If you haven't led the Gu family army, you can't imagine the strength and convenience of the ancient family army.

A team of dozens of people can explode the combat power of thousands of people, no matter how it is a supreme treasure.

The point is, Qin Lie has led the ancient army!

He knows how much energy such a team has and how much benefit it can bring.

If you have such a fighting force in your hand for a long time, you will definitely be able to do more things that you couldn't do before.

Qin Lie also has every reason to believe that Mr. Hua's team really has that kind of fighting force.

After all, Mr. Hua's identity is different, and the time he has been in contact with the Gu family is also different from his own. If he needs to transform the soldiers' bodies, the Gu family will also help him.

Here, he was willing to hand over such a powerful team to himself, showing infinite sincerity.

After Zhong Zhenguo came in, Mr. Hua whispered: "Dragon Star Brigade, my most loyal team, has a full 678 people all year round. If you are willing to help me, I can let Zhong Zhenguo lead 200 people to join you. camp."

Two hundred!

What the hell!

Qin Lie couldn't take it anymore.

This is much more than the number of Gu family soldiers that Gu Song gave him.

Minghui's squad at that time only had more than 40 people, and the combat effectiveness displayed had already exceeded the table. Now it has reached 200. What is the concept?

Isn't this worth a three or five thousand conventional combat brigade?

Qin Lie really couldn't stand the temptation, and his face was in pain.

"Mr. Hua, what makes you think that I must be able to help you settle the Gu family?"

Mr. Hua said seriously: "I have planned this for many years, and I have observed many people during the process. Only you are the best among all the people I have observed. Since you have been selected by me, there must be no one else who can compare to you. You're more suitable, and do you know who was the last person I thought could do this?"

"Who is it?" Qin Lie, "Why don't you go find him?"

Mr. Hua said without pause: "Your father, Xuanyuan Hao."

Qin Lie: "..."

Mr. Hua continued: "But according to the current situation, Xuanyuan Hao is already in his fifties, he can't keep up with his age, and he is indeed not as good as you, so you are the most suitable candidate."

This means that Xuanyuan's products must be high-quality products.

When ordinary people hear that their achievements surpass their father's, their first reaction must be happy.

But somehow, Qin Lie couldn't be happy when he heard these words.

He is struggling now, thinking that this task is too difficult, and he is not ready.

On the one hand, Mr. Hua's sincerity is very full, and the reward is too tempting.

He held his forehead and said in pain: "Sir, please let me think about it again. You didn't tell me just now that there are two help, and I will ask you what the second help is?"

When Mr. Hua said this, he clapped his hands and gave another old man, it should be Lao Liang who gave the order.

Lao Liang also said on the microphone on his chest: "Come in."

Not long after saying this, the door of the box opened again, and a second person came in from outside.

This time it was a woman, a beautiful woman.

This woman is probably no more than 1.6 meters tall. She is wearing a black tights and has an excellent figure!

What is an excellent figure? She is thin where she should be thin, and fat where she should be fat. She has a big breast, a small waist, and a big buttocks. She also has flesh on her thighs. She belongs to the sensual body that men like most.

And Qin Lie knows that such a figure is more difficult to train than a thin woman's figure, and she must have gone through a long and painful training to get where she is today.

Her expression was stern, and her face was over ninety percent, but her icy expression and edges and corners always revealed a hint of icy coldness.

Iceberg beauty.

Qin Lie thought so, then looked at Mr. Hua: "Sir, what do you mean, do you think I'm too superficial and exaggerated to use these rewards to conquer me?"

Such a serious person as Mr. Hua was rolled his eyes by his words.

Mr. Hua whispered: "What are you thinking, this is not a so-called reward for you. If you promise to do this, you need to assist her..."

"Ah?" Mr. Hua's introduction confused Qin Lie again, "Assist her, why?"

Mr. Hua tapped the table and recalled: "About 20 years ago, I visited the Gu family and witnessed a civil strife in the ancient family."

"During the civil strife, someone from the Gu family's bloodline was sentenced to hang the whole family for an unwarranted crime, and in that bloodline, only one person survived, and that person was called Gu Yun."

Mr. Hua pointed at the woman in front of him and said, "She is Gu Yun."

Qin Lie squinted and looked at Gu Yun, Gu Yun's eyes were firm, even if he was looked at, he didn't squint.

Mr. Hua continued: "Twenty years ago, I secretly took Gu Yun out of the Gu family, and cultivated and trained under my own hands until now."

"The only purpose of her life now is to kill the Gu family and avenge the beheading of the older generation of the ancient family who violated her whole family. She will cooperate with you throughout the whole process, and the two of you are partners."

Qin Lie finally understood what Mr. Hua meant.

In conclusion: "Sir, do you want to use an ancient family member who is loyal to you to return to the ancient family, then take control of the power, and finally naturalize the ancient family for your use?"

Mr. Hua nodded: "Yes, this is my complete plan."

"It's just going to be more difficult to implement."

Qin Lie frowned and asked, "Then do you have a specific action plan?"

Mr. Hua said without pause: "Because of my status, the Gu family allows me to send a group of soldiers to their family for special training and genetic modification every year."

"This year's renovation is planned in two months."

"I plan to send you to the Gu family for transformation training in the name of a soldier, so that you can infiltrate the ancient family smoothly!"

"And when you enter the Gu family this time, Zhong Zhenguo and others will also assist you to enter together. Your goal is to run for the leader of the four generations of the ancient family in three months."

"You must send Gu Yun to the position of the fourth-generation leader. As long as she gets real power in the Gu family, the later infiltration and sabotage work will be easy to do."

"These are the plans I have in mind at the moment. As for what Gu Yun will do after he becomes the leader of the fourth generation of disciples, he needs to act according to the circumstances."

Qin Lie could probably understand what Mr. Hua meant.

The ancient family is now divided into five generations of children.

The ancient pine belongs to the third generation, and the ancient rhyme belongs to the fourth generation.

There is a leader in each generation of children, who is the core of the generation of children. This position is very important, even people like Gu Song will compete.

Mr. Hua wants to let Gu Yun, who is full of hatred for the Gu family, get into the upper levels of the ancient family, and divide and disintegrate the other party in the upper levels.

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