"Ah?" Qin Lie said in surprise, "Is it still a test to inherit a patriarch?"

Xuanyuan Hao smiled: "Then do you think everyone can be the patriarch of the Xuanyuan family?"

"Don't worry, it's a test of some grandfathers, it won't be too difficult, you can handle it with your ability."

"All right."

Since Xuanyuan Hao said so, Qin Lie was relieved.

The inheritance of the patriarch is an established fact anyway, and it shouldn't be too difficult to come tomorrow.

Without thinking much about this matter, the two returned to Longcheng all the way.

After arriving in Longcheng from the western suburbs, Qin Lie originally planned to go directly to Chen Xiaoyu's hospital to accompany her, so he did not go with Xuanyuanhao.

When the two got to the city, they parted ways.

It's just that things didn't work out, Qin Lie just got separated from Xuanyuan Hao when he received a call from Guan Hai.

Seeing Guan Hai's call, a thought suddenly flashed in Qin Lie's mind.

I seem to have forgotten something.

Pressing the answer button, Qin Lie immediately asked Guan Hai over there: "Uncle Guan, is Mr. Hua urging me to see me?"

That's right, this forgotten thing is Mr. Hua's summons.

When he had a celebration banquet in the magic capital, Guan Hai informed him that as soon as he returned to Longcheng, he must go to see Mr. Hua as soon as possible.

As a result, I came back three days ago, and I was so tired. I had sex with Bai Xianglan all afternoon, and then I went shopping with her again. Today is Li Caiying's funeral. It has been more than three days, and I have forgotten about it.

Guan Hai complained over there: "Oh, so your kid still remembers this. You can make Mr. Hua wait for three days. Your courage is really fat!"

Qin Lie laughed, looking for a reason to prevaricate: "I'm not afraid that Mr. Hua will take care of everything. I suddenly look for him and delay him from doing important things, so I just wait for him to summon me."

"Okay." Guan Hai said angrily, "Forgetting is forgetting. There are many reasons. How about you, have you separated from your father?"

"Hmm." Qin Lie responded to him.

"Ok!" Guan Haidao, "You drive to the State Guest House now, private room No. 1. Mr. Hua invites you to lunch."

I go!

Qin Lie was shocked.

The State Guest House is a place specially used to set up state banquets, and even many heavyweights from other countries will arrange for them to live in this place when they come to Huaxia.

Of course, ordinary people can also enter the State Guest House for dinner.

But basically only in the periphery.

Like this private room No. 1, it is impossible to touch the room at the core of the State Guest House.

Qin Lie originally thought that if Mr. Hua wanted to see him, he would just take him to an office to talk to him.

I didn't expect this to be such a big deal.

To be honest, a little flattered.

Qin Lie dared to refuse, and immediately agreed: "Okay, then I'll drive to the State Guest House now."

"Well, I'll be waiting for you at the fountain outside the State Guest House."

The two hung up the phone just like that, and Qin Lie also asked Chen Jinhu to change the navigation and went straight to the State Guest House.

The State Guest House is located on Yanhuang Road, which is the core area of ​​Longcheng.

It's not that this area is prosperous, but that many important places in the country walk here.

The Supreme Court, the Great Hall, Longcheng Square, and many other formal places of commemorative significance are here, of course, including the State Guest House.

At the intersection of the State Guest House, there is only one straight road going straight to the hotel. Both sides of the road are birch forests. The trunks of the trees are neat and the branches are trimmed like a tree.

Then drive all the way, the whole road is full of guards with guns.

Usually, the defense force of the State Guest House is not so strong. It is estimated that there are so many guards because Mr. Hua entertains guests here today.

Guan Hai should have said his license plate number long ago, so he went all the way without hindrance.

After driving for a few minutes, I finally saw a towering and solemn building in front of me.

The color is basically white and gray. In front of the door is a large circular fountain. The fountain is surrounded by a square, and on the square, there are twelve statues, large and small.

That is the founding father of China.

Beside the fountain, Guan Hai stood with his hands behind his back, and Chen Jinhu sent the car to Guan Hai just like that.

Qin Lie got out of the car and met with Guan Hai.

As soon as Guan Hai saw him, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you kid, you're babbling, and Mr. Hua is not active. Do you know how much effort it usually takes for those people to see him?"


Qin Lie hurriedly begged for mercy and said, "I forgot, I really just forgot. I've really had too many things recently. Mr. Hua and his old man shouldn't blame me."

"Do you think today's courtesy, does he mean to settle accounts with you?" Guan Hai said.

Qin Lie's eyes widened, he looked back at the row of gunmen with live ammunition, and joked, "What's the matter, Mr. Hua is going to shoot me?"

"Stinky boy!"

Guan Hai kicked him on the buttocks, and said angrily: "Even Mr. Hua dares to joke, I tell you, even if the heads of state of other countries come, this is the treatment, let's go, hurry in."

Qin Lie laughed. Although he was joking, he really didn't know what Mr. Hua was going to say to himself in such a big battle.

When we got to the State Guest House, we first passed the lobby, and all the staff here were the staff of the State Guest House.

These waiters are very iconic, but they are definitely not vulgar and vulgar. There is makeup, but the makeup is only some formal makeup. Overall, they are still very solemn.

After passing the hall, I walked into a garden.

This garden is a very standard Su family garden, which originated from the south of the Yangtze River and spread throughout the country.

Small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, are very elegant.

After passing the garden, there is a very long corridor. It takes five minutes to walk on that corridor alone.

Finally, after crossing the corridor and reaching the innermost part of the State Guest House, the waiter took him to the seat, gestured to the box on the right, and said, "Okay, two gentlemen, the first box has arrived, and Mr. Hua has been waiting inside for a long time. already."

Qin Lie looked up and saw that there was a one on the door of this box, and then there was a big character "country" on the top.

Square and upright, full of the atmosphere of the country.

Just these styles, most people can't bear it.

It was Guan Hai who took the initiative to knock on the door, two small knocks and one heavy knock, the traditional Chinese etiquette for knocking on the door.

Hearing a calm and energetic reply from inside, the two walked in.

Entering the room, at first glance, I saw a large round table spread out in front of me. This round table must be at least four or five times the size of an ordinary ten-person table, and its diameter is estimated to be five or six meters. It is covered with a white tablecloth. some dishes.

Only then did Qin Lie notice a few people beside the table.

Mr. Hua has listened to it for a long time and many times, and Qin Lie also saw his true face for the first time.

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