Qin Lie laughed when he heard it, and caressed Bai Xianglan's face lovingly.

At this moment, he looked at Bai Xianglan's face, how beautiful he looked.

For a while, the love began to fall, and in turn suppressed her, and then sent her to the cloud again.

The lingering of the two is of course because they have been separated for too long.

But through Bai Xianglan's words, Qin Lie also understood a little.

If you want to live comfortably and make everything go according to your own wishes, then you must become strong.

No matter what happened before, Kong Xi and his wife were reluctant to give Bai Xianglan to them.

But since he pacified the Xiao family and became the official heir of the Xuanyuan family, he even joined all other aristocratic families to form a family alliance.

The attitude of their family has changed 180 degrees to themselves.

It seems that no matter what, you have to make yourself stronger and stronger.

In fact, Qin Lie's affairs are quite a lot recently. Li Caiying's funeral is approaching. As the only son of Xuanyuan's family, he must deal with it.

Similarly, Chen Xiaoyu's due date is approaching, and he must also be present.

Later, he has to prepare for the conference of the Aristocratic Family Alliance. After reaching this position, more and more things have to be handled by him personally.

But even in this case, Qin Lie still took a day off the next day to accompany Bai Xianglan to shopping and shopping for clothes, which was considered to make up for the months she lost.

The two of them bought clothes, ate snacks, and took selfies together in Xidan, just like a young couple in love.

But after the day passed, Qin Lie had to deal with the matter at hand.

On the third day after returning to Longcheng, Li Caiying's body had been sent back to Longcheng for almost ten days. A few days earlier, the elders of the family had urged the crematorium to be cremated, and now it was time to bury Li Caiying's urn. .

The Xuanyuan family's cemetery is located on the mountain near the west of Longcheng. It is the cemetery of the Xuanyuan family's ancestors.

According to Xuanyuanhao's meaning, Qin Lie chose a place close to the cherry blossom forest for Li Caiying, because Xuanyuanhao said that Li Caiying likes cherry blossoms, and once said that she wanted to live with cherry blossoms for the rest of her life.

On the day of the funeral, it rained heavily here in the western suburbs, and the rain curtain poured down the sky, hitting the field without sound.

Li Caiying's funeral enjoyed the highest standard of the Xuanyuan family.

There are four hundred and forty people in the honor guard alone!

In the family, whether it is the younger generation or the older generation, they all wear filial piety and mourning in silence.

All the processes took two and a half hours to complete.

It was just the moment when Li Caiying's ashes were sent to the tomb, Xuanyuan Hao cried so much that he couldn't stand up.

Qin Lie didn't have that much affection for Li Caiying after all, but when he thought of his biological mother leaving him like this, he was still so grief-stricken, so he cried for a while.

When Xuanyuan Hao was crying bitterly, Qin Lie was always by his side.

Maybe only he can give him some spiritual comfort.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Hao's crying was the last vent, and it did not affect his normal mood.

After crying, he may also want Li Caiying to leave.

After the funeral, Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Hao sat in a car together and drove back to Longcheng.

It was still raining outside the window, Xuanyuan Hao deliberately opened the window to let the rain drift in.

He looked out the window, and after a while, Qin Lie looked at him: "Do you have a cigarette?"

Qin Lie spread his hands and said, "Since my girlfriend was pregnant, I quit smoking, and now I don't carry cigarettes with me."

"Well, it's a good habit." Xuanyuan Hao said, "I used to smoke, but because your mother didn't like it, I also quit smoking, but your mother is no longer there, and this quit smoking has nothing to do with it. significance."

Saying that, Xuanyuan Hao patted Ji Canghai on the shoulder and said, "Old Ji, give me a cigarette."

Ji Canghai immediately lit a cigarette and handed it to Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao took it and took a few puffs, but because he didn't smoke for a long time, he was really not used to it, so he took two puffs and coughed twice.

It took me two minutes to get used to it.

"What's your plan after that?" Xuanyuan Hao suddenly asked, "I heard that you established an aristocratic family alliance?"

Qin Lie nodded in response: "It is an alliance, but this alliance is only a means of self-preservation. I am afraid that the people of the Gu family will make a comeback."

Xuanyuan Hao expressed his thoughts on the matter.

"Aligning time together is indeed an innovative and bold move. I also had this idea when I was young, but then gave up because there was no suitable opportunity."

"I can only tell you that the idea is feasible, but you must pay attention to the risks."

Qin Lie knew that Xuanyuan Hao had been the patriarch for so many years, and he knew a lot more about the people of the aristocratic family than he did.

His experiences are treasures for him.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Hao is willing to speak, and he is very willing to listen.

"How to say?"

Xuanyuan Hao said: "The simplest point is that you have to figure out who you can trust, the patriarchs of those noble families, whether you really confirm that they will ally with you."

Qin Lie did not speak and continued to listen.

Xuanyuan Hao continued: "Now you are powerful, your own power plus the power of our Xuanyuan family plus the power of the Xiao family that has been included, you now have more than twice the power of the Xuanyuan family before."

"They are afraid of you now, so they dare not refute your proposal. They can only ally with you."

"But over time, their strength recovers, and if you have been the leader of this alliance, whether they can still surrender to you, this is a question you have to consider."

Hearing this, Qin Lie interjected: "The attribute of our alliance is cooperation, and no one is the boss."

"Haha." Xuanyuan Hao took a cigarette and smiled, "Do you believe it yourself?"

"There are so many contradictions between the aristocratic families. With just one word from you, they are all united together. Do you think it is possible?"

"Think about it, if it wasn't because you have power now and absolutely suppress them, they are afraid that you will just wave your hand and destroy their family, and they will cooperate with you to become a member of the alliance."

"Then if you assume that one day you don't have such a big power, how can you guarantee that they will still listen to you?"

"I..." Qin Lie.

When Xuanyuan Hao mentioned it, Qin Lie thought it was true.

Although he said that this alliance is cooperative in nature, there is no leader.

But to put it bluntly, they were still afraid of their own abilities, so they joined together.

If they were unknown and had the energy of the aristocratic family before, many families would never take care of them.

Xuanyuan Hao's opinion is straight to the point.

"Then what should I do?" Qin Lie asked quickly.

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