The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 205 The Last Step Is Out Of Reach!

After Lin Qiuzhu, Ye Yuqing also drank some goat milk.

She has never hated the smell of goat mutton, so in her opinion, this goat milk is not much different from cow's milk. On the contrary, because of the addition of ***, it tastes better than cow's milk.


Lin Qiuzhu touched his stomach and hiccupped without image.

"How about it, do you want to make mutton skewers again?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"No, no, no, I'll die if I eat it again."

Lin Qiuzhu immediately shook his head.

Although the mutton skewers were delicious, she was already full, and no matter what was placed in front of her, she would no longer have an appetite.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't force her to drink the last remaining goat milk, and then made a bunch of mutton skewers.

After eating and drinking, Qin Lie didn't want to move anymore, but he went to cut some tender grass to feed the female goat.

For him, this female goat is a mobile milk bank. As long as he takes good care of this female goat, they will be able to drink fresh milk every day in the future.

At this time, more than two hours have passed since the mother goat gave birth, and the newly born baby goat can already walk.

However, the little goat didn't run around, always surrounded by the mother goat, and didn't have any guard against the approaching Qin Lie.

After all, everything in this world is new to it, and it still doesn't know what danger is.

After resting until about one o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie got up and used blood rouge with other herbs to make a scar removal cream.

Because it was the first time, Qin Lie was not very skilled, and it took two hours to make the finished scar removal cream.

"Sister Yuqing, do you feel anything now?"

After applying the scar removal cream on Ye Yuqing's body, Qin Lie hurriedly asked.

Before that, Qin Lie had only seen the introduction to the scar removal cream in the ancient medical book that the old Chinese medicine doctor gave him, but since he had not made the finished product, he was not particularly sure whether the scar removal cream was really as it was in the legend. It's a scar remover.

In other words, Ye Yuqing was almost his guinea pig, and he was quite worried about the side effects of the scar removal cream.

"It feels cool, like applying a mask, but there is a slight tingling on the face and neck."

After pondering for a while, Ye Yuqing replied.

"This is a normal reaction, indicating that the *** is helping you repair damaged skin."

Qin Lie said immediately.

These reactions were the same as those recorded in ancient medical books, which made Qin Lie feel a little more relaxed.

However, Qin Lie still reminded Ye Yuqing that if there is an abnormal reaction, remember to tell herself in time.

Seeing that it was almost four o'clock, Qin Lie didn't continue on his way, and built a shack on the spot to live there.


The next morning, Qin Lie boiled some goat milk again, ate some mutton after drinking the goat milk, and the three of them set off again.

As a man, Qin Lie took the initiative to carry the smoked mutton, Lin Qiuzhu was responsible for some commonly used tools and medicinal herbs, and Ye Yuqing led the female goat.

This female goat was quite obedient, and did not show any resistance, and the little goat did not need to worry, and never left the female goat one meter away.

After walking for another hour, Qin Lie suddenly stopped and picked up a heavily rusted horseshoe from the crack!

"What kind of thing did you pick up?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked curiously.

"This is a horseshoe. It seems that we did not go wrong this time. The treasure should be getting closer and closer to us!"

Qin Lie said very excitedly.

You must know that they are now in the deep mountains and forests, and there is a horseshoe in this ghost place, which is enough to show that Roberts walked this way. This horseshoe should be the one they accidentally dropped here.

After listening to Qin Lie's explanation, Lin Qiuzhu's faces showed excitement at the same time.

It's just that they are not happy because they can get rich overnight by finding the treasure, but because they can see the legendary gold and silver treasures.

Qin Lie carefully checked the map and continued to lead the two forward.

At this time, Qin Lie and the others were just like playing chicken blood. They walked in a hurry, and they didn't feel tired at all.

After another two hours, the three Qin Lie stopped again.

At this time, a big river lay in front of them, and on the upper reaches of the big river was a waterfall, and there were several mountain peaks around.

"Qin Lie, what's the next step?"

Lin Qiuzhu looked at Qin Lie who was in charge of leading the way and asked.

"Wait, I'll look at the map."

Qin Lie said, spread the map on the ground, and carefully compared the surrounding scenery.

But the more the comparison, the tighter Qin Lie's brows were.

Because he found that, except for this waterfall and this river, the pattern behind looked very strange, and it was completely impossible to find the corresponding landmark in reality.

"What's wrong Qin Lie?"

Seeing that Qin Lie's face was wrong, Ye Yuqing stepped forward and asked.

"I don't understand the map behind this at all."

Qin Lie frowned and said.

"Let me see."

Ye Yuqing said, and went up to check the map, but after looking at it for a long time, she didn't understand what some of the graphics in the next year represented.

Lin Qiuzhu followed and looked at it, but like Qin Lie, she also didn't understand what the pattern behind it meant.

This time, Qin Lie's face couldn't help but show a shadow.

You know, according to the map, they were already very close to the final point of the treasure, almost within easy reach, but because they couldn't understand the last part of the map, these treasures suddenly became out of reach.

"Fuck on a horse, what does the graphic behind this mean!"

Seeing that he couldn't understand the treasure map after racking his brains, Qin Lie, who was a little anxious, couldn't help swearing.

"Qin Lie, don't worry, let's study hard, and we will definitely be able to understand the meaning of these patterns."

Ye Yuqing quickly comforted Qin Lie.

For her, it doesn't matter if she can't find treasures, but Qin Lie is different. He cares about these treasures very much, and he even wants to use them to change his destiny.

If he misses the treasure because he can't decipher the last small part of the pattern, it will definitely hit Qin Lie very hard, and he is likely to be depressed because of it.

"Look, I'm going to calm down for a while."

Qin Lie knew very well that he was so upset right now that it would be meaningless to stay, so after saying this, he went to the river.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to jump into the river for a swim, but considering that there might be piranhas in the river, he could only immerse his head in the water to calm himself down.

Although Ye Yuqing and Lin Qiuzhu came to find the treasure with Qin Lie, they were actually bystanders to a large extent, and they were very calm at this time.

After getting the map, the two began to discuss.

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