After killing Gu Chen with a knife, Qin Lie was covered in blood!

He was bathed in blood, holding the golden knife in his hand, and roaring like a vent.


This cry of his is a celebration after winning, and an emotional release after being aggrieved for so long.

He was suppressed by the Xiao family for too long, Li Caiying died, Xuanyuan Hao was seriously injured, and all the aristocratic families were suppressed by the Xiao family and dared not let go.

He and the Xuanyuan family were the only ones fighting bloody battles, and they were also overwhelmed.

Qin Lie's knife not only killed Gu Chen, the most difficult opponent, but also greatly boosted the morale of the scene!

Everyone in Xuanyuanwei clenched their fists and cheered.

"Good! Good kill!"

"Fuck, let him be arrogant!"

"Dog Ri's Xiao family, I still see him crazy?!!"

“Qin Lie did a great job!!”

"This dog kills well!"

The Xuanyuan Guards only knew that this person had hurt their Patriarch, so this person should be damned.

However, Xiao Mei and the rest of the Gu family were frightened.

First, he did not expect that someone as strong as Gu Chen would die in the hands of Qin Lie and Situ Xuan.

Secondly, this person really cannot be killed!

Even people like Xiao Mei were in a trance at that time.

When she brought Gu Chen out, she was hiding it from the upper echelons of the Gu family. Gu Chen came to help because he had a good personal relationship with her.

In the past few years, the Gu family has been cultivating Gu Chen as the future successor, and a lot of energy and hard work have been poured into him, and the upper management of the Gu family will never accept this fact.

As the initiator, she, Xiao Mei, is absolutely inextricable!

It's over, it's over...

Minghui and Xiao Mei thought the same. Once Gu Chen died, there would be a lot of internal turmoil in the Gu family. Their Gusong branch, as the party supporting Qin Lie, would probably be held accountable if they were investigated.

How can this be good!

Xiao Mei was out of control at that time, and shouted at everyone: "Kill him, kill him for me!!"

All of a sudden, the group of Gu family troops under him moved and killed Qin Lie.

But Gu Chen is dead, Xiao Yuanshan is dead, and the strength of the ancient army is balanced. Qin Lie has Xuanyuanwei and Situ Xuan on his side. If the Xiao family wants to kill Qin Lie again, how can it be so easy.

Xiao Mei's Gu Family Army was dragged by Gu Song's Gu Family Army.

The two who rushed out occasionally were not the opponents of Situ Xuan who was in a strengthened state.

Situ Xuan cleaned up these ancient army troops by three and five, and Qin Lie became very safe for a while.

And Qin Lie, who was standing in the center of the battlefield, also knew that it was time to counterattack today's situation!

The biggest problem now is that the outside team can't get in, and the extra gunmen of the Xiao family still have pressure on other families.

And he just learned that the Xiao family did not know how to get control of other families.

His team encountered the obstruction of many aristocratic families outside, and the Longyan team and the Cape family team fell into a hard battle.

He has to turn this situation around. As long as his team floods into the venue, today's events will be settled!

So, the situation is stable now.

He wants to change the current situation.

Looking down, he saw the microphone originally used by the host at the venue. He quickly picked up the microphone, patted it, and found that it was still usable.

On the speaker of this microphone, he spoke loudly to the other families in the venue.

"Everyone, I'm Qin Lie!"

"I know that some of you are in despair right now. The patriarch is dead, the clan members are dead, and you still have the Xiao family's gun on your head!"

"But what I want to tell you is that today's victory is only one step away from us!"

"By the way, some people may think that I, Qin Lie, are not worthy to say such things to you. I will introduce myself again here. I am the direct descendant of the Xuanyuan family. I am the contemporary Xuanyuan family parent and the biological son of Xuanyuanhao. The real Xuanyuan family young master!"

As soon as these words came out, many people at the scene let out low voices.

They looked at each other, shocked.

There was a lot of discussion.

"He is the young master of the Xuanyuan family?"

"True or false? What is Xuanyuan's gift from heaven?"

"Is the young master of the Xuanyuan family all fake for so many years?"

"what's going on?"

Qin Lie continued: "Since I was born, the Xiao family tried to get me out of it, so Xuanyuan Tianci is the same as most of your family, but he was arranged by the Xiao family to be an undercover agent in the family!"

"After decades of investigation, I have found a lot of evidence. I have many witnesses and the results of my father's paternity test to prove it!"

"These things, after today's event is over, I can show you the same thing!"


Henry Zhang was in the audience, and when he heard these words from Qin Lie, he panicked for a while.

He still doesn't know what Qin Lie's purpose is, but it's definitely not a good thing for Qin Lie to give a speech on it.

He roared: "A group of rice buckets, what are you waiting for if you don't go up and kill Qin Lie?"

But where is his people who don't want to kill, it's really hard to get in.

Henry Zhang was furious for a while, looked left and right, and found the audio line of the venue.

He ran over quickly and cut the audio cable directly.

There was a loud noise from the speakers at the venue, and Qin Lie's voice was no longer received.

Qin Lie saw that the microphone was no longer usable, so he chose to throw it away.

Then, he held up his golden knife and shouted directly in the venue with his voice.

He attached his inner strength to his voice, and while he was full of energy, all the voices wandered over the entire venue.

"Everyone, I am now calling on you as a descendant of the Xuanyuan family!"

"There is darkness before dawn, break the darkness and we can see the dawn!"

"Don't be afraid, the people of the Xiao family are not that powerful, just like Gu Chen who I just cut off with one knife, no matter how powerful the opponent is, as long as we do it, we can win!"

"Now that the control of your family has been taken away by the Xiao family, I call on the brothers of the major families who still want to fight, pick up the weapons around you and regain control!"

"At this time, my team is fighting fiercely with your family's team outside the door. You take back control, let your family stop the fire and let my people in!"

"If you don't want to be enslaved by the Xiao family, just like me, stand up and resist!"

"My Xuanyuan family will definitely remember your contributions!!"

"Everyone, live on your knees or die standing up, it's up to you to choose!!"

Qin Lie's meaning is very clear, anyway, it is to encourage those who have a conscience and do not want to be ruled by the Xiao family to stand up and take control.

As long as their respective families take control of themselves, the Dragon Flame Squad and the Cape Family can break through.

Once it broke through, the dust settled.

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