The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 206 There Is A Woman Like This, What More Can My Husband Ask For!

"Sister Yuqing, do you think this picture is also fake?"

Ten minutes later, Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help asking in a low voice.

The first half of the map is compared according to the shape, and it is easy to find the corresponding reference objects on this island, but the last part of the pattern looks very chaotic, like a child's graffiti, with no rules to follow at all. So Lin Qiuzhu felt that this picture was also a fake picture to fool people.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Ye Yuqing replied with a solemn expression.

She also tried to decipher this last roadmap just now, but she has racked her brains and still has no clue.

And if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the pattern symbols of this last paragraph of the roadmap are very different from the previous ones, which has to make people suspect that Roberts deliberately drew them at random to fool people.

"Then what do we do now? Do you want Qin Lie to come over and discuss?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked.

"Let's talk about it when he calms down. Let's study it and see if we're thinking in the wrong direction."

At this time, Qin Lie's mood was still not calm, but Ye Yuqing didn't want to disturb Qin Lie.

"All right."

Although Lin Qiuzhu had lost hope in his heart, he still agreed.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Lie finally calmed down from being upset.

He returned to Ye Yuqing and the others and discussed with Ye Yuqing and the others for an hour, but he couldn't discuss the reason.

Seeing that it was noon, Qin Lie made lunch first.

After eating, Qin Lie asked Ye Yuqing and the two to stay in place to rest, while he walked around with the map, hoping to explore the mystery of the last route map.

Time passed, and half a day passed quickly.

However, Qin Lie was still confused and couldn't figure out the meaning of the last little graphic symbol.

This night, Qin Lie lost sleep for the first time.

After all, knowing that the treasure is very close to you, but you can't find it, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Seeing that he couldn't fall asleep, Qin Lie walked from the shack to the river.

Since he really didn't know what to do, he picked up a few rocks and hit the water.

"If you don't sleep at night, you come here to play and play, you are quite elegant."

At this moment, Ye Yuqing's voice suddenly sounded behind Qin Lie.

"What's the matter with Yaxing? I really can't sleep right now."

Qin Lie turned around and replied with a wry smile.

"Are you still thinking about the treasure map?"

Ye Yuqing asked.


Qin Lie nodded and didn't deny it.

"If you want me to say, you don't need to worry about this at all. Don't forget, the gold and silver treasures we found in that cave before are enough to make you a billionaire, and you will have nothing to worry about in your life."

Ye Yuqing comforted Qin Lie.

"I know, but that treasure is only a drop in the bucket compared to Roberts' ultimate treasure. I really want to find the ultimate treasure. Only the ultimate treasure can make me a real human being, and I will never have to look at other people's faces in the future. Act!"

Qin Lie replied with fiery eyes, making no secret of his desire for those treasures. .

"Xiao Lie, in fact, you have fallen into a misunderstanding now. Even if the ultimate treasure is worth one hundred billion, one trillion, but as long as you can't find it, it will always be just an ethereal legend. On the contrary, the treasure of more than one billion is at your fingertips. With more than 100 million people, you can definitely step into the upper class."

"And I believe that with your ingenuity, within a few years, one hundred million can become one billion ten billion, making you truly a Ying Family!"

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie and said sincerely.

As the saying goes, she can see the way Qin Lie usually behaves in the world. Qin Lie is definitely a platinum potential stock, and it will become a great asset in the future!

"Sister, don't hold me, I can't bear it."

Qin Lie replied with a wry smile.

"You don't have to belittle yourself, I'm telling the truth. I believe in my vision. Maybe you are just a poor boy now, but you are destined to be a dragon among people in the future! Otherwise, you think that my sister is the kind of casual Someone who slept with another man?"

Ye Yuqing replied very solemnly.

After being a widow for three years, she would rather stay alone in an empty room. She endured loneliness and emptiness every night and never went to find a man again. Apart from the fact that most of the men around her coveted her body and money, there was another reason, and that was her Her eyes are very high, and ordinary men can't get into her eyes at all.

But Qin Lie was different. He was a man who really used his personality to open her heart, otherwise she wouldn't have any skin-to-skin relationship with Qin Lie.

After hearing Ye Yuqing's words, Qin Lie couldn't help falling into silence.

He really did not expect that Ye Yuqing would give him such a high evaluation.

"Sister, thank you for looking down on me so much, I know what to do."

After a moment of silence, Qin Lie spoke again.

Qin Lie had always been an inconspicuous little person before, no one paid attention and no one cared, but Ye Yuqing's words undoubtedly activated the blood in his body.

This time he has figured it out, even if he starts from scratch, he will definitely be able to create a myth of his own!

Looking at the perseverance and fighting spirit in Qin Lie's eyes, Ye Yuqing knew that her words worked, which made her very gratified.

"Xiao Lie, if we can leave this deserted island, my sister will fully support you in your career. Although my sister can't compare with those capital predators, you can still get billions of dollars."

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie affectionately and said.

She has already given her sincerity to Qin Lie, and she is willing to use everything she has to achieve Qin Lie.

"Thank you, sister, I have no regrets with you in this life!"

At this moment, Qin Lie was also moved, and hugged Ye Yuqing into his arms.

Ye Yuqing hugged Qin Lie at the same time, even if there were no other intimate gestures, she was already very satisfied.

A few minutes later, Qin Lie called Ye Yuqing back to the thatched hut.

At this time, he had completely thought about it, and soon fell asleep.

Hearing the slight snoring sound beside her, Ye Yuqing couldn't help showing a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and then she also fell asleep.

The next morning, Qin Lie woke up early.

After breakfast, Qin Lie packed his bags.

"Qiuzhu, with your bamboo basket on your back, we should go back."

Qin Lie said to Lin Qiuzhu.

"Ah? Aren't you looking for treasure?"

Hearing this, Lin Qiuzhu was stunned. She even thought that she had heard it wrong.

"I don't look for it anymore. I guess I don't have that life. There's no need to waste time on this."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

After Ye Yuqing's enlightenment, he has completely thought about it.

It doesn't matter if he can't find the treasure, anyway, to have a confidante like Ye Yuqing by his side, he is already a Ying Family, he doesn't need to be obsessed with the treasure that may never be found.

And to put it badly, if Ye Yuqing died here because of his willful actions, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly not a better choice to retreat now.

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