"See for yourself, Ye Yuqing is not here at all!"

Lin Qiuzhu continued.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately woke up.

Looking at the empty ground, Qin Lie immediately looked around, but he still didn't see Ye Yuqing.

"I seem to have heard Sister Yuqing's cry for help just now. Let's hurry up and find her."

Lin Qiuzhu said with a worried look.

"it is good."

Qin Lie thought it was his own delusion, but when he heard Ye Yuqing's words, he immediately understood that what he heard just now should be Ye Yuqing's cry for help.

Not daring to delay any longer, the two quickly separated to search for Ye Yuqing's figure around, and called Ye Yuqing's name at the same time, but they did not get any response.

This made Qin Lie have a bad feeling in his heart.

But as long as it is not certain that Ye Yuqing is dead, he will definitely not give up.

"Qin Lie, come here!"

At this moment, Qin Lie heard Lin Qiuzhu's voice.

Qin Lie quickly ran towards Lin Qiuzhu.

"Look at that!"

Lin Qiuzhu panicked and pointed to the big tree not far away.

At this time, the branches of the big tree were shaking constantly, and in the direction of the big tree facing Qin Lie and them, there was something like a silkworm cocoon wrapped in branches.

Through the gaps in the branches, you can vaguely see Ye Yuqing's clothes inside.

"Qin Lie, what should we do? How can we save Sister Yuqing?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked in a panic.

During her time on the deserted island, she saw too many strange things, but it was the first time she saw a tree that could attack people, which was far beyond her understanding!

Qin Lie pulled out his knife and was about to rescue Ye Yuqing when a branch suddenly attacked him.

Qin Lie quickly swung his knife and chopped off the branch, but more branches came towards him.

"Go back quickly!"

Qin Lie shouted loudly and immediately retreated to the back.

It wasn't until they got out of the reach of the branches that the branches stopped attacking Qin Lie and continued to wrap around Ye Yuqing.

Qin Lie knew very well that Ye Yuqing had to be rescued as soon as possible, so that she would not die in a few minutes!

But in the face of this strange tree, Qin Lie couldn't force it, otherwise he would not only be unable to save Ye Yuqing, but even himself might get in.

In the blink of an eye, an idea popped out of Qin Lie's mind.

"Get me some dry firewood, the more the better!"

Qin Lie ordered Lin Qiuzhu.

Lin Qiuzhu didn't know what Qin Lie wanted to do, but he hurriedly picked up the branches.

Qin Lie was also not idle, he piled the nearby branches together, and quickly lit a fire and came out.

After the fire burned, Qin Lie pulled out the burning branch and ran towards the strange tree.

As Qin Lie had expected, this strange tree was really afraid of fire, the branches kept dancing, but they just didn't dare to get close to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie took the opportunity to rush to Ye Yuqing's side, and at the same time pressed some burning branches on those branches.

After being burned by the fire, the branches twisted even more frantically, even the trunk of the big tree shook, and the branches wrapped around Ye Yuqing's body finally loosened, and in the end only a few remained wrapped around Ye Yuqing's legs.

"Qin Lie save me!"

Just now, Ye Yuqing's mouth was blocked by the branches and those white mucus, and she couldn't speak if she wanted to, but now that the branches were taken away, she could finally continue to call for help.

Qin Lie didn't say a word, he raised his knife and cut off the last few branches on Ye Yuqing's leg. Ye Yuqing, who was hanging, fell to the ground with a bang.

Those branches wanted to continue attacking Ye Yuqing, but Qin Lie had already picked her up and ran away.

Fortunately, Qin Lie ran fast and escaped the attack range of the strange tree in time.


After he was safe, Qin Lie sat directly on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Sister Yuqing, how are you?"

Lin Qiuzhu ran over and asked worriedly.

"I...I...I'm fine."

A full two minutes passed, and Ye Yuqing, who was so frightened, responded with a trembling voice.

Even though she has been rescued, she still has a deep fear in her heart at this time, and her body can't stop shivering.

Lin Qiuzhu just wanted to clean up the white mucus on Ye Yuqing's body, but she found that these things were as sticky as glue, which was very difficult to handle.

"Don't bother, I'll help Sister Yuqing do it later."

Qin Lie said.


Lin Qiuzhu responded and didn't waste any more energy.

"By the way, Qin Lie, what kind of tree, why does it still attack people?"

Lin Qiuzhu turned his gaze to the strange tree not far away and asked.

If they encountered some kind of beast, she would still understand, but the key point was that it was a tree that could attack people!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that such strange creatures still existed in this world after killing Lin Qiuzhu.

"This should be the legendary Dianbai!"

Qin Lie said with a serious expression.

Dianbai is a legendary creature. It is said that as long as the creatures close to Dianbai will be entangled by its branches, a large amount of white mucus will be secreted on the branches. These mucus is similar to gastric juice, and will digest the prey little by little, and finally The prey will completely become the food of Dianbai!

It's just that this kind of creature has always been tightly confined to the legend, and there is no evidence to prove that it is real. Qin Lie never expected that they would meet Dianbai on this desert island, and he didn't know if they were lucky or not. Bad luck.

"Dianbai? This thing is too scary. It goes against biology."

Lin Qiuzhu had never heard of Dianbai's name, but the tree still frightened her.

"Qin Lie, let's hurry... hurry up and leave."

Ye Yuqing, who was a little slower, said tremblingly, she just wanted to stay as far away from this cypress tree as possible.


Qin Lie nodded, picked up Ye Yuqing, and took her back to the place where they had stayed before.

"Qiuzhu, look at Sister Yuqing, I'll find some herbs and come back."

Qin Lie said to Lin Qiuzhu.

"Don't go, I'm afraid."

Ye Yuqing stopped Qin Lie immediately, she didn't dare to let Qin Lie out of her sight now.

"Sister Yuqing, don't worry, you are safe now. I have to find some herbs and come back to help you get rid of those Dianbai secretions from your body, otherwise your skin will be corroded."

Qin Lie continued.

"You stay with me for a while, I'm still scared now."

Ye Yuqing said with a hint of tears, even if she suffered an air crash, she was not as frightened as she is now.

"OK then."

Qin Lie thought about it and stayed.

Time flickered, and an hour passed before Ye Yuqing's mood stabilized a little.

Leaving Lin Qiuzhu to look after Ye Yuqing, Qin Lie hurried into the woods to find the herbs he needed.

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