The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1844 The Influence Of The Ancient Family

Qin Lie walked over and sat down beside Gu Song, looking at the few dishes on the table.

He smiled and said, "Second Master, you are so leisurely and elegant."

Gu Song was lying on the chair and smiled: "When the matter is settled, you should relax, have a meal, and drink a few glasses of wine. What a comfortable day."

With that said, Gu Song greeted the waiter in the restaurant: "Come, bring me the best wine in your store."

Soon, the hotel staff served a few bottles of the top five-star Maotai.

Minghui opened the wine and poured a glass for everyone at the table.

Gu Song picked up the glass and greeted everyone: "I suggest that everyone have a drink first to celebrate the successful completion of our plan this time."

Qin Lie shouted and drank the first glass of wine with everyone.

After a glass of wine, Gu Song slapped his mouth and whispered: "This wine is really ordinary, Qin Lie, if you have a chance in the future, come to our Gu family, and I will show you the wine of our ancient family. Absolutely."

Qin Lie laughed and said, "Let's talk about it later when there is a chance."

Then he added: "I'm going to the Gu family now, and it would be nice if the people in the Gu family don't cut me off."

Gu Song did not respond to this, but greeted everyone: "Come on, eat vegetables first, and chat while eating."

When Gu Song greeted them, everyone moved their chopsticks.

Everyone ate slowly, just like an ordinary family gathering.

While eating, Qin Lie asked Gu Song: "Second Master, are you leaving this afternoon? Don't stay for two more days, or else you can go to Longcheng, and I can show you around."

"I can't, I can't stay." Gu Song said, "There is something in the family, and it involves my status in the family in the future. I have to go back and fight, so I won't stay any more."

Obviously, it is not convenient for Gu Song to disclose what is going on.

Qin Lie had no choice but to say: "Well then, second master, I wish you all the best. After returning to the family, no matter what you want to fight for, you will definitely win. Toast to you."

Having said that, Qin Lie raised his glass and went to honor Gusong.

Gu Song also picked up the cup and drank it, smiled and said, "Then I'll borrow your auspicious words."

Putting down the wine glass and eating a few more bites of food, Gu Song seemed to finally get down to business.

He chewed the peanuts and said, "Qin Lie, to be honest, you are really brave."

"Even if it's me, if I want to touch Gu Chen, I have to think about it. You'd better cut him in half with one knife."

Qin Lie's heart moved, and he really had to ask about it.

Qin Lie listened and could only say with a smile, "No way, who made him attack too hard and seriously injured my biological father. I couldn't be more angry at the time. I saw my master fell him, so I started."

"What's the matter." After saying this, Qin Lie asked back, "I promised you not to kill him at first, but now I haven't fulfilled my promise. Are you coming to trouble me?"


However, Gu Song waved his hand easily and said, "What are you looking for to trouble you, this time we fought such a big victory, what is there to trouble you, I'm telling you this to remind you."

Gu Song paused and said: "Gu Chen's status in the Gu family is not low, because outstanding talents have always been cultivated as future family successors."

"The person who is doing it now is you, and you will definitely be targeted by some people."

"I called you here this time to explain these things."

Saying that, Gu Song took a bite of the dish and said while eating.

"I treat you as my own, and now I can talk to you about the Gu family."

Qin Lie listened, his eyes moved, and this was what he wanted to know.

After all, the Gu family is still in a relatively confused stage.

Many things are known by rumors. Although they have contacted Gu Chen and Xiao Mei, their understanding of the Gu family is still superficial.

After killing Gu Chen, contact with the Gu family has become inevitable.

Qin Lie also wanted to know more about the Gu family.

Since Gu Song is willing to speak, he will listen to it.

Gu Song said leisurely.

"The ancient family, as for how long the history has been followed, I can't tell. Anyway, in the genealogy of our ancient family, basically since the birth of the Chinese civilization, our family has existed, and it was previously called the clan tribe."

"For thousands of years, our ancient family has been at the forefront of the world."

"Whether it is technology, economy, or even the exercises we practice, each of them is actually beyond this world."

"Our ancient family ancestors set a rule, saying that our ancient family must take the responsibility of protecting the land of China. This is why, every time there is an invasion of outsiders in the land of China, there must be our ancient family."

Qin Lie listened and kept nodding.

This is also very similar to the situation that Situ Xuan grasped before.

What is recorded in history seems to be when China was invaded.

Gu Song continued: "Then our Gu family has a rule, that is, when the Gu family has no choice, they must not reveal the identity of the Gu family, let alone reveal the whereabouts of the Gu family."

"Because of the ancient family's technology or economy, the various forces behind it will arouse the coveting of outsiders."

"Although the Gu family is not afraid of invasion by other forces, it is always annoying when there are too many lice."

"So we just completely concealed our whereabouts."

"That's why there is little information about us in the outside world."

"In the secular world, the person who may know us best is the supreme leader of your country, Mr. Hua."

"But even Mr. Hua has to bow his head and speak when he sees our patriarch, because we can affect China's national fortune."

"And the power of the Gu family has spread to more than 200 countries in the world, and has controlled the economic lifeline of more than 20 countries in Asia and Southeast Asia. This is our influence."

Qin Lie listened, his eyes widened.

This, this is kind of scary.

Qin Lie had long thought that the Gu family was huge, but he didn't expect it to be so huge.

More than 200 countries in the world have their influence?

There are only more than 200 countries in the world!

And then they control the economic lifeline of so many Asian countries?

The eight great families of Huaxia only control the economic lifeline of Huaxia, and occasionally they can control the economy of other neighboring countries.

Just like the Xiao family before, they have their own mines and their own subordinate families in South Korea.

But that's all there is to it.

The Gu family can actually control the economic lifeline of more than 20 countries.

If this is the case, these countries will not have to bow their heads and call Grandpa when they see the ancient family.

Compared with the Gu family, any super family is not even a fart.

Qin Lie was stunned, and today he has learned a lot.

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