The members of the Longyan team were very supportive of what Li Tianlin said.

A rush to sign up.

Loudly: "Brother Lin, I'll go!"

"Choose me, I've long been unhappy with this group, let me go, I'm going to blow them up."

"I can, for brother lie, I will fight!"

"Isn't it just a defensive trench, I still can't believe it!"

The crowd was so excited that they could not wait to organize a team to rush over immediately.

Li Tianlin looked very satisfied and moved.

The people under him have such courage, and as a leader, there is no reason not to be proud.

Li Tianlin looked at them and quickly selected twenty of them according to what Jiang Lei said.

Most of the twenty he chose were from his original family that had no parents and no worries, so even if he sacrificed, it would not cause more tragedies.

The battlefield is like this, as long as it is a war, people will die.

As commanders, they can only try to minimize the impact.

Soon, twenty death squad members were formed. All they needed to do was put on bulletproof vests, and each carried a bomb and rushed to the opposite trench.

The distance in front can be driven, but there are also heavy weapons on the opposite side, and their cars may not be able to drive there.

So once the car is blown up, they still need to get out of the car and walk there.

Of course, when they charged, all the team members on Jiang Lei's side would also give them the strongest firepower support to ensure that they could pass smoothly.

As long as one of the twenty people can pass by and detonate the explosives, the gap can be opened, and the people behind can follow along.

The plan is just such a plan.

Soon, twenty of them were all standing at the front of the team.

Li Tianlin did a good job of psychological construction for them and said a lot of inspiring words. The members of the death squad were impatient and could not wait to rush out.

However, suddenly at this time, the members of Longyan Squad suddenly found something behind the team.

Some team members reminded Li Tianlin and Jiang Lei: "Brother Lei, Brother Lin, someone seems to be coming from behind."

"Brother Lin, look behind you, there seems to be someone else!"

"Who is coming from behind, won't he still be our enemy!"

Everyone was terrified, because these things were not in their plan, and before they came, no one knew that there would be people behind.

Li Tianlin and Jiang Lei listened and quickly looked back.

When I turned around, I saw a crowd of people appearing in the majestic rain curtain.

Because the rain was so heavy, it was not clear who they were at this distance.

Just judging from the black area, this number is by no means a minority.

Jiang Lei's heart raised his throat when he saw it, and he became nervous for a moment.

If the people in the back are the enemy again, then their team will completely fall into the encirclement.

The Kong family team in front had already dealt with it enough, and if there is another group in the back, wouldn't it be over?

Not only that, the team behind not only has a lot of people, but also has heavy weapons.

After getting a little closer, Jiang Lei could even hear the roar of the large machinery and the sound of the crawling crawler.

Jiang Lei is a veteran, and he knows exactly what this voice is that makes it possible.

He has experienced it on the battlefield.

The sound of the engine is so loud, and the sound of the crawler transmission, there are only two possibilities, either a tank or an armored vehicle.

After figuring this out, Jiang Lei was even more frightened.

What kind of team actually came up with this kind of heavy equipment?

Is this really for a war?

Although the Longyan Squad has been approved by Mr. Hua, it is absolutely not allowed to possess such heavy weapons.

Mr. Hua also understands that the eight aristocratic families are powerful, and if they have too many heavy weapons, it will not be safe for the domestic environment.

So it doesn't matter if it's the Longyan Squad or the other armaments of the Eight Great Families are wrong.

It can be equipped with hot weapons, but machine guns and rifles with a shuttle are almost the same. Such heavy weapons cannot exist.

Since it is not a team of the eight great families, does that mean that Mr. Hua personally took the shot?

The team at the back brought a great sense of oppression to the Long Yan team, which made Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin have countless ideas for a while.

It's just that the facts will soon be confirmed.

The team passed through the rain curtain and finally came to a position about 20 meters behind the Longyan team.

In this position, you can already see the true face of the other party.

There are not many armored vehicles, only two in total.

But behind the two armored vehicles, there were a lot of soldiers. These people were all blond and blue-eyed, not Asian faces, but Westerners.

Moreover, Jiang Lei is also very familiar with their uniforms.

These uniforms are exactly the same as the clothes worn by the 300-strong combat team of the Cape family led by Bruni.

In addition, the opposite is also a Western face, so these people are also the team of the Cape family?

Sure enough, after Jiang Lei saw the other's face clearly, Bruni also saw the face clearly.

Bruni was very surprised, and shouted to the leader of the opposite from a distance: "Patriarch, you actually came??"

Bruni is the second character of the Cape family. Since he wants to call the opposite patriarch, the identity of the opposite person is already obvious.

The head of the Cape family, Worms!

The Cape family is entrenched in Europe and is the largest family in Europe. The overall strength of its family is almost at the same level as the Xiao family and the Xuanyuan family.

The situation in Europe is different from that in China.

Although the eight great families of Huaxia are powerful, there is still a Mr. Hua who can suppress them.

Europe is different. The Cape family spans the whole of Europe, and the European governments have nothing to do with them.

In other words, the Capet family is the absolute master in Europe.

It's not surprising that they can get armored vehicles.

It's just that how they got the armored vehicles from Europe and how they got Mr. Hua's entry permit is unknown.

Jiang Lei only knew that the Cape family must be on his side.

With the armored vehicle, the trench on the opposite side is completely useless.

The situation is finally about to turn around.

Bruni saw Worms and quickly greeted him.

"Brother, why are you here? Why didn't I get your notice before?"

Worms was sitting in a jeep at this time, and he was also wearing the team's combat uniform, which was called going into battle.

After listening to Bruni's words, he replied: "Yesterday Qin Lie called me and said that he was going to fight the Xiao family today, and he asked me to bring more teams here."

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