Xiao Mei's casting is really helpless.

If you can't fight the Gu family, then let him go first.

Maybe in the future, but not now.

This hatred, let's record it there first.

As Qin Lie said, this time the Xiao family made a big noise in the family competition, which had a huge impact and also left a lot of mess.

Follow-up statistics, just this mutiny, centered on the venue of the game, a total of 6,322 people died.

Among them, the Xiao family died the cleanest, followed by the Kong family who had previously intercepted the Longyan team at the periphery, and also died a lot.

The pattern of the eight great families has undergone earth-shaking changes because of this incident.

The Murong family's Muzi camp was destroyed, and the large-scale armed forces of the Kong family were destroyed. The two of them were greatly frustrated, their power plummeted, and they fell to the last two.

The head of the Shentu family was killed, the head of the Su family was killed, and the core leadership of the Han family was wiped out, all of which suffered considerable losses.

The Tang family suffered little loss because they always stood on Qin Lie's side, and almost maintained their original power.

But because of this change, the Tang family didn't move much, and other families were weakened a lot, and the ranking of the Tang family went up several places.

Finally, there is the Xuanyuan family represented by Qin Lie.

In fact, quite a few people died in the Xuanyuan family, and those ordinary armed men have always been at the forefront of the team.

Xuanyuan's family also died before and after a thousand people, plus Li Caiying's death, Xuanyuan Hao was seriously injured, originally the Xuanyuan family was going to be severely injured.

But because of the presence of Qin Lie.

After this incident, everyone knew that Qin Lie was the real young master of the Xuanyuan family.

Qin Lie's own power and the Xuanyuan family's power will definitely merge together after this incident.

In other words, the future Xuanyuan family is the dual power of the previous Xuanyuan family and Qin Lie.

As a result, its power not only did not decrease, but even increased by leaps and bounds, leaving other families far behind.

The eight great families have since become seven great families, and the Xuanyuan family is the only one.

Of course, after this incident, most of the aristocratic families are severely damaged, and they should enter a period of peace for a long time.

Qin Lie avenged his revenge for changing sons back then, settled his grievance with the Xiao family, and also helped Qiu Bai to avenge the annihilation of the family.

The grievances and grievances with the Xiao family, this behemoth, were finally settled.

Qin Lie, a rising star, has won the battle against the traditional family.

In the follow-up, Qin Lie can't handle so many dead people himself, so he can only hand it over to Han Qi.

Oh, by the way, all the senior management of the Han family were wiped out. Han Qi was doing official business in the Kyushu Bureau that day and did not come to the scene. The second child of the Han family naturally became the new generation of the head of the Han family.

He didn't expect to be doing a task outside, and the position of the head of the house would hit his head.

The matter of the corpse is left to the Kyushu Bureau.

There is no follow-up to the great competition of the family.

The four people who participated in the semi-finals were Xiao Xingyao, Xuanyuan Tianci, Shentu Mingxu and Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was the last one who survived.

Of course, there is no suspense about the championship, but it doesn't really matter whether this championship is given to Qin Lie or not.

Qin Lie led the team, overturned the Xiao family, and solved the family crisis of all the aristocratic families with one person.

This has already made him famous, and Qin Lie's battle has made him famous.

When Qin Lie was mentioned before, the most people would say is, oh, it's just that rising star, his ability is not bad, but with the help of the Tang family, he has eaten a bit of soft food.

Now, everyone in the family will give a thumbs up as long as they hear the word Qin Lie.

Let's just put it this way, within a week after the matter was resolved, Qin Lie's private account was paid more than 30 billion by major families.

It's enough to see how grateful these people are to Qin Lie.

It's been a week since Qin Lie was busy with his tail, and he didn't stop much.

A week later, things were almost settled. He originally wanted to go to the hospital to see Xuanyuan Hao.

It's just that after he left the gate of Shijia Village, he received a phone call temporarily.

The phone was unfamiliar, but the voice on the other side was familiar.

The second master of the ancient family, Gu Song.

Gu Song hadn't contacted him for a week after the Aristocratic Competition ended. Qin Lie thought that Gu Song would blame him for killing Gu Chen, so he didn't call him.

The result is not, it will make the call, he is invited to Qin Lie.

Gu Song was on the other end of the phone, and his tone was still lazy.

He said: "Qin Lie, congratulations, the aristocratic family has won a great competition and become a hero of your eight aristocratic families, oh no, there are only seven aristocratic families now."

This made Qin Lie feel a little embarrassed.

Qin Lie said with a smile: "Second Master, if others praise me, they will praise me. Don't you compliment me so much?"

"If it wasn't for your help, how could I have won."

The second master also laughed: "Forget it, let's not mention this. I called you today to invite you to dinner. I'm going back to Gu's house in the afternoon. Let's have dinner at the end. I have something to tell you."

"You're leaving?" Qin Lie asked.

Gu Song said: "Well, it's been out for a long time, and I don't want to be suspected by people in the family, otherwise Xiao Mei's mother-in-law will be a demon again."

"Okay..." Qin Lie said, "Then I should contact Minghui, Minghui will take me there?"


After the two agreed, they hung up the phone.

Qin Lie changed his plan almost immediately after getting Gu Song's invitation.

Xuanyuan Hao is now in the hospital, in stable condition, and can be seen at any time.

This ancient pine is regarded as his great benefactor. He is leaving, and he has something to explain, so he must go too.

Maybe the things he mentioned were related to the Gu family.

In the dark, Qin Lie feels that he will definitely have a lot of dealings with the Gu family in the future. It is definitely not a bad thing for many Gu Songs to support themselves in the Gu family.

With that in mind, Qin Lie went to contact Minghui.

Minghui obviously got the order long ago. After receiving the call, he asked Qin Lie to wait in Shijia Village, and he drove over to pick him up soon.

The two of them went to the old part of the old city of Magic City together.

However, the location of Gusong was not so biased this time, so he chose an old restaurant on the roadside.

The old restaurant is very old, but the decoration is good, the service is good, and it still has the style of the old magic city.

In the lobby of the restaurant, Qin Lie saw Gu Song sitting on the table. At this moment, there were several Gu family soldiers around him, all of whom were his subordinates, and they were all sitting on the table.

There was a space beside him, obviously for Qin Lie.

When Qin Lie arrived, he immediately greeted Gu Song with a smile: "Second Master, now you have relaxed your courage, and actually sat down at the restaurant on the roadside, aren't you afraid that others will see you?"

Gu Song listened, looked back at him, and joked: "Xiao Mei's mother-in-law was beaten home by you, and now I'm the only one who belongs to the Gu family, what am I doing secretly?"

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