The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 208 A Word To Wake Up The Dreamer!

When they just landed on this deserted island, they thought about how to survive every day. After all, they would endure hunger if they didn't work hard.

But today, their situation has already undergone earth-shaking changes, and 'survival' has also become 'life'.

When you live, you only need to think about how to eat enough, but in life, you also need to think about how to live better, which is completely two levels.

Therefore, it is understandable that Su Xiaoxiao will decorate the dining place, and even Ye Yuqing fully supports it.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, as long as you are happy, you can do whatever you want."

Qin Lie smiled, but didn't say anything more.

Then, Su Xiaoxiao poured everyone another glass of wine.

Seeing that Qin Lie was about to drink from the cup, Su Xiaoxiao quickly stopped him.

"Wait a minute, Brother Qin, and drink it after I finish my sentence."


Hearing this, Qin Lie put down the cup made of bamboo.

"Come on, let's raise the cups together, let's honor the great brother Qin for the first time, thank him for protecting us for many days, otherwise we would not be able to live so well on this desert island full of dangers. "

Su Xiaoxiao lifted the cup and said.

"Don't be so polite, we are all friends, and we should take care of each other."

Qin Lie said nonchalantly.

For him, Su Xiaoxiao and others are all his friends. For the sake of his friends, even if it is a knife, he is willing to go through fire and water.

"Come here, respect Qin Lie."

Although Qin Lie didn't take it seriously, Ye Yuqing and the others knew in their hearts that Qin Lie's contribution to their survival was all due to them, and they deserved to toast him with the first glass of wine.

Qin Lie didn't refuse any more, he touched everyone, and drank the glass of wine.

"For this second cup, we honor the three new friends, and you are welcome to join us."

Su Xiaoxiao continued.

"We should respect you, thank you for accepting us."

Christina said quickly.

"Okay, don't thank you, go and drink."

Qin Lie interjected, and everyone raised their glasses again for the second glass of wine.

"This third cup is to God, thank God for not letting us die in the air crash. As the saying goes, we have endured so many hardships. I believe that it will not be long before we will be able to return home safely!"

Su Xiaoxiao said again.

"I didn't expect you to be a small person, and this is really a set of words."

Qin Lie teased with a smile.

"Xiao Xiao is right, come, for our beautiful tomorrow, cheers!"

Lin Qiuzhu raised his glass high.

After three glasses of wine, everyone began to eat the dishes carefully cooked by Chen Xiaoyu.

With good wine and good food, life is really free and easy like a fairy.

After drinking three dishes and five flavors, the people who were full and satiated started chatting all over the world again.

After a while, Christina and Lilith, who were newcomers to Kung Fu, got together with Su Xiaoxiao and the others, and they could hear bursts of laughter from time to time.

Qin Lie chatted with everyone for a while, and felt a little hot, so he came to the beach alone.

The cool sea breeze blows on people, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"Why did you come to the beach alone, do you think we are too noisy?"

Suddenly, a woman's voice rang behind Qin Lie.

Qin Lie turned his head and saw that it was Bai Panlan.

"I'm not a little hot, so I came here to get a hair dryer. Why are you here too?"

Qin Lie looked at Bai Xianglan and replied.

"I came here on purpose to find you."

Bai Xianglan walked over to Qin Lie and said.

"Why are you looking for me?"

Qin Lie froze for a moment and asked.

"I want to say thank you in person. If it weren't for you, even ten lives would not be enough for me."

Bai Xianglan said gratefully.

As a flower growing up in a greenhouse, she has no time to be by her side, and she has no experience in outdoor survival. If it weren't for Qin Lie, she would have been dead long ago.

"Hey, why are you being so polite? Protecting you is what I should do. Who made me a man?"

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"Qin Lie, there seems to be something on your face."

Bai Xianglan said, walked to Qin Lie's side, and gently wiped off the little bit of tapioca stuck to the side of his cheek, with a very gentle movement.


Qin Lie casually thanked him.

However, Bai Xianglan didn't speak any more, just staring at Qin Lie.

At this moment, the waves in Bai Xianglan's eyes flowed, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt that Qin Lie was handsome, especially that masculinity that made her heart pound.

Taking advantage of the wine, Bai Panlan kissed Qin Lie like a ghost.

Qin Lie was immediately stunned.

It all happened so suddenly that he was completely unprepared.

However, as an old driver, Qin Lie quickly responded as he should.

Just when the two were about to enter a state of ecstasy, Za Mao suddenly ran over and barked at Qin Lie.

The two were shocked and separated like lightning.

"Go away, call a fart."

Qin Lie shouted angrily at the miscellaneous hair.

Being scolded by Qin Lie like this, Za Mao grabbed the meat and bones on the ground and ran away.

"I'm sorry, I was a little drunk just now. I didn't mean to kiss you."

Bai Xianglan explained in a panic.

It's just that her presence here is too far-fetched, and she can't even convince herself.

Because Qin Lie's self-brewed wine is not high at all, it looks like three or five degrees, not to mention one bottle, even ten bottles can't make people drunk.

But as the saying goes, wine is not intoxicating and people are self-intoxicating. If there is no drinking, it is absolutely impossible for Bai Xianglan to do what she has always wanted to do but dare not do.

"It's alright, it's alright."

Qin Lie also doesn't know what to do now, so he can only pretend that nothing happened.

Bai Xianglan raised her head and glanced at Qin Lie secretly again, and found that Qin Lie was also looking at her, she quickly lowered her head, her shy look was like a girl who was just in love peeking at her crush and found out.

"Brother Qin, what are you two doing here secretly?"

At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao's voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

"What nonsense, Xianglan just came to me to say thank you alone."

Qin Lie rolled her eyes at Su Xiaoxiao and said, he can't let Su Xiaoxiao know about the two kissing, otherwise, this girl's leaky mouth will be known to everyone in less than a night.

"Oh, I thought you were secretly eating delicious food here."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled, but did not doubt any more.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you here, are you also looking for Qin Lie to thank you?"

Bai Xianglan was nervous inside, but on the surface she pretended to be calm and asked.

"No, I'm here to ask what zodiac sign you both are."

Su Xiaoxiao replied immediately.

"Why do you ask this?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"I was discussing with Sister Tina who we are the best match for Brother Qin. Sister Tina said it was Sister Yuqing, but I thought it was Sister Xianglan, so we wanted to use everyone's constellations to verify who we are. You're right, after all, don't foreigners like to play constellation matching."

Su Xiaoxiao explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Lie seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind, and instantly woke up the dreamer!

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