"Wait a minute if you don't want to satisfy my sister and see how she handles you."

Ye Yuqing gave Qin Lie another annoyed look, then got up and walked towards the woods in the distance.

Qin Lie quickly followed.

After leaving the camp, the two were like a couple in love, and soon they were lost in another world.


After a while, a wolf howl suddenly echoed in the ears of the two of them.

"Wait a minute Qin Lie, is there a wild wolf here?"

Ye Yuqing grabbed Qin Lie's hand and asked a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, the wolf is far away from us."

Qin Lie said nonchalantly.

As the so-called spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, the current Qin Lie is buried in the gentle village again, regardless of whether there are wild wolves approaching.

After some Wushan cloud and rain, both of them reached the top of their lives.


"Qin Lie, in case we are really rescued one day, have you ever thought about how to deal with your relationship with Xiaoyu and Yingzi?"

Ye Yuqing, who was snuggling in Qin Lie's arms, suddenly asked.

"Uh, I haven't thought about that."

Qin Lie replied with an embarrassed expression.

"You'd better think about it in advance, don't let everyone turn against each other because of this, anyway, you don't have to worry about me, as long as you have me in your heart, I won't ask you to do anything."

Ye Yuqing said lightly.

As a woman with a deceased husband, she doesn't care so much about marriage status. As long as Qin Lie has a place in her heart and can accompany her when she is empty and lonely, she will be satisfied.

Qin Lie didn't reply this time, but was thinking about this question in his heart.

It's just that Qin Lie couldn't think of a good solution for a while, and finally decided to take a step by step.

After the two spent a while outside the two-person world, they returned to the camp.

Seeing Qin Lie come back, Misty, who was lying on the ground, immediately got up and yelled at him, and wagged his tail, as if welcoming him.

"Stop calling."

Qin Lie hurriedly drank at Za Mao, he didn't want Za Mao to wake up the others.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Momo immediately lay on the ground again.

Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing went back to the shack one after the other, and fell asleep after lying down for a while.

Early the next morning, Qin Lie and the others woke up one after another to the crisp sound of birdsong.

Qin Lie roasted the venison left over from yesterday, and he threw away the remaining wild fruits.

Although this wild fruit has no other side effects except to make people feel impulsive, it is better to eat less at this time, otherwise, he will be thinking about that thing every day, and his treasure hunt will be delayed.

After breakfast, Qin Lie took out the map and looked at it again. He was about to re-plan the route when he suddenly found that they had come to the end of the fake treasure map by mistake.

According to the map, they just had to go all the way along the river to reach the treasure.

"Sister Yuqing, do you think we should go to this place?"

Qin Lie did not arbitrarily decide, but asked Ye Yuqing for their opinions.

"Anyway, it's not too far away, let's go take a look."

Ye Yuqing thought for a while and then expressed her opinion.

"I don't think that's necessary. Didn't Roberts say that fake treasure maps will lead people into a desperate situation. If we go there now, wouldn't it mean to die?"

Lin Qiuzhu continued.

"I don't quite agree with you, Qiuzhu, because we don't have any evidence to prove that the one Tina gave is the real treasure map. If hers is a fake map made by Roberts to deliberately mislead the treasure hunters, wouldn't we? So missing the real treasure?"

Chen Xiaoyu said suddenly.

"What you said is similar to what I think, so let me go and see it alone, and you will wait for me here."

Qin Lie has actually considered the question of whether the treasure map is true or false before. In his opinion, the picture he first got may be false, but it may also be true, so the safest way is to follow the treasure map. Take a look at the guide of the picture, so that you can naturally argue the authenticity.

"I'll go with you, so we can take care of each other."

Ye Yuqing said.

"I also need to go!"

Lin Qiuzhu raised his hand unwillingly.

Chen Xiaoyu and Aoi Sakurako didn't speak, but their attitudes were self-evident.

"Don't argue, just go with me and Sister Yuqing this time. You are here waiting for us to come back."

Qin Lie's words settled the universe.

The next itinerary is likely to be full of danger. Naturally, he can't take so many people with him, otherwise he will not be able to take care of too many people if he encounters danger.

Lin Qiuzhu wanted to hold on, but Qin Lie glared back at him.

In the end, Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing returned to the river and started to walk upstream along the river.

According to the map, Qin Lie felt that they should be able to reach the final location before dark, so they only brought enough food for lunch.

About two hours later, Qin Lie and the two came to the bifurcation point of the river and continued to walk along the stream on the right according to the instructions of the map.

After advancing for almost three kilometers, Qin Lie suddenly stopped.

I saw a fighter jet appeared in front of them!

I don't know how many years it has been since the fighter plane crashed. It fell into pieces. The wreckage of the plane was already rusted, and there were even a lot of weeds growing in the cabin of the plane.

Qin Lie originally wanted to see if there was anything useful in it, but he turned around and found nothing.

Without wasting any more time here, Qin Lie and the others started on their way.

However, after walking less than 100 meters, a cave appeared in front of them, and there was a rotten and disfigured parachute hanging on the tree next to the cave!

"Sister Yuqing, you wait here, I'll go take a look at the cave."

After instructing Ye Yuqing, Qin Lie walked towards the cave alone.

Because of the previous experience, Qin Lie directly held the knife in his hand this time. No matter what danger appeared, he could fight back immediately.

Soon Qin Lie entered the cave.

The cave is not deep, but the interior space is quite large.

At a glance, Qin Lie quickly found that there was a mummified corpse in the innermost cave!

It is not difficult to see from the clothes on the corpse that he should be the pilot of the previous fighter jet.

Qin Lie walked over to the mummy and looked at it. There was a hole in the chest of the mummy. It was estimated that it was pierced by a branch during the skydive. In the end, he died here because of the serious injuries.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie searched the mummified body back and forth.

In the end, a pistol, two magazines, an old-fashioned kerosene lighter, half a box of Marlboro cigarettes, a wallet and an extremely sharp saber were found from the mummy's clothes.

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