Even though it was already dark, the cannibals did not relax their vigilance, but continued to patrol the surroundings with torches.

Qin Lie observed in secret for a while, and after the patrolling cannibals went to patrol the right side of the tribe, he immediately took Lin Qiuzhu and the two around to the left side, and then quickly walked through the cover of darkness.

When he was about to spare the cannibal tribe, Qin Lie suddenly heard a voice coming from the front.

It was only in an instant that Qin Lie judged that there were cannibals coming!

They are now too close to the cannibal tribe. Once they encounter these cannibals, they will inevitably attract the attention of other cannibals in the tribe. When the time comes to fight, the consequences are unpredictable.

"Quick, hide!"

Qin Lie made a decisive decision, and led Lin Qiuzhu and the two to rush into a field of grass not far away and crawl down.

In less than three minutes, several cannibals came over together, carrying things on their shoulders.

With the help of the not-so-bright moonlight, Qin Lie could see clearly that what they were carrying on their shoulders turned out to be jackfruit!

At this time, the distance between the cannibals and Qin Lie was only about three meters. Fortunately, these cannibals were chatting and did not find Qin Lie.

After narrowly escaping these cannibals, Qin Lie quickly led Lin Qiuzhu and Ye Yuqing through here.

When Qin Lie entered the depths of the valley, he discovered that there were several wild fruit trees of that kind of purple-red, as well as a large field of poppies and two jackfruits. Qin Lie estimated that these wild fruits should exist, so the cannibals took the tribe. built in this valley.

Jackfruit is rich in sugars and vitamins, and has rich nutritional value. Now that he has encountered it, Qin Lie will not miss it. He climbed directly to the tree and picked two ripe pineapples and chopped them down.

Moving on, Qin Lie and the others came to a canyon.

This canyon is wider than the one line of sky that Qin Lie and the others passed by before, but it is only two or three meters wide.

However, because of the cover of trees, it is really difficult to find this canyon if you don't go here.

The entire canyon is about 200 meters long. After passing through the canyon, Qin Lie and the others came to another valley.

So far, Qin Lie and the others have left the cannibal tribe far away.

In the dark forest, the roars of unknown beasts could be heard from time to time.

Qin Lie did not continue on his way, but chose a relatively flat place nearby to set up camp.

That night, Qin Lie and the others ate some rabbit meat and then some jackfruit.

The jackfruit is sweet and sour, and the taste is quite good. A huge jackfruit was directly killed by three people in half.

But Qin Lie didn't feel bad. After all, the things around him were too heavy and he was too tired to carry them on his back. He could relax after eating earlier.

Before going to bed, Qin Lie arranged the order of the night vigil again. Lin Qiuzhu and Ye Yuqing kept watch for two hours until 1 am, while Qin Lie kept watch from 1 o'clock until dawn.

Although Qin Lie's vigil was almost twice as long as Lin Qiuzhu and the others, he was a man, and he deserved to be more tired.

Time passed silently, and when the sun cut through the darkness, Qin Lie's tense figure relaxed a little.

Qin Lie and the others ate some jackfruit for breakfast and continued on their way.

Walking through the barren mountains and ridges is very exhausting. In addition, I only ate some fruit for breakfast. After walking for five hours, Lin Qiuzhu finally couldn't hold it anymore and asked to take a break.

Qin Lie looked at his watch, it was half past ten.

Above his head, the sun scorched the earth relentlessly, even in the woods, but because there was no wind, Qin Lie's clothes were already wet with sweat.

"Let's go over there to rest on the flat ground, and we'll be on our way after two o'clock in the afternoon."

Qin Lie thought for a while.

Although it is important to travel, it is also important to maintain physical strength, so that when you encounter danger, you will not become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Upon hearing this, Lin Qiuzhu quickly ran to the front and lay down in the shade.

"It's still comfortable to lie down."

Lin Qiuzhu stretched, with a timid expression on his face.

As a noble lady, Lin Qiuzhu in the past only wore various luxury brands, and only stayed in five-star hotels when she went out.

But now, she is wearing old clothes ripped off from the dead. The key is men's clothes. When she is tired, she will go straight to the ground. As for whether the ground is dirty or not, it has long been out of her consideration. .

If this were changed before, she herself would not have believed that these things would happen to her, but today, she has become accustomed to everything.

Ye Yuqing was also exhausted and found a place to lie down.

Qin Lie was okay, he lit the fire after a short rest, took out the last bacon and roasted it on the fire.

This barbecue is definitely not enough for three people, but fortunately they also have a half jackfruit.

After killing half of the jackfruit, all three were full.

After a while, sleepiness struck, Qin Lie yawned, and went to a shady place to sleep.

As she fell asleep, Ye Yuqing's stomach suddenly rumbled.

Feeling as if she was going to have diarrhea, Ye Yuqing ran quickly to the distance, so as not to wait for the smell to confuse Qin Lie and the others.

In the end, Ye Yuqing came to the back of a big tree that looked like a willow.

The surrounding of this tree is very flat, and it can just block people, it is definitely a treasure place for shit.

After choosing the position, Ye Yuqing was about to pull when suddenly, a branch touched her arm.

Ye Yuqing didn't care at first, and was about to knock the branches aside. Who knew that the branches were like demon tentacles, frantically wrapping around her body.

Ye Yuqing tried desperately to break free, but the more she struggled, the more notes entangled her.

Moreover, these branches quickly secreted some white mucus like glue after entangling her legs and feet. After these white mucus touched Ye Yuqing's skin, it also made her feel a burning sensation.

Seeing that she was about to be mummified by these notes, Ye Yuqing panicked completely.

"Help Qin Lie, Qin Lie, come and save me..."

Ye Yuqing shouted loudly, at this time, she couldn't do anything except call for help.

Qin Lie was sleeping soundly at this time, and when he heard someone calling his name in a daze, he thought it was his delusion, and he didn't take it seriously, but Lin Qiuzhu suddenly woke up.

After a glance, Lin Qiuzhu's expression changed after he found that Ye Yuqing lying beside him had disappeared.

"Qin Lie, wake up quickly, where's Sister Yuqing?"

Lin Qiuzhu immediately woke up Qin Lie and asked.

"Isn't Sister Yuqing sleeping there?"

Qin Lie yawned and pointed to the road ahead.

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