Shentu Songbai looked at them and said calmly: "It's actually very simple. Now you have no way out, and we are all around."

"Listen to me, I can still save your life. If you don't listen to me, it's just a matter of a bunch of bullets."

"Whether you want to live or die, it's all between you."

"That Qin Lie and Xuanyuan's family have nothing to do with you. Why do you have to live with your life?"

As he spoke, Shentu Songbai waved to the surrounding Xiao family gunmen.

Those gunmen also knew that Shentu Songbai was theirs. After seeing Shentu Songbai's order, they all rushed up and aimed their guns at their heads.

And at this moment, these people were silent.

There is no one in the world who is not afraid of death. The key is to die in such a senseless way, that it is too embarrassing.

It's better to endure it first, and then find an opportunity to fight back.

In this way, these people did not dare to resist.

"Haha..." Shentu Songbai was very satisfied with these people's reactions, and finally smiled, "This is the right choice, the dynasty is changing, the family is reshuffled, and choosing the right path is important!"

The rest of the Shentu family felt very uncomfortable, and they were very upset when a treacherous person rode on their heads.

But now there is no other way but to give in temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

In fact, the situation of the Shentu family is only a small representative of the many families.

The most terrifying thing is that in all the remaining families, whether they participated in the war or not, this pattern of rebellion and division began within the family.

Kill the patriarch and gain control, in addition to the Shentu family, the Murong family, and even the Tang family.

Shentu Songbai of the Shentu family, Tang Kongming of the Tang family, and Murong Luosen of the Murong family.

Shentu Songbai is the second-in-command of the Shentu family, Tang Kongming is the third-in-command of the Tang family, and Murong Luosen is known as Murong Huanyu's Uncle, and he is also the second-in-command of the family.

All of these people actually launched a mutiny and rebellion after receiving Henry Zhang's text message.

Their unifying feature is that although they are not the top leaders of the family, they still have deep-rooted forces within the family, and there are already many of their cronies in the family.

Using their sense of trust, they were able to get rid of the leader in the first place, and with their deep-rooted forces, the remaining people did not dare to resist.

And these people, almost all of them were undercover agents arranged by the Xiao family to enter the major families in the early years.

All of them are Henry Zhang’s cronies.

That's right, this is the last card of the Xiao family.

They have been planning this for 40 years, and this plan was even passed down from Henry Zhang's predecessors.

As early as Henry Zhang's previous generation, they already had the ambition to unify the eight great families.

The eight great families are too complicated, and the Xiao family's strength is not outstanding, how can this be achieved?

What the patriarch Xiao Zhan thought at the time was that since he could not force a breakthrough from the outside, he would take the internal path, implant undercover agents from the inside, and slowly corrupt and swallow other families.

This is a long-term plan that only a few core members of the Xiao family know about.

Later, when Xiao Zhan died and Henry Zhang succeeded to the throne, he continued to carry out this plan.

The Xuanyuan family is the most difficult one to break through among these families, because Xuanyuan Hao is deeply thoughtful, and he will never use people whose origins and details are unclear.

Later, Xiao Mei was rejected by Xuanyuan Hao and wanted to target Xuanyuan Hao and Li Caiying.

Therefore, the exchange between Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci was only a part of the Xiao family's entire grand plan.

Their plan is called the endless plan.

What Xiao Zhan had to do back then was not just as simple as swallowing up the Xuanyuan family.

After so many years of planning and planning, their endless plan has been fruitful.

Almost all the undercover agents they implanted became famous in their respective families, and the weakest at least became the leader of their armed forces.

What's more, people like Shentu Songbai even got in the lead.

Originally, their plan could continue for ten years, so that when the current patriarch abdicates, their undercover agent becomes the top leader, and they can take down all the aristocratic families without a single shot.

The crux of the problem lies in Xuanyuan's gift from heaven.

In order to trace the truth of the year, Qiu Bai found the archives of Xuanyuan's family, and involved Xuanyuan Tianci's forgery of archives.

The Xuanyuan family's later investigation of Xuanyuan Tianci made the Xiao family feel that this matter is likely to be exposed.

It is precisely because of this that the Xiao family had to make an appearance in this big competition of the aristocratic family.

He was afraid that Xuanyuan's family would chase after him, Xuanyuan Tianci's identity would be exposed, and his whole body would be affected by a single stroke, and the undercover agents of other families would also be exposed.

This is something the Xiao family cannot afford.

Therefore, Qin Lie and Qiu Bai played a crucial role in this family competition.

If it wasn't for the investigation by the two of them, when Shentu Songbai and the others mixed into the patriarchs of their respective families, it would be a matter of casual acquisition, and it would not have gone through such a war.

And when he knew that this war was inevitable, Henry Zhang also contacted his sister who was far away in the Gu family for the first time.

Let Xiao Mei bring the Gu family over to help out, to ensure the smoothness of this martial arts.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and the undercover agents implanted in their endless plan also played a role at a critical time.

Now what the Xiao family really wants to eat is the Xuanyuan family who is stubbornly resisting at this time - because Xuanyuan Tianci has long been abolished.

And the armed forces of Qin Lie who came from outside!

As long as these armed forces and the Xuanyuan family's remnants are killed, the situation of their Xiao family can be stabilized.

Now the situation is very clear.

Except for the Xuanyuan family, all other aristocratic families are controlled by the Xiao family.

The armed forces they had prepared at the beginning were also rushing to the venue.

It's just that they didn't come to help Qin Lie, but to help the Xiao family.

Don't look at the fact that Qin Lie's armed forces were blessed by the Cape family at this time, and they took the upper hand with armored vehicles.

But this advantage will soon be reversed.

The eight actual armed forces, except that the Kong family has been destroyed and the Xuanyuan family will not listen to Henry Zhang's command, the remaining six aristocratic families will gather together to deal with Qin Lie.

In other words, this battle is a game between Qin Lie and the six great families.

Why did the Xiao family have so many people this time? Now I finally understand it!

After the armed forces of the major families were ordered, they rushed in from all directions, and the forces of the Xuanyuan family's Cape family headed by Qin Lie fell into a situation of embattlement.

It's just that Qin Lie hasn't noticed it yet.

Because at this time, he was still fighting with Xiao Yuanshan.

Henry Zhang also knew that the key to dealing with at this time was Qin Lie.

So he urged Gu Chen and Xiao Yuanshan to say: "Gu Chen, uncle, you quickly take down these two people, as long as they lose, victory is only one step away from us!"

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