Worms continued: "We and the Xiao family have always been enemies."

"How could I not participate in such a big event of the Xiao family's destruction, so I brought the team that was still in the family and rushed over overnight!"

Bruni was surprised: "All teams?"

Worms: "I've brought all the rest except the people out there on missions."

Bruni's eyes widened: "How many people."

"Two thousand up," Worms said.

These words were also said in front of Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei was also amazed that the Cape family was so powerful!

2,000 people, plus the 3,000 currently in hand, there are almost 5,000 people.

This is the preparation of at least three regiments!

With 2,000 people, the Cape family is estimated to have almost emptied their armed forces.

This feeling is truly admirable.

Bruni was worried, he said: "So many people come, what about our base camp?"

Worms said: "Don't worry, if we can win this battle, our strength will only be stronger!"

"When the time comes back to Europe, we can win everything with a big fanfare."

Worms once said that Qin Lie is a trustworthy person. Don’t think that his influence is still limited now, but given time, he will definitely become more powerful than the Cape family if he is given a chance.

Obviously, this opportunity has now appeared.

Worms has always believed in his own eyesight, and he felt that his decision must not be wrong.

Therefore, this time, even if he did everything he could, he would come to help Qin Lie.

That's the motivation.

"Okay." Bruni nodded.

Anyway, Worms is the patriarch, and Worms feels that there is no problem, that is, there is no problem.

After a brief exchange, Worms asked about the current situation.

"What's your situation now, why aren't you with Qin Lie?"

Bruni quickly pointed to the front and said, "I was going to help Qin Lie, but we encountered a blockade on the way. The opposite side was well prepared and a large trench was dug. It was difficult for us to pass, but you came here with an armored vehicle. It should be able to break through.”

Worms looked at him with a relaxed expression.

The trench opposite is only two or three meters wide, and their armored vehicles can simply roll over them at will.

"Okay, I see." Worms nodded and said, "Leave the rest to me. Where is the commander-in-chief on your side?"

Worms asked this question, and Bruni pointed to Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei also understood what they meant, and walked in front of Worms in a few steps.

Worms told him at the time, "You're the current commander?"

Jiang Lei nodded, his tone was very polite: "Yes, Mr. Worms, my name is Jiang Lei."

"Okay." Worms nodded without any air, "I know the predicament you are facing now, I will let my two armored vehicles drive the road later, you have to let your team keep up, we Solve the battle here as soon as possible and help Qin Lie."

"I understand!" Jiang Lei nodded immediately, "I will make my people follow!"

Jiang Lei's heart was surging, which was great news for their Longyan team.

With these two armored vehicles, his death squad plan wouldn't come in handy.

Moreover, can this armored vehicle rush to the opposite position without damage?

Take the opposite side at the least cost, why not.

Having determined the combat policy, Jiang Lei quickly passed on the order.

In this way, Worms directed their armored vehicles to the front of the position, and all the members of the Longyan Squad also gave way to the space.

The two armored vehicles drove to the front in such a mighty manner.

Good guy, after this big guy appeared in the eyes of the people on the opposite side, the people on the opposite side were so frightened that they gave up the attack for at least five seconds.

They were all dumbfounded!

It's as if everyone is in a fair duel, and you suddenly opened up.

Isn't this Iron Man fighting Mickey Mouse and reducing dimensionality? ?

The combat force on the Kong family's side really doesn't know how such a large armored vehicle came from.

They began to feel that the offensive strength of the Longyan team was getting smaller, and they thought they were about to give up.

As a result, he turned his head quietly for a while, and the whole thing was such a big giant.

The people here panicked, and the leader directly ordered to roar: "Blow him up, blow him up for me!"

"Don't let him come!"

"Come here and we're done."

The person on the other side is also very aware of the power of this armored vehicle. For a time, grenades, rockets, and explosives all greeted the armored vehicle.



In an instant, the scene turned to the sky, and the fire was everywhere.

However, the armored vehicles of the Cape family are battlefield-level and have a strong ability to carry bombs.

Even if the person on the other side tried their best, there was nothing they could do.

The armored car was like wearing a golden bell and iron cloth shirt on its body. Although it was slow, it drove towards the opposite side calmly.

According to the initial plan, Jiang Lei had the Long Yan team follow behind the armored vehicle, and the armored vehicle was used as a cover, reducing the impact by 80%.

The team also drove along with the two armored vehicles.

The distance between the two sides was not far away. In about half a minute, two armored vehicles, with nearly a hundred members of the Longyan Squad, rushed all the way to the opposite trench.

Losing the trenches as cover, the teams on both sides launched a hand-to-hand battle.

There was chaos in the ditch in an instant.

Naturally, their repression against the outside is not so strong.

Jiang Lei here resolutely ordered to let the rest of the team overwhelm and launch the last wave of charge.

Losing the advantage of the trenches, they have flawlessly cared about the charge of the outside team.

Jiang Lei's side was higher in numbers and combat capability than the other side. This wave of charge went very smoothly, and a team of several thousand people took the opponent's position.

In fact, there are only less than five hundred forces on the opposite side in this position.

Annihilation of annihilation, captive of captive.

In less than 20 minutes, this battlefield was completely resolved.

But even so, Jiang Lei didn't dare to stay at this time.

Knowing that Qin Lie was in a critical situation in the competition venue, Jiang Lei immediately continued to fly to the venue after finishing dealing with the Kong family's team.

Because of this huge ditch, the car could not drive, so they could only run in groups.

A team of thousands of people rushed to the venue.


At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was extremely tense.

Li Caiying's death completely angered Xuanyuan Hao.

According to Xuanyuan Hao's momentum, even if he were to die, he would have to fight with the Xiao family.

Almost 50% of the gunmen in the Xiao family surrounded the venue. At this moment, the entire venue was like a barrel of gunpowder.

As long as someone is on fire, it will cause a huge explosion!

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