"Qin Lie, since this thing is opium after drying, what are you doing with it?"

Ye Yuqing asked with a frown.

"I'll say it again for the last time, this thing itself is actually a kind of medicine. As long as the dose is controlled, it can be used to treat diseases."

Qin Lie replied helplessly.

He had explained this several times just now, and he didn't know why Ye Yuqing asked the same question.


Hearing this, Ye Yuqing's face also showed a touch of embarrassment.

After that, Qin Lie spent almost half an hour boiling all the white pulp into a ointment.

Then Qin Lie made an ointment about the size of a fingernail and let Logan take it.

The wound on Logan's leg had been aching all the time, but within five minutes of taking these ointments, the pain at the wound was relieved by most, which made Logan overjoyed.

All of this was expected by Qin Lie. He knew very well that after refining, these ointments were actually similar to painkillers.

But this is because Qin Lie himself has studied Chinese medicine, so that he can make full use of opium poppy. If it is replaced by someone else, even if he knows that opium poppy has analgesic effect, he would not dare to use it lightly. Otherwise, once the dose is too large, it is easy to become addicted. Disaster.

After putting the remaining ointment in a bottle and putting it away, Qin Lie roasted the crocodile meat.

There is not much crocodile meat left at the moment, barely enough for them to eat for lunch today.

After he was full, Qin Lie took a break for half an hour, and then went hunting with Chen Xiaoyu, Momo and Lin Qiuzhu.

Fortunately, there are still many wild animals on this deserted island. In just two hours, Qin Lie and the others have harvested a lot. They beat a deer, three rabbits, two pheasants and several non-venomous snakes.

But because Qin Lie and the others now have three more people than before, these prey will be enough for them to eat for a day and a half at most.

Qin Lie didn't want to delay the hunting too much, so he took Lin Qiuzhu and the others to stroll in the forest for more than an hour.

Guessing that they had enough prey to eat for three days, Qin Lie brought Lin Qiuzhu and the others back to the camp.

When they were halfway there, Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help but want to squat, so they stopped temporarily.

"You don't have to go that far, and I don't peek."

Looking at Lin Qiuzhu who was walking far away, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing and joking.

"Look, turn your head away quickly."

Lin Qiuzhu snorted immediately.

"Good good."

Qin Lie smiled and turned around.

Lin Qiuzhu walked three or four meters forward again and came to the back of a big tree.

After making sure Qin Lie couldn't see anything, she squatted down.

After releasing the waste in his body, Lin Qiuzhu suddenly felt that his whole body was much more relaxed.

Then Lin Qiuzhu picked up a few leaves and wiped his ass skillfully.

If this were the case before, Lin Qiuzhu would never believe that she would wipe her buttocks with leaves, but now, she has become accustomed to it.

After all, there is no tissue paper for them on this island, and even because of the limited fabrics, they even have to wash the menstrual belt and reuse it.

After putting on his pants, Lin Qiuzhu was about to go back to meet Qin Lie.

With an inadvertent glance, she suddenly found that a big tree in front was covered with purple-red fruits.

"Qin Lie, come here, I found a wild fruit tree!"

Lin Qiuzhu immediately shouted at Qin Lie.

Hearing this, the two who were chatting came towards Lin Qiuzhu.

This fruit tree is estimated to be decades old. The trunk is quite thick, but the tree is not tall, only more than three meters. Every branch is full of fruit.

Lin Qiuzhu picked a wild fruit and prepared to put it in his mouth.

"Don't eat it yet!"

Seeing this, Qin Lie quickly stopped Lin Qiuzhu.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Qiuzhu stopped and asked with a look of astonishment.

"I told you many times, don't eat wild fruit you don't know, what if the fruit is poisonous?"

Qin Lie shouted sternly.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Lin Qiuzhu replied embarrassingly like a pupil who made a mistake, not daring to talk back to Qin Lie at all.

"Remember what I said and don't make mistakes like this again."

After Qin Lie finished speaking, he asked for the wild fruit in Lin Qiuzhu's hand.

This wild fruit is purple in color and looks a bit like a plum, but much larger than a plum.

After Qin Lie broke it apart, he found that the middle was similar to papaya, with many small black seeds.

Qin Lie looked at the ground, and there were quite a few gnawed fruits on the ground.

Considering that animals can eat it, people should also be able to eat it, so Qin Lie tried it.

Contrary to Qin Lie's expectations, the fruit tasted pretty good, sweet and soft, like a mixture of persimmons and peaches.

"How about it, is this fruit edible?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked nervously.

It is very dangerous for Qin Lie to try this unknown wild fruit. If it is poisonous, Qin Lie is likely to die.

"It should be fine."

Qin Lie stopped for two minutes and then replied. Generally, poisonous fruits are very unpalatable and can easily cause discomfort to people, but Qin Lie is fine now, which is enough to show that these fruits are edible.

"Then let's pick some more and bring it back later for Sister Yuqing and the others to taste."

Lin Qiuzhu said immediately.

"Well, pick it up."

Qin Lie waved his hand.

After receiving Qin Lie's approval, Lin Qiuzhu and Chen Xiaoyu immediately picked it up.

Many of the fruits are very low and can be reached by raising their hands, and soon they have picked a lot.

In order to bring back as much as possible, Qin Lie and the three ate here first, and then they brought the wild fruits and the prey and began to return.

By the time we got back to camp, the sun was just setting.

Seeing the three of them returning home, Ye Yuqing and the others hurried up to greet them.

"Sister Yuqing, eat this wild fruit pad first, and I'll go to the river to clean up the prey."

Qin Lie told Ye Yuqing.


Ye Yuqing responded and shared those wild fruits with everyone.

Qin Lie called Chen Xiaoyu and Lin Qiuzhu, and took the prey to the small river full of poppies.

After the deer was gutted, Qin Lie was about to clean its internal organs, and suddenly felt like a fire was burning in his lower abdomen, and his brother soon began to raise his head.

In addition, Qin Lie's body also began to become more and more hot, and a strong desire was born in his heart at the same time.

"Damn, I'm still full, why do I think about that again?"

Qin Lie cursed secretly, and quickly washed his face with river water, trying to calm himself down, but all this was useless, Qin Lie only felt that the fire in his body was getting more and more intense, and he was so uncomfortable.

Qin Lie just wanted to send Lin Qiuzhu back first, and asked Chen Xiaoyu to go to the woods to release him, but who knew that Chen Xiaoyu would find her first.

And at this time, Chen Xiaoyu's face was flushed, and her eyes were like silk, as if she had taken a tonic.

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