This time, it was Qin Lie that decided the outcome, so all his strength was used on this foot.

Henry Zhang looked at the situation from the side, widened his eyes, and knew that something was wrong!

"Uncle!" he almost yelled.

But it was too late, Qin Lie gradually expanded by taking advantage of the little advantage that he started to cut Xiao Yuanshan's calf with one knife.

Finally, Qin Lie stepped on Xiao Yuanshan's calf.

He used his internal strength and Situ Xuan's precise strike.

At that moment, it was like a hammer weighing hundreds of pounds slammed round on Xiao Yuanshan's leg.

Hearing a click, Xiao Yuanshan's calf was directly broken, the originally straight calf suddenly turned into a right angle, the calf fell to the ground, and the whole face was broken!

The pain-sensing nerves on the calf are ranked among the top five in the human body, and the entire calf is broken, and the pain can be imagined.


Xiao Yuanshan shouted wildly, saliva, blood, tears, sweat, and various liquids shaking from his face.

Xiao Yuanshan has gone mad, his brain is dizzy, and the pain is so painful that his entire soul does not belong to him.

On Qin Lie's side, he didn't even give him a chance to relieve himself.

Taking advantage of his heavy injuries, he held a golden knife and stabbed it directly into his chest.

The position is very accurate, the position of the heart on the left chest, the front is stabbed in, the back is stabbed out, fatal damage!

Xiao Yuanshan's shrill screams didn't take long, and the whole person became silent.

In two seconds, Xiao Yuanshan died.

Qin Lie pulled out the knife and kicked Xiao Yuanshan's body far away.

After this battle with Xiao Yuanshan, the dust settled.

On Henry Zhang's side, seeing Xiao Yuanshan being killed, his entire pupil vibrated, and his whole body was as numb as if he had been struck by lightning.

He was stunned!

Xiao Yuanshan actually lost!

Apart from the Gu family's army, the most powerful person in their Xiao family actually lost, and happened to die in Qin Lie's hands, it's over!

Isn't the morale of the people in Qin Lie's camp about to rise?

Henry Zhang cannot accept this result!

Henry Zhang was furious, and even yelled at Xiao Mei: "Xiao Mei, what are the people you brought doing? Didn't you say that your team is invincible, why hasn't it played a role yet?"

Xiao Mei was scolded and unhappy, and retorted: "Didn't you see that Qin Lie also came to the Gu family, they are all entangled now, can't understand?"

Henry Zhang said rudely: "I don't care whether I'm entangled or not, I only know what you said, even other ancient family members can't fight you, now you explain the situation to me, what's going on?"

Xiao Mei was also held back by Henry Zhang, so she picked up the walkie-talkie and gave orders to his Gu family army.

"Everyone, put down the battle and get out as soon as possible, now the biggest target, Qin Lie, now the biggest target, Qin Lie!!"

Xiao Mei's words were somewhat useful.

After hearing this, the Gu Jiajun didn't want to fight with Minghui and the others in front of them. They retreated defensively and prepared to escape.

But it's not that simple to get out. After all, the opposite is also the Gu family army, and no one can crush anyone.

If you want to go, the person on the opposite side won't let you go, so there are only three or four of the ancient army who broke free from the shackles of the opponent in front of you.

These three or four rushed towards Qin Lie, vowing to kill Qin Lie.

The Gu family's army under Minghui chased after him and ran in the direction of Qin Lie.

For a time, Qin Lie actually became the center of the attack in the entire venue.

At the same time, the battle between Gu Chen and Situ Xuan in the sky also came to an end.

The two sides fought in the sky for many rounds at a speed invisible to the naked eye. At the last moment, Situ Xuan's figure first appeared. His body stayed in the air for two seconds, and at the same time he shouted at Qin Lie: "Boy, take it up. Living!"

At first Qin Lie didn't know what Situ Xuan wanted him to pick up.

After taking a closer look, I saw the position where Situ Xuan Guchen had just fought. Gu Chen was defeated and shot over like a cannonball.

The position of the lasing was actually exactly where he was standing.

At this time, Gu Chen seemed to be seriously injured in the game with Situ Xuan. He was full of blood donations, and he had lost his balance.

With his head facing Qin Lie, he came straight.

Seeing this picture, Qin Lie immediately became ruthless and wanted Gu Chen's life.

Not for anything else, but only for the two knives he stabbed on Xuanyuan Hao.

Just this, Gu Chen can't live.

So facing Gu Chen who was coming down fast, Qin Lie held the hilt of his golden saber with both hands, and slashed against Gu Chen in the opposite direction.

As I said at the beginning, Gu Chen lost his balance and flew his head down, facing Qin Lie.

As long as Qin Lie's knife goes out, it will definitely cut on Gu Chen's head.

Regardless of whether Gu Chen has reformed or not, and how high his kung fu is, he will surely die with a single blow.

This scene became the focus of attention of the audience for a while.

The one who responded the most was Xiao Mei, who immediately said, "Don't!!"

There is another person who has the same reaction, that person is Minghui.

Ming Hui is the second master's person, and the two Gu Song once said that Xiao Mei can't be killed, and Gu Chen can't be killed.

These two people have a very high status in the Gu family. If the person dies, the Gu family will be held accountable. As long as the people involved in this matter, they can't get rid of it.

The second master is just a third-generation child of the Gu family, and there are second-generation children and a first-generation ancestor.

Gu Chen, a once-in-a-century martial arts genius, died just like that, and with the help of his Gu Song, Gu Song must suffer too.

So the first priority is not to kill Gu Chen.

In that instant, Minghui and the rest of the Gu family tried to stop Qin Lie like crazy.

Shouting, fluttering, a lot.

However, at this time, Qin Lie would not listen to advice. He had already made up his mind to kill Gu Chen and help Xuanyuan Hao to avenge him.

As soon as the anger came up, everything that had been agreed with Gu Song before was gone.

His eyes were red and he almost lost his mind.

Facing Gu Chen, who was falling rapidly, he faced him with a knife in the opposite direction.

Gu Chen himself, he can also clearly see a Qin Lie appearing behind him, and Qin Lie has a knife in his hand.

At that moment, his confidence and arrogance disappeared. After coming here today, he felt fear for the first time.

This person he didn't even look at at first, and even felt like he could crush him with his toes, turned out to be his biggest threat.

"no, do not want……"

Seeing that the knife edge was getting closer, Gu Chen struggled to say these two words.

At the last moment, he yelled out: "No!"

But it was already too late.

Qin Lie's knife slashed against Gu Chen's head, and stabbed into Gu Chen's body, from the skull, to the body, to the lower body.

One knife directly divided Gu Chen into two!

The separated corpses, one left and one right, bounced far and far!

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