Qin Lie couldn't believe it.

Ask: "South Korea?"

Gu Song nodded: "We are in control, the bosses behind those consortiums are just our puppets."

"Japan?" Qin Lie didn't believe it and asked again.

Gu Song said: "Japan is a country that we controlled relatively late. After World War II, we gradually penetrated into it. Why did Japan's economy develop rapidly for a period of time after World War II, that is, we intervened..."

Qin Lie listened and continued: "Vietnam?"

There is no need for Gu Song to say everything one by one, so he quickly said: "You don't have to ask, as long as it is all countries bordering China, we basically control them now."

"So in a short period of time, no war can break out in China."

I'm darling...

Qin Lie sucked in a breath of fresh air, panicking like never before.

This influence is too great, what kind of management level are they inside, and how good are those people to manage such a family.

"I rely on."

Qin Lie couldn't help but say something like this: "The power you speak now is beyond my understanding."

Gu Song said with a smile: "So why did I tell you not to provoke the Gu family as much as possible. Once you do provoke it, the consequences will be hard to bear."

Qin Lie smiled bitterly: "But I have already killed Gu Chen..."

However, Gu Song comforted him and said: "This matter is irreversible, but you are not in danger for the time being."

"Why?" Qin Lie was puzzled.

Gu Song was eating and said, "Didn't I tell you just now that I'm going back to participate in an activity at Gu's family this time, and this activity is related to your safety."

Then, Gu Song spoke again.

"The current structure of our ancient family is divided into foreigners and inner clansmen. People like Minghui who were brought to the ancient family and trained by us, who work in the ancient family are considered foreigners."

"In addition to the Gu family army, there are many scientific and technological talents, social talents, anyway, the number of foreigners is very large."

"Of course, the real power is still in the hands of the inner clan members of the Gu family. I, Gu Chen, Gu Ming, and Xiao Mei who married Gu Ming, we are all inner clan members."

Qin Lie also knows here, what is the name of the third child of the family who came to the venue to rescue Xiao Mei a week ago.

Qin Lie didn't interrupt, Gu Song continued: "The inner clan is now divided into four generations!"

"The first generation is our ancestors, my grandfathers, there are still three people in total, all of them are more than 100 years old. Their status is the highest in the family, and they don't go out on weekdays, but if there is an important On occasions, if they appear, people of our generation must kneel down for them."

"And then there are two, three, four, four generations in total."

"The second generation of children, that is, my father's generation, currently holds the absolute power of the family, and the patriarch is also of their generation."

"Then there are the third and fourth generations. You can also see that I am the third generation, and Gu Chen is the fourth generation."

"In order to facilitate management, our third and fourth generations of children also have a leader. This leader manages the people of his own generation, but he must listen to the words of the patriarch. You can imagine it as the leader of a group."

"However, this group leader also has great power. Almost everything he says is an decree, and there should be no refuting voices among his contemporaries."

"And the evaluation and election of this leader is also a complex process. We will test his personal strength, economic strength, and ability to deal with problems. All in all, it is a complex comprehensive test."

"The person who passes this test and wins in the end can become the corresponding leader."

In fact, at this point, Qin Lie has probably guessed what Gu Song said, what he is going back to do.

Qin Lie said, "So, you went back this time to run for this leader?"

"That's right."

Gusong did not deny it.

"Leaders serve five-year terms at a time, and after five years, they will be re-selected."

"The last month is the time for the re-election of the leaders of our three generations of disciples. Gu Chen's father, my eldest brother, Gu Yi, will also participate in it."

"This matter is very important, Gu Yi will not give up, so he will not come to trouble you in the near future."

Qin Lie smiled bitterly after listening to it: "So my safety time is actually only one month?"


Gu Song shook his head and said, "If Gu Yi succeeds in the election, he will have a lot of things waiting for him to do after he takes office, and he won't touch you in a short time, at least three months."

Qin Lie: "What if he doesn't win the election?"

"It depends on the situation." Gu Song said, "If he is unsuccessful, if I succeed, I will definitely protect you, then you may be fine in the future."

"If I don't succeed, and he doesn't succeed, it will be a month from now that he will come to trouble you."

"So, pray I can get this position."

This time, Qin Lie sincerely sent a blessing to Gu Song.

"Second Master!" He picked up the wine glass and said, "Then you must succeed in getting that position. My life depends on your actions."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Gu Song laughed after listening to it: "You boy, I think I have chatted with you so many times, and this is the most sincere sentence you said."

Gu Song gave face very much, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one go.

After putting down the wine glass, Gu Song touched a few more times in his own pocket and took out a few packets of medicine.

This medicine bag Qin Lie knew was the genetic enhancement medicine Gu Song gave him before.

The two packs of potions played a decisive role in the final battle of the aristocratic family.

Without this potion, Situ Xuan would not be able to get the enhancement, nor would he be able to win against Gu Chen.

If you can't win against Gu Chen, everything that follows is empty talk.

Seeing his actions, Qin Lie wondered, "Second Master, what are you?"

Gu Song said: "There are a total of four packs of strengthening potions here. I brought so many when I came out this time. I'll give you all these four packs. It's your reward for helping me this time."

"If there are other ancient family members coming to trouble you, at least you won't die so fast with this potion."

Qin Lie certainly knew how powerful this potion was.

He didn't refuse. He took the medicine and said with a smile, "Then I will thank the second master."

"You're welcome," Gu Song said.

He paused for a while, then said, "Do you know how much the cost of just such a pack of potions is?"

Out of curiosity, Qin Lie asked casually, "How much?"

Gu Song stretched out five fingers and gestured: "Fifty million..."

After a pause, he said again: "US dollars!"

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