are.

But one thing is certain, that is, the number of people inside will not be less than 2,000.

They have a position, and they are fighting a positional battle. It is very difficult for Jiang Lei to break through!

It has been almost twenty minutes since Jiang Lei and Qin Lie called.

Jiang Lei's team also has a disadvantage, that is, the composition is too complicated, and the tacit understanding is not high.

People from the four forces are often fighting each other, and it is difficult to coordinate them.

And the quality of the team is also different. The specific team's combat effectiveness is that the Cape family's armed forces are greater than the Longyan Squad, greater than the Yamaguchi group and greater than Logan.

Not all the teams here can be considered elites, so it is even more difficult to break through.

Li Tianlin and Jiang Lei were both there. After Li Tianlin fought for 20 minutes in front, he ran to the rear where Jiang Lei was.

The continuous artillery fire and the torrential rain made their voices very small.

Li Tianlin almost had to yell in Jiang Lei's ear to let the other party hear him.

"Brother Lei, no, we dug a ditch directly in front of us, and we can't fight head-on!"

"In just twenty minutes, all our brothers have already died over one hundred and seventy!"

The total number of people is only 3,000, and more than 100 died in 20 minutes. This is definitely the most tragic battle the Longyan Squad has experienced since its establishment.

And if they fight at this speed of death, I am afraid that everything in the venue is over, and they are still blocked a few kilometers away.

Even more of their people were killed and wounded.

Jiang Lei told Li Tianlin, "This was not in our previous plan!"

"Who would have thought that they were so chicken thieves that they dug a trench!"

"Do you have any good plans?"

Jiang Lei finally asked Li Tianlin.

After listening, Li Tianlin said: "Brother Lei, the opponent's combat ability is not weak, and they cooperate even better than us. They occupy the right time and place, and we will definitely not be able to pass without sacrificing!"

Jiang Lei: "Just tell me what you think!"

Li Tianlin finally said: "My idea is that they dug a trench as a front line and stretched the front line, but the number of defenders at each point must be limited, we only need to aim at a hole and tear it open, our people If we can get into the trench, then we will see who can fight better!"

"If we want to open this hole, we have to sacrifice people. My idea is that we have to organize a death squad, bring explosives, put on bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets, and charge forward desperately."

"Then the guys behind us give them fire support to make sure they're hit as little as possible, and as long as someone can go in with explosives and detonate them, that breach will open."

"As long as our people keep up and enter the trenches, they will have no advantage."

In fact, this approach is already very tragic.

Jiang Lei has been a soldier and has been to the battlefield, knowing that the use of death squads on the battlefield has reached the point of despair.

After all, if you can win in a normal fight, who would use the Expendables.

In this situation, if you want to break through quickly, this is indeed the only way.

How can you live on this defensive front if you don't die.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lei told Li Tianlin: "Then you go to recruit the death squad right now, and you tell them that whoever joins this death squad will remit five million dollars to their family if they die.

Organize a team of twenty people, the sooner the better! "


Li Tianlin got the order and quickly went to execute it.

Li Tianlin told the members of the Longyan Squad the plan of the death squad.

Unexpectedly, the response from the team members was very enthusiastic. There were originally only 20 people. When he said this, more than 100 people raised their hands.

Usually Qin Lie treats them well, but now Qin Lie is facing the danger of life on the other side, and they also want to break through as soon as possible.

Their loyalty to Qin Lie is evident from this.

Although Qin Lie usually hangs out with them and makes jokes, the team members even dare to kick Qin Lie's ass.

But when something happened to Qin Lie, they really dared to go.

This is like Xuanyuan Wei to Xuanyuan Hao.

Leaders can reach this level and make their subordinates willing to work for them, which has reached a very high level.

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