At the gate of the venue, the troops led by Jiang Lei and Worms were still invincible at the gate.

The power of the two armored vehicles is too powerful.

The highly penetrating machine guns on the armored vehicles were not something that the opposing Xiao family could handle.

These two armored vehicles are two moving fortresses.

The Longyan Squad and the Cape family's team rampaged, causing those Xiao family troops who blocked them to pay an extremely painful price.

In less than ten minutes, at least three hundred of Xiao Qian's men were killed or injured.

Li Tianlin was very excited here.

This situation is simply crushing!

After forming the Longyan Squad for so long, it was the first time he fought such a wealthy battle.

Seeing the armored vehicles invincible ahead, Li Tianlin excitedly said to Jiang Lei, "Brother Lei, it is cool to have an armored vehicle. This Nima, whoever dares to come here will die, and no one can stop him!"

"According to this situation, in less than ten minutes, we can go in and save brother lie!"

Jiang Lei is also satisfied with the development of the situation.

What Xiao family army, it seems that it is nothing more than this.

But he was a little calmer and said: "It's better to be careful. So far, we have been going too smoothly. I don't think the Xiao family's resistance is so small. I'm afraid they still have backing hands."

"It's okay..." Li Tianlin said, "Just our number and our equipment, who will come..."

"Enemy attack! Get down!"

As a result, before Li Tianlin finished his words, such warnings sounded around him.

Follow, boom!

A loud bang came, and a cannonball exploded in the crowd. The flames shot into the sky, and the flames shot up to the sky at least ten meters!

The energy swept through, and the surrounding soldiers were washed away at once.

Some were at the center of the explosion, and were even directly blown into pieces.

The central explosion point is in the middle of the Cape family, so the people who died are basically the Cape family.

For a time, Jiang Lei, Li Tianlin, Worms and the others were all alert. They looked in the direction that someone was yelling in just now. They found that there were also a large number of combat members in the left area of ​​the team.

These people held guns and charged towards their team, killing many of the players on the side at one time.

Fortunately, the players on the flank responded very quickly. The members on the flank were from Logan's team. After a little panic, they quickly organized a defensive formation to prevent the fighting members on the flank from breaking through on a large scale.

Although the casualties were huge, it was fortunate that they were barely able to stop them.

Seeing this picture, Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin were both surprised and had no idea what was going on.

Li Tianlin said loudly, "Brother Lei, what's the situation, where did these people come from, and how did they attack us?"

Jiang Lei said angrily: "You ask me, I will ask who to go, go and see, which force is it!"

The next half of the sentence was addressed to the scout beside him.

The signal trooper took the order and quickly went out to investigate.

About two minutes later, the signal soldier came back and told Jiang Lei, "Brother Lei, I saw the other party's clothes, which are completely different from Xiao's army. There are characters on their arms, which say It's 'Shen Tu'"

"Shen Tu's family!?"

Jiang Lei was frightened for a moment, and couldn't help shouting.

"Why the Shentu family?"

He doesn't understand, and neither does Li Tianlin!

Li Tianlin's eyes widened, his chin was dragging to the ground: "Why is this happening?"

The Shen Tu family and Qin Lie have a very good personal relationship, all of which Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin know.

Back then, when Shentu Aoshi helped Qin Lie on errands and acted with the Longyan team together, those scenes were vividly remembered.

It stands to reason that the family turmoil this time has caused such a big conflict, why should the Shentu family and Qin Lie be in the same camp?

Why did you suddenly turn around and deal with yourself now?

What the hell happened in this venue.

"Block it!" Jiang Lei ordered the communications soldier, "Tell the brothers on the side, you must block it, and send some people from the rear to help the side, and the front will make a breakthrough, we must win the venue as soon as possible!"

Jiang Lei's original plan remains unchanged. Now, as long as he breaks through the Xiao family's defense in front, he can break the deadlock.

The Shentu family team that rushed out from the side was acceptable, after all, there were many Cape family members brought by Worms.

But the appearance of the Shentu family is not the end, but the beginning.

When Jiang Lei passed the order, another team appeared on the left side of the team.

They were also carrying guns and rushed out in groups, which also had a serious impact on their left wing.

"Brother Lei! Brother Lei!" Some people shouted, "There is someone from the left, this time from the Han family!"

"The Han family?!"

Jiang Lei is even more confused, the Han family! Didn't Brother Lie have a very good relationship with Han Qi of the Han family all the time? This...

The Han family also came to deal with him?

In the interval of thinking, before there was even much time to think about it, the sound of gunfire suddenly sounded behind him, and another troop surrounded him.

This time the team is not other people, not even the gunmen of the Murong family!

That's really dependable.

Other families, if you say that the friendship is not strong, it can also be explained.

But what is the relationship between Qin Lie and Murong Huanyu? It's a life-threatening relationship. Before today's incident, Qin Lie and Murong Huanyu were almost all discussing.

Now that the situation has developed to a critical time, the Murong family actually rebelled and stabbed?

The arrival of a series of team members made it more and more difficult for Jiang Lei to understand and deal with.

He really wanted to call Qin Lie inside and send a message to ask what was going on, but he couldn't answer the call, and the message couldn't be returned, so there was nothing he could do.

The appearance of these people completely put Jiang Lei and the others into the dilemma of being attacked by the enemy.

What was once a simple situation suddenly became difficult.

This means that Jiang Lei and Worms will face the armed forces of at least four aristocratic families at once.

As a result, the two armored vehicles seemed a little stretched.

The surrounding aristocratic family forces came over to deal with the Longyan team collectively because of their own family's seizure of power, and the situation suddenly became confusing.

"Keep it! Keep it all for me!" Jiang Lei shouted loudly, "Don't let them rush in, you have to support me."

"Brother lie needs us now, we can't give up!"

"Fight them!"

Jiang Lei roared, arousing the blood of everyone.

The whole scene suddenly became extremely bloody, everyone fought against each other, and the dead came one after another.

When a person falls in one position, the person behind him immediately blocks.

After the Longyan Squad was established, this was the most tragic battle it had ever experienced.

The battle outside is raging, and the battle inside also determines the direction of the situation.

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