"Little one, come with me!"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Lie pulled Su Xiaoxiao and ran back to his thatched hut.

Then Qin Lie took the treasure map he got from Christina and came to the campfire.

"Little, what constellation do you think these symbols can form?"

Qin Lie pointed to the last part of the map and asked.

"Brother Qin, what do you mean?"

Su Xiaoxiao, who was still in a dazed state, asked inexplicably.

"I think this part should be a constellation chart. Help me find out what constellation it is."

Qin Lie said again.

He doesn't know much about constellations, so he needs to ask Su Xiaoxiao for help.

"Oh, okay, I'll take a look."

After understanding Qin Lie's intention, Su Xiaoxiao began to draw back and forth on the map with her fingers.

In less than two minutes, Su Xiaowei had the answer.

"Brother Qin, according to my judgment, this should be the pattern of Leo."

Su Xiaoxiao replied.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's eyes suddenly lit up, but he still tried to keep himself calm: "Are you sure you are a Leo?"

"Yes, these figures and lines can only draw Leo."

Su Xiaoxiao replied.

"Xiao Xiao, I love you to death. When I find the treasure, my brother will give you a share!"

At this moment, Qin Lie hugged Su Xiaoxiao like a chicken blood, and gave her a hard kiss on the face.

However, Su Xiaoxiao was stunned, she didn't understand why Qin Lie suddenly became so excited.

Ye Yuqing and others, who were watching on the side, had the same question mark on their faces. In the end, Ye Yuqing asked first, "Qin Lie, did you find anything else?"

"Yes, I have deciphered the secret of the last paragraph of the roadmap!"

Qin Lie replied excitedly.

"real or fake?"

Ye Yuqing asked in disbelief.

You must know that they had been studying for a long time before, and their brains were almost broken and they didn't understand the meaning of the roadmap. However, Qin Lie only came back a few hours and deciphered the mystery of the roadmap, which was like a joke.

"Of course it's true. The reason why we couldn't decipher the meaning of these graphics before was because our thinking went into a misunderstanding. We always thought that these graphics refer to a certain landmark on the ground, but in fact these graphics refer to It's Leo in the sky! Corresponding to the ground, it should be just a mountain like a lion, and this mountain is on the left side of the waterfall!"

"So, I can conclude that those treasures are hidden under that lion mountain!"

Qin Lie analyzed with excitement.

He had seen the lion mountain with his own eyes, and he didn't care at all at the time, but now that he knew that there was a high possibility that the ultimate treasure was hidden there, his excited body trembled slightly.

After hearing these words, everyone looked down at the map, and the doubts that had troubled them for a long time were also solved.

Everyone knows that Qin Lie's analysis is correct!

"Cow Qin Lie, your brain is too powerful, how did you associate this pattern with the constellation?"

Lin Qiuzhu looked at Qin Lie with admiration.

She used a lot of brain cells to decipher the map before, but she never thought about the constellations.

Not only her, as long as it is a normal person, I am afraid that this will be a constellation map.

"Hey, it's not that I'm good, it's mainly a small credit. If she hadn't asked me about my zodiac sign, I wouldn't have been inspired like this."

Qin Lie replied slightly proudly.

Before, he still didn't understand why the front and back graphic symbols were different, until he heard Su Xiao's novel that foreigners like to play with constellations, he had a flash of inspiration and connected these symbols with the constellations.

"I think this is God's will. It must be God who wants you to find the treasure, Brother Qin."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled.

She asked Qin Lie about the constellation just to win against Christina, she never thought that she could do Qin Lie a big favor unintentionally.

"This Roberts is really a genius. He even knows to use constellations to refer to mountains. If you hadn't discovered this secret, I'm afraid no one will be able to find those treasures even in a hundred years."

Ye Yuqing couldn't help sighing.

Using graphics to outline the constellations in the sky, and then using the constellations to refer to the mountains on the ground, this kind of jumping logical thinking has surpassed the cognition of ordinary people. Anyway, Ye Yuqing felt that if it were her, she would never be able to crack the secret in her life.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up to sleep, tomorrow we will go directly to Lion Rock to find out!"

Qin Lie said again.

He thought that he had no luck with the treasure, and he had given up searching for the treasure, but this time he unintentionally cracked the secret of the treasure map, which rekindled the fire of hope in his heart.

So he had to go to Lion Mountain to see.

If he can find the treasure, he can save decades of struggle and become an existence that countless people look up to.

If he can't find the treasure, he will give up completely and will never waste any energy on this treasure map again.

After hearing Qin Lie's words, everyone ended the carnival early.

Ye Yuqing and the other women went to the cave, while Qin Lie and Logan slept in the hut outside.

The next day, the morning sun was slightly dewy, and Qin Lie got up early.

Because he was too excited last night, he didn't fall asleep until the second half of the night. Even so, he still maintains a highly excited state, which seems to be full of energy.

Originally, Qin Lie planned to continue to let Lin Qiuzhu and Ye Yuqing follow him, but Su Xiaoxiao wanted to follow him. She didn't let her go and she just rolled on the ground and started rolling. In desperation, Qin Lie only Can take this live treasure.

After having breakfast, bringing dry food and some necessary items, Qin Lie and his party set off.

Qin Lie has walked this road twice, so he doesn't need to look at the map at all.

However, all three Ye Yuqing were women. At the beginning, they were able to keep up with Qin Lie's footsteps, but as time passed, their physical strength gradually became unbearable.

"Qin Lie, don't go so fast, we can't keep up with you."

In the end, it was Ye Yuqing who stopped Qin Lie.

"Sorry, I didn't think well."

Qin Lie was all thinking about finding the treasure just now, but he forgot the three of Ye Yuqing.

Seeing that Ye Yuqing and the others were all out of breath and sweating, Qin Lie found a place to stop and let them rest for a while.

When they were on their way, Qin Lie deliberately slowed down, so that Ye Yuqing and the others didn't have to use their milk-feeding energy to keep chasing Qin Lie as before.

After a day and a half, Qin Lie and the others finally came to the big river that blocked the road before.

And on the left side of the waterfall, is the mountain shaped like a lion, which is already in sight!

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