To be honest, Mr. Hua's last sentence made Qin Lie a little confused.

"What, what do you mean?"

"You've been following me?"

Mr. Hua can say such words, Qin Lie can only think so.

And Mr. Hua answered in the affirmative without pausing at all: "Yes, I've been paying attention to you for a long time."

"This..." Qin Lie said, "Sir, I'm a little flattered by your words."

Mr. Hua was eating and casually said, "Qin Lie, you were an employee of an ordinary company about two and a half years ago. I'm right."

Qin Lie could only nod his head.

Mr. Hua continued: "Two years ago, your plane crashed into the ocean and survived on a desert island."

"What treasures should you find on the desert island, including those experiences on the desert island, that caused you to be reborn and become a different person after you came out of the desert island."

"Then in the next two years, you kept chasing, renewing yourself, making money and accumulating power. In two years, you did things that others haven't done for decades, and made you who you are now."

"Boy, it's a miracle to do this in just two years!"

In fact, Qin Lie himself has not thought about how much time he has gone through since he left the deserted island to get to where he is today.

He has always been doing things at his own pace, fast or slow he doesn't care.

As a result, Mr. Hua mentioned it now, and he also felt that his development was indeed a bit ridiculous.

If I, as a bystander, saw another person rising at such a rapid speed, I would also call it a pervert.

Just in front of Mr. Hua, Qin Lie didn't dare to boast, he could only say, "Maybe it's my luck."

Mr. Hua did not respond, but continued to ask himself: "Qin Lie, when do you think I started paying attention to you?"

Qin Lie shook his head, he really didn't know.

Mr. Hua continued: "When you were at the banquet, you defeated Xiao Xingyao with your own strength without being known."

Qin Lie certainly remembered that game.

That was the first battle in which he and the Xiao family formally clashed.

Then he fell into a long struggle with the Xiao family.

But that incident was probably more than a year ago, Qin Lie was surprised: "You have been following me since so long ago?"

Mr. Hua nodded and said, "Yes."

Then he added: "That matter is not simple, Xiao Xingyao was raised in the hands of Henry Zhang, and he was also a rare martial arts genius in the Xiao family, and he became a member of the Thor special team at a young age. team leader."

"The resources of a noble family, the inclination of education, all kinds of technological supplies, and even the teaching staff are not something that a little-known kid like you can handle!"

"As a result, not only were you not afraid at that banquet, but you also beat him!"

"When I heard this, it naturally aroused my interest. Of course, I was just a little interested at the time, so I asked Guan Hai and Han Qi to keep an eye on you."

"The later the result, the more ability you showed than I imagined."

"Doing more and more things, getting bigger and bigger, Arctic Fox, Mu Hei, Kong Wei, Night Soul, Skull and Bones, these organizations that can be regarded as major forces in the world, planted in yours again and again. in hand."

"With such a big achievement, why did you let me not pay attention?"

"Including your Longyan team, I approved the establishment, and I also planned to give you a little help. At that time, you already had a deep impression in my heart."

The above words are almost all compliments from Mr. Hua.

Although what he said was true, it came from Mr. Hu's mouth after all.

Where do people get this kind of treatment?

Qin Lie said quickly: "Mr. Hua, please stop talking. You make me feel embarrassed. If you continue to say it, I will float."

Mr. Hua can even joke.

"You are allowed to float for a while at this time."

After a pause, Mr. Hua's words were actually not finished.

He continued: "And this time the family competition, with Xiao Mei's return, I guessed that the Xiao family will definitely make a bloody storm during the family competition."

"And you, as the object they have to deal with, will definitely be pulled into it."

"But I don't care, I just want to see how you can cope with this crisis, how far you can do it, whether you can deal with the Xiao family that has lasted for thousands of years with your own strength. family."

"In the end, you gave me another slap in the face, and you did it again."

Qin Lie held his forehead and said, "Mr. Hua, if you can, I would rather you help me. This time the family competition is really dangerous. I almost died."

Mr. Hua: "But you still did it."

He paused: "It is because you did it that today's party will take place."

A wave of rainbow farts summed up almost everything Qin Lie had done before.

Of course, if it wasn't for Mr. Hua's words, Qin Lie wouldn't know that Mr. Hua really cared about him so much.

And Mr. Hua's intelligence system is terribly accurate.

Some things that only Qin Lie himself or a few people know about, Mr. Hua actually knows all about it.

However, after this wave of conversations with Mr. Hua, Qin Lie relaxed a lot.

At least he can clearly see that Mr. Hua really appreciates himself.

Then if he came to him today, there would be no ill will.

And the previous things were almost summed up. Halfway through the meal time, Qin Lie also dared to ask.

"Mr. Hua, if I guess correctly, you called me here this time, not just to praise me, right?"


Mr. Hua nodded, he had almost eaten by now.

He picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, sat up straight, and at the same time waved to the guards beside him.

All the escorts withdrew from Box 1 and closed the door when they went out.

At this point, only Qin Lie and the others were left in the entire box.

Seeing Mr. Hua like this, Qin Lie certainly didn't dare to move his chopsticks again. Mr. Hua was obviously going to get down to business.

After everyone dispersed, Mr. Hua sat on the chair with his waist tucked, and finally spoke.

"Qin Lie, since you won Xiao Mei and Henry Zhang in the family competition, it means that you have come into contact with a force called the Gu family, am I right?"

Qin Lie's eyes moved.

In fact, there are some things that really shouldn't be mentioned.

But Qin Lie felt that with Mr. Hua's energy, he should also know his own situation.

So just tell the truth.

"Yes, I came into contact with the Gu family, and I also met some people from the Gu family."

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