"You rest here for a while, and I'll see where it's safer to cross the river."

After talking to Ye Yuqing and the others, Qin Lie walked upstream along the river bank.

After walking about fifty or sixty meters, Qin Lie stopped.

According to his observation, the river here is the narrowest, and the water flow is not too fast. It is the best crossing point.

After calling the three of Ye Yuqing over, Qin Lie acted as the vanguard and crossed the river first.

The water level in the middle of the river was the deepest, about one meter five, but he did not encounter piranhas.

Even so, Qin Lie didn't dare to let his guard down, so Ye Yuqing and the three quickly swam over.

In order to prevent their clothes from getting wet, Ye Yuqing and the others took off their clothes and threw them to the other side before entering the river.

During the process of crossing the river, Qin Lie acted very gentle and didn't take a peek.

After successfully crossing the river, Ye Yuqing and the others quickly dressed and continued to follow Qin Lie to the Lion Mountain.

"Stop first!"

However, after walking for only ten minutes, Qin Lie suddenly stopped Ye Yuqing and the others.

"What's the matter, Brother Qin? Have you found any danger again?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked nervously.

"Look over there."

Qin Lie pointed to the forest road ahead.

Everyone looked in the direction Qin Lie pointed, and saw a dense fog faintly visible in the forest in the distance.

"Why is there still fog at this point?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked in confusion.

Although she is not from the countryside, she still has basic common sense. Generally speaking, fog is only present in the morning, and it will dissipate after the sun comes out, not to mention that it is three o'clock in the afternoon, and there should be no fog.

"I suspect that it may be miasma. You are waiting for me here. I will go over to check the situation first."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

He knew very well that miasma would appear in many deep mountains and old forests, and most of the miasma was poisonous. He didn't want to take Ye Yuqing and others into the poisonous miasma and die.

So he had to go over and investigate in advance. If it was a poisonous miasma, then he would rather go around in a big circle than take the risk of passing by.

"Qin Lie, you must pay attention to safety, we can't lose our lives for the treasure."

Lin Qiuzhu immediately told Qin Lie.

"Don't worry, I know the severity."

Qin Lie nodded in response.

Although gold and silver treasures are very tempting, if he loses his life, then even giving him a mountain of gold is meaningless, and he naturally won't joke about his own life.

In order to ensure his own safety, Qin Lie first got a piece of cloth, soaked it and used it as a mask to block his mouth and nose, and then he started to move on.

After advancing more than 100 meters, Qin Lie suddenly stopped, and there was a look of crying and laughing on his face.

Before, because of the long distance and the fact that they were backlit, from a distance, there was a fog in the forest. However, Qin Lie didn't realize until this time that it was not fog at all, but a large group of flying mosquitoes!

It is only because the number of these mosquitoes is too large that people mistake it for fog.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie quickly returned to Ye Yuqing and the others, and shared his findings.

When they heard that it was a group of mosquitoes, Ye Yuqing and the others couldn't help but feel happy, and the pressure in their hearts was not as great as before.

"Come here to get wormwood, and apply wormwood juice all over your body as much as possible."

Qin Lie said, and threw the wormwood he had just cut on the road in front of Lin Qiuzhu and the others.

"What are you doing with this?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked in confusion.

"Mugwort can repel mosquitoes. After applying wormwood juice, those mosquitoes will most likely not bite you, which can also prevent you from contracting malaria."

Qin Lie explained briefly.

When they were young, their family was poor and had no money to buy toilet water or mosquito coils, so they just ordered a bunch of wormwood.

With the unique aroma of wormwood, those mosquitoes will fly far away, and the effect is much stronger than mosquito coils.

After hearing this, Lin Qiuzhu and the others didn't dare to waste any more time, and quickly smeared the wormwood juice on their bodies.

After everyone was covered with wormwood juice, Qin Lie went to get some dry wormwood, mixed the dry and wet to make a torch, and each person divided one, and then set off again.

Qin Lie lit the wormwood torch when he was still a hundred or two hundred meters away from the mosquito, because the wet wormwood was mixed with it, and thick smoke immediately came out.

After smelling the smoke, the mosquitoes buzzing above Qin Lie's heads immediately flew into the distance.

After walking for another ten minutes, Qin Lie and the others came to the patch of mosquitoes.

Only then did Qin Lie see clearly that there was actually a stinking stagnant puddle on the ground, which was a feng shui treasure for mosquito breeding.

Fortunately, Qin Lie and the others smeared the juice of wormwood on their bodies in advance, and at the same time, there was a lot of smoke from wormwood leaves around their bodies. Otherwise, once they were surrounded by these raging mosquitoes, they would have contracted various diseases even if they were not sucked. .

The army of mosquitoes kept buzzing and fluttering, and it looked scary. Qin Lie didn't dare to stay here for a long time, so he accelerated through here.

Another hour later, Qin Lie and others successfully arrived at the foot of Lion Mountain.

"Everyone spread out and searched around here to see if you could find a cave or a hole in the ground."

Qin Lie instructed the crowd.

This is the final location of the treasure map. As long as the treasure map is real, the treasure must be hidden somewhere here.

Ye Yuqing and the others responded, and immediately dispersed, looking around.

Qin Lie also chose a direction and searched carefully.

"Qin Lie, come here!"

In less than twenty minutes, Ye Yuqing suddenly called out to Qin Lie, apparently she had found something there.

Qin Lie didn't hesitate and ran over quickly.

"Look at this!"

Ye Yuqing pointed to the hillside in front of her, and saw Hao Ran was a cave that was exposed behind a patch of weeds!

Qin Lie walked to the cave and took a look. The entrance of this cave was obviously blocked by someone before, but after years of changes, most of the stones blocking the entrance of the cave have collapsed, which made the cave see the light of day again.

As the saying goes, sharpening knives does not cut wood by mistake. In order to facilitate entry into the cave, Qin Lie quickly moved the large stones that blocked the entrance of the cave.

Each stone weighed dozens of kilograms, but in Qin Lie's hands, it was very light, and he quickly threw the stone into the distance.

After ten minutes of hard work, the entrance of the cave was finally cleaned up by Qin Lie.

Thinking that this cave should be the treasures of Roberts' priceless treasures, Qin Lie, who has always been in front of Mount Tai without changing his color, could no longer remain calm, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and even the blood in his body seemed to boil.


Taking a few deep breaths, Qin Lie managed to regain his composure.

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