The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1825 The Entrance Of The Ancient Army

There are not many Xuanyuan Guards, there are only a few dozen in total.

But at this time, the Xiao family gunmen who surrounded them at this time, said a few hundred less.

Xuanyuan Wei must ensure that one person can fight ten people, in order to have a slight chance of winning.

But it is very difficult!

Xuanyuanwei is also an ordinary person, they can't ignore the bullets of the Gu Family Army.

Cold weapons can be beaten ten times, and they are okay, but after all of them are replaced by hot weapons, it will be very difficult for them.

This battle is not easy!

As for Qin Lie, what he originally thought was to wait until his team broke through, came to the venue, and formed a confrontational situation with the Xiao family's team, and then fought head-on with the Xiao family.

Before that can be a little more restrained, don't irritate them.

However, who would have thought that after the Xiao family finished dealing with the Han family, they immediately started dealing with the Xuanyuan family.

Xiao Mei was vicious and killed Li Caiying directly to get Xuanyuan Hao's life gate.

Qin Lie probably understands Xuanyuan Hao's character, a man who values ​​his feelings more than his life.

He must not be able to bear his beloved being killed.

The same is true for Qin Lie. If Ye Yuqing was killed today, he would also blow up the whole scene.

So, there is no way, if you can't wait for someone to come, then let's go straight to it!

The scene was deadlocked for about five minutes, with neither side moving.

However, at a certain moment, Xuanyuan Hao and Henry Zhang seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, and the two sides gave orders to their subordinates almost at the same second.


The people on both sides were pulling the trigger almost at the same time.

In this way, the war broke out, and the bullets flew in front of the two sides.

chug, chug, chug, chug...

bang bang bang...

There were gunshots, and the surroundings were all in chaos.

Xuanyuanwei was a firearm handed over from the hands of the Xiao family. With this gun, he started a game with the Xiao family's gunmen.

The two sides fired, not recklessly colliding with each other.

They are also looking for their own bunkers that can be used.

Whether using the backs of the chairs in the venue or the buildings in the venue, the two sides started a fierce close-range shootout.

Among them, Qin Lie also took a gun and participated in the shootout.

At this time, the combat gap between the two teams was revealed.

Although Xuanyuan Guard's number is relatively small, their combat capability is indeed several levels higher than the opposing gunmen.

The accuracy of the marksmanship is good, the cooperation is good, and the experience in dealing with the shooting situation is good.

are on the opposite side.

In particular, the accuracy of marksmanship is completely different from the two sides.

Often, as soon as the person on the opposite side emerges from the bunker, the bullet is sent directly into their head.

Those people didn't even have time to fire a shot, they just fell down.

On the other hand, the gunmen on the opposite side, as long as Xuanyuanwei had cover, it would be very difficult for them to hit.

Between the trade-offs and the trade-offs, the battle between the two sides actually presented the feeling of a draw.

The number of personnel losses on the opposite side is far greater than that of Xuanyuan Wei.

Often Xuanyuan Wei sacrificed one or two, and the opposite would have killed a dozen or twenty.

In the first ten minutes of confrontation, the Xiao family gunmen died of two hundred people, but only seven or eight of them died.

This kind of battle loss ratio is naturally not something Henry Zhang is willing to see and bear.

"Damn!" Henry Zhang scolded below, "It's a tough bone to chew!"

But it doesn't matter, Xuanyuan Wei is difficult to bite, which was already expected by the Xiao family.

Henry Zhang and the others still have backhands.

Henry Zhang turned to look at Xiao Mei and asked Xiao Mei, “Can you move your person?”

Yes, this backer is the Gu family army.

The person who can absolutely crush Xuanyuan Wei in terms of strength is none other than the Gu Family Army.

The Gu family's army was originally a member of the ancient family, so Xiao Mei naturally moved as far as she could.

It's just that now, the Xuanyuan family is stubbornly resisting, and the Xiao family team can't do anything about them, so they can only dispatch the Gu family army.

Xiao Mei thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

Gu Chen nodded to her side.

Gu Chen understood and quickly gave orders to the remaining Gu family army.

On Gu Jiajun's side, they had been watching the show for too long, and their hands were already itchy. Seeing Gu Chen's order, they also started to act collectively.

The people of the Gu Family Army were originally scattered in every corner of the venue.

Their original goal was to deal with other aristocratic clan chiefs, but now, Xuanyuanwei's combat power exceeded expectations, and they were ready to fight.

As a result, the whole venue suddenly emerged, and people who rushed into the battlefield with cold weapons appeared all at once.

All of them have retro weapons such as knives, guns and sticks, but since they entered the battlefield, the situation has changed dramatically.

Xuanyuan Wei still maintained their own offensive rhythm. As long as someone dared to appear within their range, bullets would hit them all at once.

These tricks have been tried and tested for ordinary gunmen, but this time the opponent is Gu Jiajun.

The arrival of the Gu Family Army formed a natural barrier against bullets.

As long as the bullet hits them in front of them, their knives can instantly open the bullet, and the flames are scattered, but it can't hurt them in the slightest.

Qin Lie had seen this picture, so his reaction was normal.

But Xuanyuan Guards have never seen it before!

Blocking bullets with bare hands, the speed of the knife is faster than the flight speed of the bullets. People stand there, and the bullets can't hit them.

What the hell is this?

Xuanyuan Guard is the most powerful fighting force in the whole of China. What they couldn't do, the group in front of them actually did it.

With Ji Canghai on the side, he couldn't hold it anymore.

This was the first time he felt a chill down his back.

He told Xuanyuan Hao: "Patriarch, this group of people is abnormal! Our bullets won't work on them!"

Could Xuanyuan Hao not know about this situation?

It's just that he didn't understand where these people came from.

With his cultivation, he couldn't understand the opposite.

"I see," he said. "Fight as much as possible."

"If the hot weapons can't fight, when they get close, we will fight with them."

Xuanyuan Hao also knew that this idea was a bit self-deceiving.

But there's no better way now is there...

The Xiao family is well-prepared, and if they really can’t fight, they can only obey the arrangement of fate.

Qin Lie's side, seeing the movement of the Gu family's army on the opposite side, also knew that Minghui and the others should be brought in.

At this time, Qin Lie was the savior of the Xuanyuan family.

Seeing the opposite Gu Jiajun rushing over, Qin Lie immediately told Minghui on the walkie-talkie.

"Minghui, you can also take action."

Minghui didn't respond very much, and only responded with one word on the walkie-talkie: "Okay!"

Immediately afterwards, more streamers blazed from all around. These people were extremely fast and joined the battlefield like light.

Their goals are also clear.

One person against an ancient army, one-on-one and one-on-one.

Minghui quickly joined the battlefield and stopped the people on the opposite side, the Gu family army from Xiao Mei's subordinates, and the Gu family army from Gu Song's subordinates, fighting in the venue!

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