This plan is almost the same as when Han Qi let himself infiltrate the Skeleton Society to explore the information inside.

This kind of unscrupulous, undercover approach to overhead high-rise is indeed one of the methods with the least loss.

But it is really difficult to implement.

And once it is discovered that he has a different heart, he must not escape the fate of death.

Fortunately, as Mr. Hua said, if he really accepts this task, Qin Lie is not alone.

Now that the conditions have been laid out, and the plan is almost introduced, Mr. Hua is waiting for his decision.

"Qin Lie..."

Mr. Hua made the final concluding remarks.

"I know that you are very capable and ambitious, and ordinary things are out of your sight."

"And this matter is very difficult, we will think of you, and we feel that only your ability can do all this."

"And you have to think about it. With your current status, it is very difficult to go further. Only such a challenge can make you continue to climb."

"If this thing can be done, from now on, no force will dare to provoke you again, you are the ceiling of China, won't you be moved by such a gain!"

Qin Lie listened, still thinking seriously.

To be honest, to say the heart, it is indeed a little heart.

After destroying the Gu family, there is no more power on the top of his head, Qin Lie is the king of China.

And I just told Xuanyuan Hao this morning that if I want to maintain the stability of the Aristocratic Family Alliance, I must always maintain a super high posture, so that all other noble families look up.

From this point of view, it seems that we need to challenge for the best.

It's just that the opponent is the ancient family!

A super terrifying and powerful family, Gu Song, Gu Yi, Gu Chen, and Xiao Mei, none of them are mediocre.

Can you really succeed in challenging the Gu family by yourself?

For the first time in his life, Qin Lie doubted himself.

Now that Mr. Hua has finished speaking, the whole room is looking at him, waiting for him to make a decision.

Qin Lie held his head and lay on the table thinking for a long time.

Finally, I asked Mr. Hua, "Mr. Hua, there are still two months before this plan starts, right?"

"Well..." Mr. Hua replied, "Two months to buffer and prepare for you, otherwise I wouldn't be looking for you at this time."

After confirming this, Qin Lie finally made a decision.

He agreed and told Mr. Hua, "Okay, then I agree to join."

Qin Lie has thought about it, and now if he lets himself fight against the Gu family, he still doesn't have the ability.

But there are still two months before he can develop his own power, including his own strength.

Another important reason is that Gu Song said that in two months, the election for the leader of the third generation of disciples is completed, and Gu Chen's father will come to trouble him.

At that time, even if he didn't want to deal with the Gu family, he had to deal with it.

So instead of waiting for the Gu family to come to find me, it is better to take the initiative to find the Gu family, so that we can ensure that we have the initiative.

So Qin Lie agreed.

"it is good!!"

Mr. Hua was very satisfied with this and took the lead in applauding.

"Good boy, I knew you would not let me down. I chose you out of so many people. You are my Mr. Hua's hope."

Now Qin Lie doesn't have that confidence.

He quickly waved his hand: "Sir, stop bragging, I really can't stand it. I'm afraid you have other big things for me to do."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Mr. Hua was in a good mood, kept smiling heartily, and said quickly, "No, no, just this one thing, you can put your heart back in your stomach."

"All right."

Qin Lie finally said: "If there is nothing else, can I go back first? I also want to see my daughter-in-law in the hospital..."


Mr. Hua was very hearty and waved: "Guan Hai, you go out and send Qin Lie, by the way, Qin Lie, lastly, only a few people in our private room can know about today's affairs. After that, no matter who you are, you Don't reveal it, otherwise it will be a disaster for you and me."

"I know."

None of these matters need to be mentioned by Mr. Hua, Qin Lie has his own sense.

After seeing the matter, Qin Lie propped up on the table and got ready to leave.

But at this time, Mr. Hua thought of something temporarily, and suddenly said: "By the way, there is one more thing, in these two months, you have to let Gu Yun follow you, cultivate a little tacit understanding between the two of you, and enhance your relationship, It will be helpful for later actions.”

Qin Lie doesn't care about this requirement.

Looking back at Mu Leng's ancient rhyme, he waved his hand and said, "That beauty, let's go?"

Gu Yun still had the expression of a dead family member and didn't even look at Qin Lie, but she still went outside the State Guest House.

Qin Lie said goodbye to Mr. Hua and followed Guan Hai out of the State Guest House.

After walking a long distance out of the State Guest House, Qin Lie and the others arrived at the fountain in the square.

Waiting for Chen Jinhu to drive over, Qin Lie Gu Yun and Guan Hai just stood there waiting on the square.

Guan Hai said: "You will send me the resident address of your Longyan team later, and I will send the address to Zhong Zhenguo. At that time, the members of the Longxing Brigade will be incorporated into your Longyan team. At that time, the combat effectiveness of your Longyan Squad will reach a new level."

What can Qin Lie say, he can only say thank you to Guan Hai.

Guan Hai also said: "Boy, do you know how much I envy you, Mr. Hua has a batch of Dragon Star Brigade, more than 600, and he will directly and decisively divide you two hundred. The Kyushu Bureau has applied for the Dragon Star Brigade several times. , Mr. Hua did not approve."

"Your Longyan team will be one of our most powerful teams in China in the future."

"Ha ha……"

Qin Lie wanted to laugh when he heard this: "Administration Bureau, I think you should not envy me, yes, Longxing Brigade has joined us, but you don't look at the difficulty of my mission, otherwise the Gu family's mission, You go?"

Guan Hai, the old fox's head shook like a rattle in an instant.

"No, no, I can't control this matter. Mr. Hua's appointed candidate, can I steal your limelight? This matter is still suitable for you, suitable for you!"


Qin Lie let out a sigh, too lazy to take care of Guan Hai.

At this moment, Chen Jinhu almost drove the car over.

Qin Lie and Gu Yun only got into the car after they stopped in front of them.

After saying goodbye to Guan Hai here, Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu drove away.

But to say shock, it was Chen Jinhu who was the most shocked.

Qin Lie was still alone when he entered, but when he came out, he turned into two.

Still a super beauty!

What's the matter, now you're here to distribute the daughter-in-law?

Chen Jinhu was surprised, looked at Gu Yun sitting in the rearview mirror, and asked Qin Lie: "No, brother lie, what's going on?"

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