Suddenly, a giant python that was bigger than the one Qin Lie killed before seemed to notice it, and suddenly raised his body to look at Qin Lie and the others.

At that moment, Qin Lie's body stiffened, and his heart jumped to his throat.

But when he saw Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing, two tiny creatures, the giant python quickly returned to the grass, entangled with another giant python, as if they were courting.

As for the other pythons, they were all having sex at this time, so they had no time to pay attention to Qin Lie.

"Sister Yuqing, hurry up."

Qin Lie suppressed the fear in his heart, told Ye Yuqing and prepared to retreat.

"I, my legs are weak, I can't walk."

Ye Yuqing replied tremblingly.

She is not the kind of person who is very timid, but facing these super giant pythons that are dozens of times bigger than ordinary pythons, she is still frightened and fighting. If she hadn't held back, she would have been scared Urine.

Hearing this, Qin Lie hugged Ye Yuqing and ran away.

Qin Lie stopped after running for a kilometer or two in one go.

"Damn, it's so scary."

Qin Lie swallowed a mouthful of spit and said with lingering fears.

Even though he was far away from the python, Qin Lie's little heart was still beating.

"It now seems that the treasure map we originally got should be fake."

Ye Yuqing, who had slowed down, continued.

"It must be fake. Roberts can't possibly hide the treasure in the python's lair, otherwise whoever will die will die."

Qin Lie nodded.

He had personally experienced the horror of giant pythons, and he could swallow a person in one bite. Thanks to the fact that the giant pythons were mating when they went, he didn't have the energy to manage the two of them, otherwise the two of them would definitely be unable to escape.

After resting in place for another five minutes, Qin Lie took Ye Yuqing and left quickly, he didn't want to be the belly of the giant python.

By the time Qin Lie and the two reached the confluence of the rivers, the sun had already started on its way.

Considering that it was too dangerous to travel in the dark, Qin Lie and the others found a place to stay nearby.

Ye Yuqing was in charge of building the shack, and Qin Lie was in charge of hunting.

In less than half an hour, Qin Lie had beaten a pheasant, a hare, and a pig badger, while Ye Yuqing's shack had not yet been set up.

Qin Lie helped build the shack first, and then lit the fire and roasted the pheasants and hares.

After eating the food, the two of them, who had nothing to do, got to know each other about the depth and length of each other, and then fell asleep.

At two o'clock in the morning, Qin Lie was awakened by a ticking sound. He opened his eyes and saw that it was raining outside.

The rain was sparse at first, but it turned into torrential rain in less than ten minutes.

Thanks to his foresight, he built a shack in advance, so that it would not be drowned.

It rained, and the weather became a lot cooler, but the two of them slept hugging each other, and they didn't feel cold.

When it was about dawn, the rain stopped.

Qin Lie and the two divided the leftover meat from yesterday, ordered their stomachs, and then set off on their way home.

At nearly ten o'clock, the two smoothly converged with Lin Qiuzhu and others.

"How about Brother Qin, have you found the treasure?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked impatiently.

"Find a fart, if it weren't for our fate, you wouldn't have seen the two of us."

Qin Lie replied cursingly.

"What's wrong? Is that treasure map fake?"

Chen Xiaoyu then asked.

"Well, not only is it fake, the end point of this treasure map is still the python lair, over there..."

Qin Lie did not hide it, and briefly recounted what happened to them yesterday.

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Chen Xiaoyu and the others were also shocked.

"This Roberts is so bad, it's obviously trying to kill everyone who is looking for the treasure."

Chen Xiaoyu said angrily.

"It can't be blamed on others. After all, no matter who it is, they definitely don't want outsiders to find the treasures they have worked so hard to accumulate."

Lin Qiuzhu then said something fair.

Qin Lie still agrees with Lin Qiuzhu's point of view. If it were him, he would definitely make some fake treasure maps to confuse others.

But no matter how dangerous it is to find the treasure, he will get Roberts' treasure and change his life!

A few people chatted for a while, and then Qin Lie took out the treasure map Christina gave him.

After a while of research, Qin Lie found that the route on this map just happened to pass through the valley where the cannibal tribe was located, and he didn't know if Roberts did it on purpose.

For the sake of safety, Qin Lie originally planned to embark on the journey alone, but Ye Yuqing and the others did not agree.

After some intense discussions, Qin Lie finally decided to bring Ye Yuqing and Lin Qiuzhu, and the others stayed in place and waited for them temporarily.

As for the miscellaneous hair Qin Lie also did not bring.

Although Zamao can provide him with a lot of warnings, the key point is that this time they need to pass through the territory of the cannibals. If Zamao suddenly screams while on the road, it will inevitably reveal their whereabouts, and they will be in danger. .

That afternoon, Qin Lie went to hunt a lot of prey, so that Chen Xiaoyu and the others would not have to worry about food.

At dawn the next day, Qin Lie set off with Ye Yuqing and Lin Qiuzhu.

After nearly three hours, Qin Lie and the others came to the valley where the cannibal tribe was.

Because of the intrusion of outsiders twice in a row, even the new patriarch of his own tribe was killed, which made the entire cannibal tribe on high alert.

On the outskirts of the tribe, three cannibals with spears patrolled back and forth, and at this time there were two more wooden stakes at the gate of the tribe, each with a human head stuck on it!

The human head has begun to rot, and the flies are constantly buzzing around, and the picture still looks quite terrifying.

"These two people should have been killed recently. Let's wait for a chance to pass through at night."

Qin Lie looked at the two heads and said in a deep voice.

The faces of the two heads can probably still be seen clearly. One is white and the other is black. They should both be survivors of this air crash.

The air crash didn't kill them, and the hard life on the desert island didn't crush them, but they eventually died at the hands of the cannibals, and they had to sigh that life and death were impermanent.

When Ye Yuqing and Du Mazi were fighting, both of them had seen blood, but looking at the two dead heads with wide-eyed eyes, their scalps were numb and their backs chilled.

But when they thought that Qin Lie was by their side, the two felt a little more at ease.

In order to prevent the cannibals from discovering them, Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing retreated several hundred meters, and finally hid in a relatively lush bush.

Time passed slowly, Qin Lie and the others finally got up until the sun went down.

When night fell, Qin Lie and the three of them, like three ghosts, quietly approached the cannibal tribe.

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