"Sister Yuqing, you follow me, let's go in together."

Qin Lie told Ye Yuqing, lit the torch, and entered the cave first.

The three of Ye Yuqing followed closely behind.

At first, the cave was relatively narrow and could accommodate one person, but the more you went inside, the wider it became.

After walking about seven or eight meters, the cave has become as big as a football field.

However, the sight in front of them is shocking!

I saw skeletons scattered all over the ground, and all the corpses had their heads beheaded. At a glance, it was like a purgatory on earth!

Qin Lie was okay, Ye Yuqing and the others were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their backs were chilled.


Accidentally stepped on a leg bone, Su Xiaoxiao screamed in fright, and hugged Qin Lie's arm.

"Brother Qin, I'm afraid."

Su Xiaoxiao said timidly.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a pile of dead bones, it can't hurt you."

Qin Lie patted Su Xiaoxiao's arm to reassure her, and then lit a few torches and inserted them around. This time, the inside of the cave was basically completely illuminated.

Qin Lie glanced at it, and the skeletons had turned black, apparently they were poisoned and then decapitated.

If you think about it with your toes, it must be the Pirate King Roberts who caused this massacre.

After all, only the dead can keep secrets forever.

However, Qin Lie did not sympathize with the dead, because he knew very well that these people were pirates with bloody hands.

Without caring about the skeletons, Qin Lie couldn't wait to walk to the rows of wooden boxes in the innermost cave.

"Hahaha, finally let me find Roberts' treasure!"

Looking at these wooden boxes, Qin Lie directly looked up to the sky and laughed.

After twists and turns, after experiencing despair and rekindling hope, he finally found these legendary treasures, and he was completely unable to describe his inner mood at this time.

"Qin Lie, open it quickly to see if it contains gold and silver treasures. Don't be happy."

Lin Qiuzhu interjected, she was equally excited now.

"it is good."

Qin Lie responded, took a deep breath, moved a wooden box down, and then smashed the iron lock on the wooden box with the back of the knife a few times, and the iron lock was quickly smashed to the ground.

In the next second, Qin Lie opened the wooden box with great excitement, as if it was the first time he was in love with Ye Yuqing.

Looking at the wooden box full of golden coins, Qin Lie's breath was suffocated.

"We've made a fortune! We've made a fortune!! We really made a fortune this time!!!"

A surge of ecstasy surged into his heart, Qin Lie could no longer restrain his emotions, he hugged Ye Yuqing and turned around in circles.

"There are so many gold coins in one box. There are at least hundreds of the same boxes here. How much does it cost!"

Lin Qiuzhu is a real Bai Fumei, but looking at this box of gold coins, her eyes were still round, and her expression was like the first time a village girl entered the city.

"Alright, alright Qin Lie, don't turn around, I'll be dizzy if you turn again."

Ye Yuqing said with a smile.

At this time, she was also very happy, but she was not happy because she found the treasure and made a fortune, but because she saw that Qin Lie's efforts were rewarded.

She believes that with these gold and silver treasures, Qin Lie's future will be smoother.

Hearing Ye Yuqing's words, Qin Lie put her down.

"Brother Qin, quickly open the other boxes to see what treasures are in them."

Su Xiaoxiao urged anxiously.

Qin Lie responded, moved the stacked boxes one by one, and opened them one by one.

In addition to gold coins and silver coins, there are many gold ingots, silver ingots and various jewelry in these boxes, the value of which is inestimable.

"Congratulations, Brother Qin, you are a real billionaire now. It seems that I have to hold your thigh tightly."

Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Don't say that, you are also responsible for finding these treasures, and you must be a part of it."

Qin Lie smiled and replied.

He's not the kind of person who likes to eat alone, not to mention that if Su Xiaoxiao hadn't inadvertently inspired him, he really didn't have the chance to get these priceless treasures, so it should be given to Su Xiaoxiao.

"Then I'll thank Brother Qin in advance."

Although Su Xiaoxiao is not short of money, no one thinks that there is too much money, so naturally he will not refuse.

"It's a shame, I knew we should have brought a bottle of wine so we could celebrate ahead of time."

Qin Lie said with some regret.

"It's okay, we have water, let's use water instead of wine and have a toast."

Ye Yuqing suggested.

"Come on, take out all the water, let's have a toast!"

Qin Lie readily agreed to the proposal.

Afterwards, several people took out their water bottles and touched them as drinks.

These waters were filled by Qin Lie by the river before. It was very common to drink before, but at this time, it was almost like the nectar and jade liquid. It was sweet and delicious.

"It is said that if you don't die, you will have good luck. It seems that there is some truth to this statement."

Qin Lie took another sip of water.

Qin Lie even scolded God when he was lucky enough to survive the plane crash, and felt that it was too unfair to him. After all, he had no father or mother since he was a child, and he suffered a plane crash when he went abroad for the first time. He felt that his life was like a Set of cups.

However, during the time he lived on this deserted island, he not only completed the transformation from a boy to a man, but also gained a confidante like Ye Yuqing, and won the favor of Chen Xiaoyu and Aoi Sakurako, the most important thing. It was to find the treasure of the Pirate King that had been buried for 300 years. This luck was against the sky, and he had to sigh and say good luck!

"I already said that you are destined to be the dragon among men. It seems that my words have been fulfilled in advance."

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie with affection.

She admired Qin Lie very much, and naturally hoped that Qin Lie could achieve great ambitions.

Now, with this batch of treasures, Qin Lie can do whatever she wants to do. This starting point alone has surpassed the end point of many people, which makes her sincerely happy for Qin Lie.

"Hey, thank you Sister Yuqing for your continuous support. I will definitely not let you down, Sister Yuqing."

Qin Lie said with a smug look on his face.

In the past, he was poor and poor, and an RV was an extravagant hope for him, but now that he has these treasures, as long as he wants, he can buy an island and become a local emperor himself. Just thinking about it makes people excited.

"Qin Lie, what are you going to do next, do you want to go back and call Xianglan and the others to carry the treasure?"

Lin Qiuzhu interjected.

"Don't worry, I'll take stock of the gold and silver treasures here and estimate the price to see what the value of these treasures is."

Qin Lie continued.

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