The next situation is to destroy the dead, and the autumn wind sweeps the leaves.

Xiao Qian and the others were already enough to stop Worms Jiang Lei, not to mention the counterattacks of all the aristocratic teams.

The team at the entrance of Xiao's house was like a piece of paper, and it shattered when touched.

Jiang Lei and others rushed into the venue and had a head-on conflict with the Xiao family gunmen in the venue.

With the advantage of the number of people, he also quickly cleaned the inside.

Xiao Mei's side, relying on the Gu family army under her, resisted for a while, but with the Gu family army from Gu Song's side, it didn't last long.

The situation is basically clear, and the rest is some finishing work.

Henry Zhang was swarmed by the overwhelming crowd and tied up, and Su Donghai, Xiao Xingyao, and Xiao Mei were almost all arrested.

The power of the aristocratic families was quite strong, and all these people were caught in front of Qin Lie.

"Kneel down!"

Chen Jinhu kicked Henry Zhang's foot, Henry Zhang couldn't hold back his strength, and knelt down with a puff.

Henry Zhang had been beaten with a bruised nose and a bruised face, and all the places he could see were bruised, and the injuries on his body made it a luxury for him to even stand upright.

Taking a breath, he looked up at Qin Lie and spat with all his strength.

But because his strength was too small, the saliva even fell directly on his own clothes.

Qin Lie just stood in front of him and laughed: "Henry Zhang, you probably never dreamed of such an ending..."

Henry Zhang breathed heavily, looked indifferent, and panted: "Qin Lie, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Since you have won, you have to kill or slash, and you should listen and respect, and don't waste your words here."

Qin Lie shrugged, Henry Zhang at least acted like a man.

Qin Lie said in a low voice, "You must be dead, I just asked you to chat before you die. Your Xiao family is really well prepared this time. It's a pity, my luck is half a point better than yours!"

"Qin Lie..."

Speaking of luck, Henry Zhang had such an idea instead, and he asked like this: "There's only one thing I don't understand now, our team is strong enough, where did you find someone to help you? !"

"And that strengthening potion, who gave it to you!"

"Sorry." Listening to Henry Zhang's words, Qin Lie responded to him, "I can tell you a lot of things, but I can't tell you about this one..."

It is absolutely impossible to say what Gu Song has done for himself.

Gu Chen's death has already violated the agreement. If the name of Gu Song is mentioned again, it will be sorry for Gu Song.

"Haha..." Henry Zhang laughed after listening, and didn't ask further, but felt very bitter.

Then he asked another question: "Let's ask again, you said that you are a descendant of the Xuanyuan family, when did you know about this, and you already knew about the things we exchanged at the beginning."

There's nothing to hide about this.

Qin Lie nodded and said, "I've known it for a long time, maybe a month or two."

"You never revealed any information during this period, and you never went to Xuanyuan Hao?" he asked.

Qin Lie nodded: "No, the first time I looked for my father was after I arrived in the capital. It was three days before the family competition started."

"You can bear it so much?"

Qin Lie said: "There is no way, since I found out that this matter was done by your Xiao family, and I also know that you and I have a deadly feud, I guessed that you will do something to kill this family competition. I!"

"Xuanyuan Tianci is all yours, and I don't know if the Xuanyuan family has any other eyeliners from you. If I look for my father too often and let you find clues, this time the aristocratic family won't do anything, I will There is no way to lead the snake out of the hole."

"Otherwise, why can I make such a detailed response strategy for you?" Qin Lie said.

"it is good!"

"Sure enough!"

After Henry Zhang listened, he gave a thumbs up and said loudly: "You kid can be patient, you are willing to go out, you are thoughtful and have a long-term vision. I am convinced that I lost today!"

Qin Lie: "If you lose, your Xiao family is gone..."

Henry Zhang had almost accepted the fact of failure at this time, sighed and said: "Man, either he is king for a lifetime, or he is completely defeated, what's the point of living a moderate life.

Of course, the most uncomfortable thing for me is that I have worked so hard, but among the people of the same generation, Xuanyuan Hao has been pressing on my head, I want to surpass him and prove my ability!

I just didn't think about it. I won against him in this plan, but lost to his son. Forget it, just treat me as sorry for the ancestors of the Xiao family. Well, I have nothing to say, you Do it. "

Looking down at Henry Zhang who was generous to his death, Qin Lie felt that these people who could sit in the position of family patriarchs were almost not mediocre.

This picture reminds Qin Lie of Kong Wei who committed suicide.

At least, their hearts are very magnanimous.

To win is to win, to lose is to lose.

Moreover, the mutiny planned by the Xiao family was actually not badly planned.

If he hadn't defeated Xiao Yuanshan and Situ Xuan had not defeated Gu Chen, the outcome of today would not be like this.

The hero behind it is Gusong.

Henry Zhang was definitely going to die, but Henry Zhang, Qin Lie, didn’t want to do it himself.

Before he started, he asked Henry Zhang another question: "Henry Zhang, let me ask you, did you order the move in the case of my master Qiu Bai killing the family?"

Henry Zhang didn’t hide anything anymore, and said casually: “You even found out that you were exchanged, haven’t you found out about this, it must be me, I don’t allow the exchange of children to be exposed, Qiu Bai's wife is the key person, so naturally I want to kill..."

That's it.

With Henry Zhang's admission, then all the previous guesses are basically correct.

The reason why I want to ask this question in my heart is that this person, he wants Qiu Bai to kill.

Turning around and walking back to Qiu Bai, Qin Lie handed a pistol to Qiu Bai and whispered in Qiu Bai's ear: "Master, you heard it too, it's time to avenge your wife and your family!"

At this time, Qiu Bai's emotions were already extremely excited.

He took the gun Qin Lie handed over, trembling all over.

Wandering in front of Henry Zhang, his eyes were already rosy.

Qin Lie has no way to understand his feelings, but he can be sure that Qiu Bai's mood at this time has been turned upside down.

Qiu Bai raised his gun and aimed the muzzle at Henry Zhang's head.

He said to himself, "It's been seventeen years, I've been investigating this matter for seventeen years, Henry Zhang, do you know how I spent these seventeen years?"

If Henry Zhang wanted to say guilt, it wouldn't count, he just said: "I'm sorry, the position is different, I have to do it."

"Kill my whole family!" Qiu Bai was muttering to himself, tears were already pouring out, "You have today too!"

The last sentence, Qiu Bai said to the sky.

"Hui'er, I finally avenged you today, you can rest in peace!"

After speaking, Qiu Bai made up his mind and pulled the trigger!

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