After chatting with Xuanyuan Hao for so long, Qin Lie realized that there is still a big gap between his views and those of the older generation.

It's not without reason that Xuanyuan Hao was called the Son of Heaven when he was young.

He thinks the problem is much more comprehensive than himself.

Since Qin Lie established the family alliance, it can be foreseen that the management of the alliance will be a big problem in the future.

Xuanyuan Hao directly brought this issue to the table.

He felt that Xuanyuanhao's idea was very insightful, so he wanted to ask Xuanyuanhao what the solution was.

Xuanyuan Hao said: "There are three predictable results."

"The first one, as the vitality of the aristocratic family recovers, they will feel uncomfortable being managed by a young man like you. If you have no seniority or seniority, the older generation will find a way to unite and put you together. overthrow."

"At that time, there will be a situation where several other noble families will unite and deal with our Xuanyuan family, and our Xuanyuan family will disappear into history like the Xiao family."

"No way." Qin Lie said, "Now many leaders of noble families have a good relationship with me, and they will not betray me!"

As a result, Xuanyuan Hao poured a basin of cold water on his face.

"You are no longer in a low position, so don't talk about feelings anymore. Maybe when you are still working hard, you are very loyal to your brothers, but you are now shouldering a family, including your young good brothers. We must also shoulder a family, and many times we will start to do things involuntarily.”

"Do you think the direction of a family is something that a patriarch can fully bear?"

Qin Lie listened, not knowing what to say.

Perhaps, after being in a high position, there will be more and more helplessness.

He didn't want to entangle this matter, and continued to ask: "What about the second type you said?"

Xuanyuan Hao quickly said: "Second, since we are waiting for their vitality to recover and trouble us, we might as well take advantage of our strength to trouble them."

"Whether it's sending our talents to their family, or supporting a puppet leader, while your energy is still there, gradually naturalize other families as our family, and let them listen to us thoroughly. Of course, it’s a long-term process, ranging from a few years to decades.”

Qin Lie listened and suddenly reacted.

"Then if we do this, won't it be exactly the same as what the Xiao family did?"

Xuanyuan Hao nodded: "It's exactly the same!"

He didn't deny it at all: "But you have to admit that although Henry Zhang is hated by others, if he succeeds, he can indeed create a history. If he succeeds, he will be the only Xiao family in the whole country."

"Don't look down on Henry Zhang just because you won Henry Zhang."

Qin Lie shook his head: "I didn't, I just thought it was too heartless."

Henry Zhang is indeed capable, and Qin Lie admits it very much.

Without the blessings of Gusong and Worms this time, he really couldn't win the war himself.

Xuanyuan Hao laughed, at this time he had already finished his last cigarette.

He put out the cigarette butt and threw it out the window.

"Haha..." He laughed again and said, "In that case, you only have a third choice."

"You say."

Xuanyuan Hao: "The third, that is, you should never stop, you must lead the Xuanyuan family to keep developing, keep developing!"

"Your personal strength, your family's family strength, your family's economy, technology, education, etc., etc., you must keep developing!"

"You have to maintain the strength of the Xuanyuan family at a very high level, so that other families can't catch up, so they can only look up at you."

"As long as you are always the star in the sky, they won't dare to mess around, because they know they can't beat it."

"But in the same way, this method is the most difficult of the three methods. If one is not careful, it will fall to the first ending."

After Qin Lie heard this, he nodded and understood.

After finishing the last sentence, Xuanyuan Hao asked Qin Lie, "So which one would you choose?"

Qin Lie thought this question was very interesting, and he did not answer it clearly, but asked Xuanyuan Hao instead.

"If it were you, which would you choose?"

Xuanyuanhao's answer was expected by Qin Lie, he said, "I will choose the third one."

Qin Lie was very satisfied after hearing it, smiled, and responded to him: "Then you should know that I will definitely choose the same as you."

The two of them said this, and suddenly looked at each other from the back of the car, and then smiled at each other again.

Xuanyuan Hao then shook his head and sighed: "You really are my own, even our weaknesses are exactly the same."

He laughed: "We are all too attached to our feelings and commitments. In ancient times, people like us can become generals, but not emperors. Instead, unfeeling people like Xiao Mei and Henry Zhang can achieve great things. I hope you can break this law. Bar."

Qin Lie listened and smiled slightly.

I don't know why, but I am very happy.

Because he thinks his father understands him.

They are all people of temperament, and they all know that being too emotional is a big disadvantage for the enemy, but they can't change it.

Because they all feel that people should really pursue the supreme achievement in this life.

But for the so-called achievement, if you lose your emotions and lose your humanity, what's the point of going to this world for a trip?

"Anyway, what I want to tell has already been told. As for how to do it, it's up to you."

Xuanyuan Hao concluded.

Qin Lie just hummed and nodded silently.

"That's right." Xuanyuan Hao suddenly remembered something and told Qin Lie, "You will be fine tomorrow, if you are fine, contact Lao Ji or Guan Hai, come to Xuanyuan's old house, and I will take care of you tomorrow. Pass the patriarch position to you."

"Isn't it?" Qin Lie said, "Do you need to be in such a hurry? My mother's body was buried today, and it will be passed on to my patriarch tomorrow. You really don't want to be the patriarch."

Xuanyuan Hao laughed when he heard it: "You don't know, I have long wanted to retire."

"No one could take my place before. I could only hang on to this position reluctantly. Now that you have come out and you have enough ability, of course I want to retire earlier."

"In the future, I will write my words well and raise my flowers. If you have any questions to ask me, I will give you a staff advisor. Be a military division. How much health care?"

"Okay!" Qin Lie knows that this is a matter of time, come early and come late, all are coming, so take advantage of it.

"Then I'll go to the old house tomorrow," he said.

Xuanyuan Hao reminded: "There will be a little test, you prepare a little."

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