Seeing that the fattest meat was about to fly, Qin Lie couldn't care less, took out his gun and took aim and pulled the trigger immediately.


The gunshots sounded, and the wild birds perched in the woods were instantly startled, and the wild goat that was running wildly fell to the ground at the same time.

Qin Lie didn't think he could hit the goat with this shot, but he did. I have to say that luck is really important.

Qin Lie quickly ran to the goat.

The goat was shot in the thigh, and it wasn't dead yet. Qin Lie didn't want to waste bullets, so he took out his knife and prepared to give it a good time. Who knew that the goat suddenly burst into flames and hit Qin Lie with his horn. .

Because of the sudden incident, Qin Lie had no time to dodge, and could only be hit abruptly.

dong dong dong.

Qin Lie and the wild goat rolled down the hillside at the same time, rolling out more than ten meters in a row.

Qin Lie, who was smashed, took a minute to get up from the ground, touched his head, and there was blood all over his hands.

Not far from him, was the goat that hit him. At this time, the goat was not dead and was still struggling.

"Your grandma's, I will give you a good time!"

Qin Lie, who had suffered a big loss, was also full of fire at this time, and ran directly to the goat and wiped it on his neck.

"Qin Lie, are you seriously injured? Do you need me to bandage you?"

At this moment, Lin Qiuzhu, who saw Qin Lie rolling down the hillside, also ran over with worry in their eyes.

"It's alright, it's just a little bit of skin, and it won't die."

Qin Lie waved his hand, and then took the hemostatic powder from Lin Qiuzhu and sprinkled it on his head.

After stopping the bleeding, Qin Lie was about to carry the goat to roast and eat it, but in a casual glance, a blood-colored flower hidden in the grass immediately entered his line of sight.

"Blood rouge, haha, it's really blood rouge!"

Qin Lie ran quickly to the bloody flower, and quickly confirmed that it was the blood rouge he had been searching for in vain!

And there are two blood rouge near this blooming blood rouge, one of which has grown seeds.

Qin Lie dug out all the three blood rouge trees, and carefully wrapped the seeds in a cloth and placed them in a bamboo basket.

"Today seems to be my lucky day."

After collecting the blood rouge, Qin Lie said excitedly.

Before, he spent two days in a row looking for the blood rouge and couldn't find it. As a result, he fell and fell in front of the blood rouge. He really answered the old saying, you can't find a place if you break through the iron shoes. !

"Qin Lie, look, there are two goats here!"

At this moment, Ye Yuqing suddenly shouted excitedly.

Qin Lie walked towards Ye Yuqing and saw the wild goat lying in the grass at a glance.

This is a female goat, apparently just giving birth, and the calf on the ground still has amniotic membranes on it.

Because of this, the female goat did not run.

"Qin Lie, hurry up and kill this sheep, or it should run away again."

Lin Qiuzhu urged Qin Lie.

"No, I want to catch this sheep alive, so we can have fresh goat milk to drink in the future."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

He had already killed a male goat. The meat of that goat was enough for them to eat for three or five days. There was no need to kill the female goat.

Then Qin Lie took out a cloth strip from the bamboo basket, tied it in a knot, and slowly walked towards the female goat.

The female goat obviously wanted to run, but because she had just given birth, her body was still very weak, and she could not get up from the ground after several attempts.

Before and after reaching the goat's heel, Qin Lie rushed towards it. The goat was about to struggle, but Qin Lie had already held his neck.

Next, Qin Lie put a knot around the neck of the goat, so that the female goat could not escape even if she wanted to.

Let Ye Yuqing lead the female goat while Qin Lie dissects the male goat.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to eat roasted whole lamb, but after thinking about it, he could not finish roasting whole lamb at one time, and the meat was easily spoiled, which was too waste of food, so he cut the lamb into pieces.

After a short rest, Qin Lie set up a smoker grill, and he made all the mutton into bacon except for enough mutton to eat today.

Seeing that it was noon, Qin Lie found a shady place nearby and stopped.

"Sister Yuqing, you all take a break first, and I'll get you roast lamb to eat."

Qin Lie said, cut the mutton into small pieces and put them on the branches, and roasted them on the fire.

In less than two minutes, a tangy fragrance floated over.

When it was almost cooked, Qin Lie sprinkled some sea salt and chili noodles on the mutton skewers, and took the first bite unceremoniously.

"It's delicious!"

The rich aroma of meat exploded in Qin Lie's mouth, which made people feel very heavenly.

And because it is a wild goat, this goat meat is particularly chewy, and the more chewed it is, the more fragrant it is, which makes people unable to stop.

"Qin Lie, don't eat alone, let us try it too."

Lin Qiuzhu swallowed and urged impatiently.

"Give, give."

Qin Lie took another bite, and then handed the mutton skewer to Lin Qiuzhu.

Lin Qiuzhu and Ye Yuqing were both overwhelmed by the taste buds of the fragrant roast mutton at the same time.

Qin Lie grilled several skewers of mutton one after another, and each skewer of mutton was ten times more than the mutton skewers sold, not to mention how delicious it was.

Seeing that the mutton was already enough, Qin Lie went to the female goat to squeeze a jar of goat milk. After the goat milk was boiled, Qin Lie put some wild meat that they had picked on the road in the goat milk.

"Qin Lie, are you making goat milk tea?"

Lin Qiuzhu next to him asked curiously.

"Of course not. Just add *** to remove the odor of goat milk, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to drink it."

Qin Lie explained with a smile.

Goat's milk is rich in nutrients and is known as the king of milk, and it is very close to the mother. Back then, his grandfather relied on feeding him goat milk to successfully raise Qin Lie, who was still in his infancy, into an adult.

It’s just that goat’s milk has a strong odor, and many people are not used to drinking it, but as long as you add some *** or honey to it, you can remove the odor to the greatest extent and make goat milk more acceptable.

"I've increased my knowledge, I didn't expect *** to have such a magical effect."

Lin Qiuzhu smiled and said.

She has never drank goat milk, and this is the first time she has heard that *** can remove the odor.

After waiting for the goat milk to cook for a few more minutes, Qin Lie took the goat milk off the fire.

After letting it cool down a little, Qin Lie took a sip first and made sure that the smell of mutton was already very small, and then handed it to Lin Qiuzhu: "Come on, drink some goat milk, this stuff is not available to ordinary people."

After taking the goat milk, Lin Qiuzhu smelled it first, and then took a tentative sip.

"Hey, the taste is not bad. In addition to the milky fragrance, there is also a faint ** fragrance. If you can add some honey, it should be more perfect."

Lin Qiuzhu commented that the goat milk with *** was much better than she thought.

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