Qiu Bai's shot, the bullet penetrated, went in between Henry Zhang's eyebrows, and broke open from the back of his head.

The skull was shattered and a large piece fell to the ground.

Blood splattered, and Henry Zhang also fell to the ground.

After this shot, Qiu Bai seemed to be relieved, and it seemed that he had fulfilled his long-cherished wish for a lifetime.

His tears fell even more, and he walked out of the venue step by step, looking a little dazed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Qin Lie knew that his heart was agitated at the moment, and he didn't stop him, so he just let him go out.

Qin Lie still has a lot to do.

Then there is the need to kill all those who should be killed.

Xiao Xingyao, Qin Lie was shot dead when he walked in front of him, Xuanyuan Tianci was severely injured by himself during the competition, but he was not dead, and a bullet shattered his head.

Others, all the gunmen of the Xiao family, if they surrender, they will be spared their lives, and after they are dispersed, they will be incorporated into their own team.

If you resist stubbornly, it is also just a matter of one shot.

More people died at the scene than in the previous games.

In today's war alone, thousands of people have died, which is comparable to an extremely large-scale military conflict.

After all those who should be killed have been killed, Qin Lie still has a problem - Xiao Mei.

Is this woman to kill or not to kill? ?

It stands to reason that Xiao Mei planned the child exchange incident that year, and also instructed Xuanyuan Tianci to poison Li Caiying.

Qin Lie hated this woman deeply.

Killing her a thousand times is not too much.

But there is another problem. Gu Song has been promised before that Gu Chen and Xiao Mei will not kill them, otherwise it will cause an uproar in the Gu family.

But now, Gu Chen is dead, and the agreement with Gu Song has been broken, this Xiao Mei should kill or not.

Xiao Mei was also escorted to her knees on the ground. She raised her head and was surprisingly calm.

She laughed and said in a low voice, "What's the matter, Qin Lie, you killed others so decisively, why did you hesitate to come to me, like a little girl?"

Qin Lie looked down at her and said nothing...

She continued: "Qin Lie, if I guess correctly, the person behind you who helped you won't let you kill me, right? Hehe... In the Gu family, there are not many people who dare to use me directly."

"If you want to do it, I advise you to do it right away."

"If you don't do it, let me go as soon as possible, don't waste everyone's time!"

Qin Lie looked down at him and said indifferently: "I killed Gu Chen, do you really think I dare not do anything?"

Xiao Mei calmly said, "Since you dare to do it, then pick up the gun in your hand and shoot me in the head, don't hesitate..."

"I just hope that you can bear the consequences of killing me!"

"Oh yes!" Xiao Mei laughed again, "If you let me go, in this lifetime, your Xuanyuan family will never think about living in peace!!"

Qin Lie heard this, and his anger instantly rushed to his head.

He has already seen Xiao Mei's viciousness, this is not a woman to deal with, Qin Lie really wants to shoot her down here!

"Xiao Mei, it seems that you really want to die!"

Xiao Mei didn't speak, she used her forehead to find the muzzle, and stared at Qin Lie with very sharp eyes.

And suddenly at this time, there was a sudden change outside the door!

Qin Lie heard the sound of clattering outside the venue, and then, the sound of gunfire and the sound of swords, there was another conflict.

Qin Lie frowned and whispered: "What happened again, Jin Hu, go out and see!"

Everyone in the Xiao family has been cleared, so it stands to reason that there should be no such conflicts.


Chen Jinhu responded and ran off the field immediately.

At this time, Jiang Lei suddenly ran in from the outside, and said as he ran, "Brother Lie, it's not good, another team is rushing in, we can't stop it!"

Qin Lie was surprised to hear that, seeing Jiang Lei's panicked appearance, even the big battle an hour ago had never made him so nervous.

Qin Lie didn't understand and immediately asked, "What team and how many people?"

Jiang Lei: "There are very few people, just a few dozen, but they are so powerful that we really can't stop them!"

tens of?

Qin Lie's eyes widened, dozens of them could rush in from a team of thousands of people, what kind of combat power is this?

Could it be that they are?

As soon as Qin Lie thought of this, Xiao Mei sneered at her feet: "Qin Lie, look, you won't want to let you do it quickly, now it's alright, you can't even kill me if you want to!"

As soon as Xiao Mei's voice fell, a loud bang came from the door.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Lie saw a super strong man with a height of more than two meters rushing in from the gate.

But his way of playing is different. Everyone walks through the gate. This strong man directly slammed a big hole into the concrete wall next to the gate.

A concrete wall of more than one meter, it takes more than half an hour for the machine to open the hole, and it was so abruptly knocked off by this man.

He was dressed in black armor, like an ancient general.

The body is huge, Qin Lie visually estimated that it weighs at least four hundred pounds.

And the bulletproof effect of his armor is also very good, and the bullets around him can only splash a starting point of sparks.

Following this man, more and more people appeared behind him. All of them rushed in with the guns of the Longyan Squad, intercepting bullets halfway, which was nothing but a pediatrician to them.

Soon, a team of about forty or fifty people came to the front of the gate of the venue.

Their vanguard arrived, and then a middle-aged man in his 40s walked in slowly along the bloody road they fought.

This man is dressed in a suit, exuding a heroic spirit from top to bottom.

Very handsome, with a straight back, sword-like eyebrows and star-shaped eyes, there is no wrinkle on his skin, but his hair is a little whiter, which makes him a lot older.

Otherwise, this person looks at most in his thirties.

And after this person walked into the venue, he walked towards Qin Lie quickly, saying as he walked, "Young man, give you ten seconds to let my wife go immediately, otherwise, you and your subordinates will definitely There will be a heavy price to pay.”


Qin Lie instantly looked at Xiao Mei.

With Xiao Mei as his wife, Qin Lie had also heard about it from Gu Song before, so this person is the third child of the Gu family? Gu Song's younger brother?

The middle-aged man came from the outside, his aura spread out, even though he was surrounded by Qin Lie's people, he seemed to regard this place as his home ground.

Along the way, the Long Yan team fired quite a few shots, but almost all of them were stopped by those around him.

Soon, he walked less than three meters in front of Qin Lie. At this time, Chen Jinhu, Xing Feng, Li Tianlin and others all blocked in front of Qin Lie.

The middle-aged man stopped, looked at Qin Lie from a distance and said, "Young man, please make every decision carefully..."

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