"Brother Qin, I want you."

Chen Xiaoyu looked at Qin Lie and said in a low voice that if Lin Qiuzhu was not nearby, she would definitely have pounced on Qin Lie.

Qin Lie's heart was restless at this time, but he restrained himself temporarily.

He is very clear that he and Chen Xiaoyu have this idea at the same time, which is absolutely abnormal.

Qin Lie turned to look at Lin Qiuzhu again, and saw that Lin Qiuzhu was constantly washing her cheeks with water by the river, apparently her body was also abnormal.

Qin Lie pondered for a while and then realized that there must be something wrong with that wild fruit!

Without any pause, Qin Lie quickly ran back to the camp.

"Sister Yuqing, don't eat that wild fruit yet!"

Qin Lie hurriedly shouted.

"Why? Can this wild fruit be eaten?"

Ye Yuqing asked with a look of astonishment.

"If you can eat it, you can eat it. The key is that it has an aphrodisiac effect. Do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Lie quickly explained.

The cannibal wizard had fed Lilith some unknown liquid before, which caused Lilith to fall into a state of confusion. Qin Lie guessed that the liquid was probably the juice of this wild fruit. .

"Ah?" Hearing this, Ye Yuqing was stunned, "But we have already eaten, what should we do?"

"Do you eat a lot?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"Not much, I ate one and a half, Tina ate one, Lilith ate one, Sakurako ate one and a half, and Logan ate one."

Ye Yuqing replied.

"That is not bad."

Qin Lie and the others went out hunting for a long time in the afternoon, and they were very hungry. At that time, Qin Lie ate three, and Chen Xiaoyu and Lin Qiuzhu both ate two. This directly caused them to feel very uncomfortable now, and their minds were full of those idea.

However, Lin Qiuzhu and the others ate less, so the reaction should not be so strong.

Even so, Qin Lie quickly boiled reed root tea.

Reed root is cold in nature and sweet in taste, and has the effect of clearing heat and promoting body fluid. Drinking some reed root tea later can relieve the restlessness that wild fruit brings to everyone.

While Qin Lie was making tea, Chen Xiaoyu and Lin Qiuzhu also came back.

When they learned that the wild fruit had aphrodisiac effect, the two of them understood why their bodies suddenly appeared abnormal.

Chen Xiaoyu can say that Lin Qiuzhu is miserable now. She feels as if a group of ants are crawling back and forth in her body, which makes her itchy.

"Sister Yuqing, look at this reed root tea first, wait for the water to boil and then boil it for ten minutes before drinking it. I'll go to the river and take care of the deer."

Qin Lie said to Ye Yuqing.


Ye Yuqing nodded in response.

"Xiaoyu, come and help me."

Qin Lie continued.


Of course Chen Xiaoyu understood what Qin Lie meant by calling him, and quickly agreed.

After that, Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu went to the riverside.

After some cloud and rain, the dryness and heat in Qin Lie's body completely dissipated, and he just felt refreshed, which was a comfort.

"Xiaoyu, take a break here first, and I'll take care of that wild deer."

After talking to Chen Xiaoyu, Qin Lie hurriedly got back to work.

As for Chen Xiaoyu, her whole body is now weak, and she has no strength to even get up.

After Qin Lie cleaned up the prey, Chen Xiaoyu's physical strength basically recovered, and the two picked up the meat and returned to the camp together.

At this time, Ye Yuqing and the others had already drank reed root water, but this reed root water could only slightly relieve the dryness and heat in a xiati, and the effect was very limited, so that everyone's face still looked red, just like being drunk .

Qin Lie had expected all this, otherwise he would not have asked Chen Xiaoyu to go out.

But at this time, everyone was tacit, and no one mentioned the wild fruit again. Qin Lie also pretended that nothing had happened, and quickly roasted the venison.

After eating and drinking, Aoi Sakurako suddenly tugged at the corner of Qin Lie's clothes, then gave Qin Lie a wink and walked towards the woods.

Seeing that Lin Qiuzhu and the others were chatting and didn't pay attention to himself, Qin Lie got up and followed Aoi Sakurako into the woods.

"What's wrong, Sakurako? Is there anything you want to do with me?"

Qin Lie looked at Sakurako Aoi and asked.

"Brother Qin, in fact, I ate two and a half wild fruits just now. I feel so bad in my body now. Can you help me solve it?"

Sakurako Aoi looked at Qin Lie shyly and said, at this time she was like the little girl next door who was just beginning to fall in love, and her shy appearance looked really charming.

As an old driver, Qin Lie certainly understood what Sakurako Aoi meant.

But he still confirmed again: "Are you sure you want me to help you?"


Aoi Sakurako replied without hesitation.

She gave it to Qin Lie for the first time. According to the family motto of their Aoi family, she is Qin Lie's person. Now that she is poisoned by love, it is really itchy. She naturally asks Qin Lie to help detoxify.

As a loving young man who likes to help others, Qin Lie immediately agreed to Sakurako Aoi.

However, in order to avoid being seen by Lin Qiuzhu and the others, the two of them walked tens of meters deeper into the forest.

An hour later, Sakurako Aoi returned to the camp first, and Qin Lie returned after ten minutes.

They did this mainly to hide people's eyes and ears, but in the eyes of Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing, it was just trying to hide it. Even Lin Qiuzhu and Tina had guesses in their hearts, but they didn't expose it.

At about nine o'clock, everyone went back to the shack to sleep.

After two battles in a row, Qin Lie fell asleep shortly after.

However, before he slept for a long time, he felt that someone was patting him, and when he opened his eyes, it turned out to be Ye Yuqing.

"What's the matter, Sister Yuqing?"

Qin Lie yawned and asked in confusion.

"You stinky boy, just thinking about your Xiaoyu and Yingzi, don't think about how uncomfortable your sister is for me?"

Ye Yuqing glared at Qin Lie full of resentment and said.

As the saying goes, women are like wolves in their thirties, tigers in their forties, and they can suck soil when they sit on the ground at fifty. Ye Yuqing, who is thirty-six this year, is at the age of a wolf like a tiger. Her needs in that respect are no less than Chen Xiaoyu's.

Especially after experiencing the real joy of being a woman from Qin Lie, her body has long been infatuated with Qin Lie.

A few days ago, everyone was busy on their way, and she didn't have so many thoughts, but after eating that kind of wild fruit today, the desires she had hidden in her heart were directly detonated, and it made her feel uncomfortable for a long time.

It was only because of Lin Qiuzhu and the others that Ye Yuqing endured it and pretended to be nothing.

But now it was dead of night and everyone was asleep, Ye Yuqing just wanted to enjoy the happiness to the fullest.

Looking at Ye Yuqing who was like a grudge, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

"It's all my fault. I forgot my sister. I'll definitely help Sister Yuqing detoxify later."

Qin Lie replied with an attentive look.

He just cared about his own well-being just now, and he really ignored that Ye Yuqing also ate the purple-red wild fruit, so there must be a demand.

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