The hardest bone to chew is naturally Gu Chen.

Fortunately, Situ Xuan, who took the genetic modification medicine, was almost at the same level as him.

The two people fought in the venue, and the scope of their battle almost covered the entire venue.

The stands, the arena, the open space, and the ceiling all bear traces of the two of them fighting.

The two people's extraordinary fighting style lasted for ten minutes, and the whole process was fighting at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

For a while, there was no winner.

On Qin Lie's side, he personally dealt with Xiao Yuanshan.

Xiao Yuanshan has not been transformed, Qin Lie took the medicine, and he barely fought the opponent.

Qin Lie's advantage over Xiao Yuanshan is the golden sword in his hand.

And Xiao Yuanshan doesn't seem to be good at using weapons, except for the two steel balls in his hand, there are no other weapons available.

Of course, this does not mean that Xiao Yuanshan is so easy to kill.

After all, Xiao Yuanshan's overall strength was similar to that before Situ Xuan was strengthened.

Qin Lie is now facing a Situ Xuan level master.

Qin Lie swung his golden saber sharply, Xiao Yuanshan blocked it with two steel balls, and the other hand made a fist, hitting Qin Lie's ribs directly.

Peng's voice.

Although Xiao Yuanshan is old, the fighting champion for more than 20 years is not for nothing.

Qin Lie felt a suffocated punch, and he took five or six steps backwards.

Touching the ribs, it hurts a bit.

Fortunately, there is a strengthening agent, and he has not been hit to the extent of serious injury.

Xiao Yuanshan watched from a distance and sneered: "Qin Lie, don't you think I can't beat you without a knife, have you heard of Zhenshan Boxing!?"

Zhenshan Boxing may be Xiao Yuanshan's own secret recipe, Qin Lie doesn't actually pay attention.

He held the golden saber in his hand, put the blade in front of him, stroked his fingers slowly from bottom to top, and said in a low voice, "I don't care what kind of punch you are, you are only qualified to speak until you win. Now you are screaming and barking!"

"What a bark!" Xiao Yuanshan also said sharply, "Then take a good look at how you got to hell!"


After saying this, Xiao Yuanshan let out a loud shout and flashed over quickly. Qin Lie also tapped the ground and pointed towards Xiao Yuanshan.

When he got to the front, Xiao Yuanshan took the steel ball in his hand and smashed it down at Qin Lie's head.

Xiao Yuanshan's strength is extremely strong, if he is hit by a steel ball from Xiao Yuanshan, it will be easy to break his head.

Qin Lie didn't dare to neglect, he grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands to block it.

"Clang" it!

The two had similar strengths, Qin Lie was ejected, and Xiao Yuanshan's smashing hand was also ejected.

It's just that Xiao Yuanshan didn't give up, his hand was rebounded, then he turned around and kicked Qin Lie's chest directly with his right leg.

Qin Lie stepped back, and Xiao Yuanshan's foot would kick Qin Lie well.

Qin Lie didn't panic, seeing Xiao Yuanshan's footsteps coming, his chest was pushed back, and he bent his body into a bow shape.

His chest cavity sags backwards because of this action, making Xiao Yuanshan kick in the air.

Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, the knife in Qin Lie's hand slashed down towards Xiao Yuanshan's calf.

In the same way, Qin Lie's movements did not leave his hands at all. With this knife, Xiao Yuanshan's legs would also be cut into two pieces.

Xiao Yuanshan didn't dare to hit hard, and quickly withdrew his right leg.

It's just that his speed was a little slower, and Qin Lie's knife left a long gap on his right leg!

The incision was not deep, but Xiao Yuanshan was finally injured.

Xiao Yuanshan fell to the ground, saw his right leg, blood was pouring down, and he was immediately furious: "Boy, you dare to hurt me, I'm tired of living!"

At this time, Qin Lie sneered a little when he heard this.

"You are the one who is hurt. You can resist and talk about it. Why are there so many cruel words!"

"Humph!" Xiao Yuanshan snorted coldly, "Take your life!"

A scar from a knife edge didn't seem to affect his movements, so he walked quickly and approached Qin Lie again.

Qin Lie is not worried, today is life and death, he has already set a goal to kill Xiao Yuanshan.

Either Xiao Yuanshan killed him today, or he wanted Xiao Yuanshan's life.

The two soon fought together again.

This time, Xiao Yuanshan's boxing was more severe and his strength was more domineering. The target of each impact was either Qin Lie's throat or Qin Lie's lower body, or the temples and other deadly points.

Qin Lie was not in a hurry, he saw all the tricks.

Xiao Yuanshan's strength is extremely strong, Qin Lie's arm and fist can be parried, especially Xiao Yuanshan's hand with the steel ball, which needs Qin Lie's golden knife to deal with.

Therefore, he himself is also in passive defense and cannot find a suitable counterattack method.

The two were in a stalemate for a few minutes, and finally, Xiao Yuanshan revealed his flaws.

Maybe it was Qin Lie's first knife that had an impact on him. When Xiao Yuanshan used his left hand, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his right foot bleed a lot. His muscles were atrophied, and the bottom plate was not stable. a moment.

This shaking is not too big, and most people can't notice it.

But it is these details that the masters of their level compete against.

When Xiao Yuanshan's body swayed, Qin Lie seized the opportunity, raised his leg and stepped on Xiao Yuanshan's injured wound.

A blow to a weak point of strength could easily deepen his injury.

Since a gap has been torn open, the gap has been widened.

Xiao Yuanshan was kicked like this by Qin Lie, and he screamed "ah". This completely unbandaged wound was exposed. Don't Qin Lie attack, the pain is really unbearable for ordinary people.

Not only that, Xiao Yuanshan was kicked and staggered, and the whole person fell backwards.

Naturally, the punch he threw out lost ground power, and it just hit Qin Lie's chest softly, without any lethality.

"Miscellaneous!" Xiao Yuanshan said angrily, "You actually play this trick with this old man!"

Qin Lie sneered and said in a low voice, "We are desperate now, what rules shall I teach you!"

Then, it was time for Qin Lie to counterattack.

Xiao Yuanshan was kicked and staggered in the wound on his right leg. He fell backwards, and when he managed to stabilize his body, Qin Lie actually followed up.

The way of attack is very simple, still the wound, the leg.

With another kick, Xiao Yuanshan was staggered again.


Xiao Yuanshan also screamed out.

After that, Qin Lie caught up, and the third kick, still in the same place.

Xiao Yuanshan retreated, Qin Lie continued to chase, and it was the fourth foot.

In this way, there were almost no complicated operations, Qin Lie attacked all the way, and Xiao Yuanshan retreated all the way.

In addition, Xiao Yuanshan's leg was injured, and he couldn't escape at all. As the injury worsened, he could only be attacked and retreated by Qin Lie once and for all.

With seven kicks in a row, Qin Lie kicked Xiao Yuanshan's calf wound into a bloody mess.

Finally, Qin Lie brought his inner strength, concentrated all his strength on his feet, and stepped on the same position hard!

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