Mr. Hua looks quite old.

His appearance is not good-looking, his body is a little fat, and the position on the top of his head is slightly bald.

All the face is wrinkled.

If you only talk about appearance, Mr. Hua's appearance does not even reach the average level of ordinary people.

But now Qin Lie doesn't just look at looks, but looks at people.

Mr. Hua, in Qin Lie's words, can be summed up in two words - domineering!

For some reason, Qin Lie can only think of these two words. Mr. Minghua stood there and did nothing, just chatting with the people around him. Qin Lie could feel a domineering arrogance from the inside out.

His temperament was different from someone like Xuanyuan Hao Worms.

Xuanyuan Hao Worms is a city man, and his joy and anger are indistinguishable.

But Mr. Hua was laughing from beginning to end, but that kind of laughter has the spirit of overlooking the world, and any action can give pointers to the country.

Such a person, even if he just watched from a distance, Qin Lie knew not to provoke him.

He was wearing a dark green tunic suit, and there were two people beside him. They were about the same age as him. Qin Lie had never met him, but he thought he was a big man next to him.

The three of them stood by the table chatting, and at this time, one of them saw Qin Lie come in and reminded Mr. Hua.

Mr. Hua turned his head and looked over.

Then, there was a hearty laugh: "Hahahaha, Qin Lie, your kid is finally here, hahahaha..."

With that said, Mr. Hua took a few steps forward, ready to come over and shake hands.

Qin Lie didn't dare to treat Mr. Hua like this, so he took the initiative to rush a few steps, walked to Mr. Hua, and quickly shook hands: "Mr. Hua, I'm sorry, I have been back to Longcheng for a few days, and I didn't think of you for a while. ."

Mr. Hua smiled heartily and didn't take this matter seriously at all.

"It doesn't matter, the eight great families are so turbulent, you still have to take over the Xuanyuan family, I can understand."

Then, while holding Qin Lie's hand, Mr. Hua leaned on Qin Lie's shoulder, and said with admiration: "Strong, young, and polite, he did such a big thing at a young age, Lao Liang Lao Tang, as expected, still Young people's world!"

Lao Liang and Lao Tang were the two big men beside him.

The two naturally agreed and said, "Yeah, old people like us can't compare to these young people."

Qin Lie was frightened when he heard it, and quickly said, "Mr. Hua, please don't say that. I don't know how to answer your words."

"Hahahaha..." Mr. Hua still smiled, comforting Qin Lie, "Qin Lie, don't be nervous, just treat this as a family banquet, everyone here today appreciates you, don't be too stressed."

Qin Lie was sweating coldly.

Spicy chicken, he also wants to treat this as a family feast.

But every family held a banquet at the State Guest House, and then more than a thousand guards came all the way.

Looking at this dining table again, there is no problem with seating 30 or 40 people. It's a "family banquet".

However, Mr. Hua did not put too much pressure on him, and his attitude was very easy-going. After the two of them met, they sat down on the table.

Only Mr. Hua, Qin Lie, Guan Hai and the two Lao Liang and Lao Tang sat on the entire huge round table.

Up to now, Qin Lie still doesn't know what positions Lao Liang and Lao Tang are.

It was soon on the table. The dishes on the table were neatly arranged, and the dishes inside were also very ordinary dishes, and there was nothing fancy.

Just like cold fungus, fried peanuts, and stewed tofu with side dishes.

However, judging from the sophistication of the production, it must be done by national-level chefs.

A few people sat down, Mr. Hua poured a glass of Wuliangye first, and invited the glass: "Everyone, apart from Guan Hai, this is the first time we see Qin Lie today. I propose to have a drink together, which is a respect for this rising star."

Qin Lie was really frightened.

You said that there are so many people in the whole country, and there are a few who can get Mr. Hua to make a toast in person.

Qin Lie hurriedly picked up the wine glass and stood up, as the respect of the younger generation to the elder.

But as soon as he stood up, Mr. Hua said again: "Hey, Qin Lie, as I said, treat today as a family banquet, let's call you over, just chat and get to know your situation, don't be so rigid , sit down and drink!"

There was no other way, Qin Lie could only sit down.

After drinking a glass of wine, everyone waited until Mr. Hua moved his chopsticks for the first time before eating slowly.

Mr. Hua didn't seem to be in a hurry to talk about business, but slowly talked to Qin Lie about his daily life.

As he was eating, he said, "Qin Lie, first of all I have to congratulate you, you have won a great victory in the civil strife in this family competition, and obtained the inheritance of the Xuanyuan family."

Qin Lie listened and said quickly, "Thank you, Mr. Hua, but to be honest, I thought you didn't pay attention to this matter at all, but I didn't expect you to know."

Mr. Hua said: "How can you not pay attention to this?"

He said: "The eight great families control so much of China's economy and technology. The civil strife between you and a stomping can affect the situation in our country. How can I not pay attention."

"But you didn't interfere much." Qin Lie said.

Mr. Hua said: "The matter of the eight great families has never been interfered with. It's not just me. As early as the previous dynasty, since the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the eight great families have existed."

"They have long since established a healthy and balanced relationship, and those in power can reach a balance without too much interference with them, so I don't want to use more means."

"Besides, the leaders of the eight great families are the most outstanding talents in China, and they know what to do."

In just one sentence, Qin Lie could hear the ruler's pattern.

His vision seemed to be much higher than his own.

"However, I still want to thank you." Qin Lie said, "The patriarch of the European Cape family, Worms told me that his team entered Huaxia after receiving your permission. If it weren't for him, this time with Xiao. I may not be able to win the game of home, so you still have a little interference."

"Hahaha..." Mr. Hua smiled, "Actually, it's just such a small trick."

"Okay..." Mr. Hua took a sip of wine, put down the glass, and continued, "I do have a little bit of support for you, including the Kyushu Bureau, and sometimes I do things, you know this is why?"

Qin Lie shook his head: "I don't know, please ask Mr. Hua to give some advice."

Mr. Hua nodded on the table and said solemnly, "Because I want to see how far your kid can achieve, how many people's imaginations can be broken, and how much potential can be tapped in your body."

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