The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1839 The Defeat Is Like A Mountain

Qin Lie's speech was not very enthusiastic, but it just poured into the hearts of these aristocratic family members.

Since the opening of the game today, they have really been suppressed by the Xiao family for too long.

With the barrel of the gun on his head, the undercover agent rebelled and killed the patriarch.

The armed forces that originally belonged to their family were controlled by the Xiao family, but they themselves were like puppets, standing there sluggishly, not daring to do anything.

They feel cowardly.

Qin Lie and the others can resist, why can't they?

Is this bloody difference so big?

Thinking of these, there is a fire in everyone's heart, which has been accumulated for too long, and it has already reached a large scale.

Qin Lie's words, like an introduction, completely detonated them!

These people are thinking too.

What the hell is I afraid of!

Qin Lie stood up alone to deal with so many people in the Xiao family without falling behind. With so many people, he dared not to stand up. Is he really so afraid of death?

Live on your knees, or die on your feet!

It's hard for a person to live in this world. Damn, what are you doing with such a suffocating life?

Shit, fucked him!

Thinking of this, these people were all stoked, and they all sweared and resisted.

The masters of the Shentu family aimed at Shentu Mingxu, about four or five masters dispatched at the same time, swarmed up and rushed over.

They may not be Shentu Mingxu's opponents alone, but several of them went together and they still won Shentu Mingxu in seconds.

The other gunmen of the Xiao family around were ready to start.

The rest of the people also rushed up. Although several died, they still took down the gunmen and stole the guns from their hands.

Once a person is not afraid of death, the power of the explosion is extremely terrifying.

In less than a minute, the Shentu family wiped out all the surrounding Xiao family forces.

Shentu Aoshi regained his freedom, grabbed the gun from his subordinates, and his anger burst out. He aimed the gun at Shentu Songbai with a grim face. This time, he shot directly without hesitation.

Shentu Songbai only has enough brains, but basically no kung fu.

Shentu Aoshi no longer had any nostalgia, and a shuttle of bullets hit Shentu Songbai's head!

"Kill my dad, grab the power of my family, who gave you the courage, grass mud horse, go to hell!"

Bang bang bang!

Shentu Aoshi also broke out, not only killing Shentu Songbai, but also Shentu Mingxu.

Then, with anger, he took the walkie-talkie and shouted at Chen Chuan who was opposite the walkie-talkie: "Chen Chuan, Shentu Songbai is already dead, if you don't want to die, stop shooting Qin Lie's people now, Shentu's family, Listen to me now!!"

Shentu Aoshi experienced what happened today and grew up overnight.

The arrogance that erupted from the whole body at this moment was unprecedented.

Chen Chuan was the leader of their Shentu family troops. Before, he was bought by Shentu Songbai to help Shentu Songbai.

At this time, they heard that Shentu Songbai had died, and felt that the internal situation had not developed in the direction they thought.

These people also know the trade-offs.

It is good to follow Shentu Songbai, then follow Shentu Songbai.

Now that Shentu Songbai is dead, in order to save his life, he naturally has to submit to Shentu Aoshi.

After Chen Chuan heard Shentu Aoshi's order, he hesitated for a few seconds, and finally chose to obey.

After hanging up on the walkie-talkie, he gave the order to his subordinates: "Go on, stop attacking Qin Lie immediately, and turn around to deal with the Xiao family's troops!"

And this picture is still only a glimpse of many aristocratic families.

The Tang family, the Murong family, the Han family, and even the Su family all broke out in rebellion.

All those who were still thinking of the family rose up and resisted, and they quickly regained control of the family.

Henry Zhang and the things they were most worried about still happened.

He originally wanted to use the gunman to threaten them, so that these people would not dare to resist. As long as the thorns of Qin Lie and the Xuanyuan family were pressed down, the remaining families would be easy to deal with.

As a result, the thorn was not removed, and he even brought other people to resist. When all the people from the noble family stood up, the gunmen in his hand would not be enough to watch.

Henry Zhang stood in the center of the venue, watching helplessly as his own people were killed, and the situation was broken bit by bit.

This situation seems to be falling apart.

He is now in chaos, commanding his own team.

"Press here!"

"Southeast corner, the Su family has to control it!"

"Su Donghai, why can't you, the owner of your family, control your clan?"

"Here, there is no one here, give me the top!"

However, no matter how hard Henry Zhang commanded, he could not stop the collapsed situation.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. When Henry Zhang didn’t press Qin Lie’s spark, it meant that today’s fire couldn’t be suppressed.

There was chaos all around, and all the aristocratic families took back control of the family.

The strength of Henry Zhang’s men was nibbled away bit by bit.

In fact, at this stage, today's situation has been set.

Outside the venue, the pressure faced by Jiang Lei and others also decreased exponentially.

Began to be besieged by four groups of people, they suffered heavy casualties, almost unbearable.

Then, the first good news came suddenly: "Brother Lei, the team of the Shentu family on the right suddenly stopped attacking!"

"Ah?" Jiang Lei was still stunned at the time, not knowing what was going on, "Why did you stop attacking?"

The correspondent said, "I don't know, I just didn't call anyway."


Before Jiang Lei's joy could be received, another piece of good news came: "Brother Lei, the Han family on the left has stopped fighting. I don't know why, they seem to have been ordered to stop attacking!"

"Ah?" Jiang Lei didn't understand, but this was absolutely good news.

Don't think about it, the situation in the venue should have affected the outside, so Qin Lie now has an advantage!

Then, the third good news came again.

"Brother Lei, they all attacked the venue together, and they all attacked the Xiao family!"


Jiang Lei was so excited that he couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

As the commander of today's battle, he seized the opportunity to order at that time: "Then what are you waiting for, punch it all for me, and punch the Xiao family's ass!"

"Damn it, it's finally time for Lao Tzu to fight more and less!"

Outside the venue, all the aristocratic families turned their heads for a while, all targeting the Xiao family.

The Xiao family became the target of public criticism, and the army was defeated like a mountain.

It was like a dam burst, the torrent surged, and the Xiao family's defense line, which was already fragile, was washed away all at once.

Xiao Gan watched the troops approaching 10,000 people from the opposite side come up, and instantly gave up resistance. When he lost the barrel of his gun, he squatted with his hands on his head, and his life was the most important thing.

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