Next, Qin Lie began to count all the gold and silver treasures in the cave.

After statistics, there are about five tons of gold, eleven tons of silver, five boxes of jewelry, two boxes of jade and jade, and three boxes of various gold, silver, bronze and other items. The total value is roughly estimated at 30. billion or so.

"Something's wrong. Roberts looted hundreds of merchant ships, including many ships of princes and nobles. There shouldn't be so little gold and silver treasures."

Qin Lie frowned and whispered.

It's not that he was insatiable, mainly because Roberts was the man known as the Pirate King back then. He looted countless gold and silver treasures in just three years, but the treasures hidden here are much less than Qin Lie imagined.

"He is not the only one in the entire pirate group. I guess he distributed the gold and silver treasures to himself, so there is only so much left in the end."

Su Xiaoxiao expressed her own opinion.

"He will definitely give some of the gold and silver treasures to his subordinates, but it will definitely not be much, otherwise he would not have poisoned all his companions in this cave."

Qin Lie pointed to the bones on the ground and said.

There are at least thirty bones in this cave. Roberts' ability to slaughter so many companions at one time is enough to show that this person is ruthless. It is impossible for such a person to give out a lot of treasure to others.

This made Qin Lie wonder if this was just a part of the treasure, and there should be another batch hidden elsewhere.

"What you said is quite reasonable, but even if there are other treasures, we can't find them without a treasure map."

Ye Yuqing interjected.

"Everyone, look for it in this cave again to see if there is a secret passage or something, and forget it."

Qin Lie pondered for a while.

No one thinks the money is too much. It would be the best if you can find another part of the treasure, but if you can't find it, Qin Lie will not be disappointed. .

Hearing Qin Lie's words, everyone started a carpet search in the cave.

Although the area of ​​this cave is not small, the search can be completed in at most an hour.

"Ah, there's a mouse, Qin Lie, hurry up and kill it!"

Lin Qiuzhu suddenly let out a scream.

Lin Qiuzhu was afraid of mice, but the mice were not afraid of her, and kept looking up at Lin Qiuzhu.

Qin Lie glanced at Lin Qiuzhu, the mouse was quite big, and his small eyes were rolling, looking very thief.

If it was a field mouse, Qin Lie would just kill it and eat it, but there are too many bacteria on the mouse, so Qin Lie didn't dare to eat it, so he waved the stick in his hand and was about to drive the mouse away.

As a result, the little thing seemed to be angry, raised its tail, bared its teeth, and screamed at Qin Lie with a fierce look on its face.

"Qin Lie, this mouse seems to look down on you."

Lin Qiuzhu was immediately amused by the mouse's behavior.

"Damn, I'm so happy that I don't want to kill today, but you don't know how to live or die, so don't blame me."

Seeing that the mouse was so arrogant, Qin Lie was no longer merciful, and as soon as he raised his hand, he was ready to send this arrogant mouse to the west.

Who knows that this mouse looks fat, but the reaction speed is still very fast, and it hides in a swish.

"Hey, the reaction is quite fast, I want to see how long you can jump."

Qin Lie was also interested at this time, and was about to play with this little mouse, when Su Xiaoxiao suddenly shouted.

"Brother Qin, mice, a lot of mice!!"

Qin Lie looked in the direction of Su Xiaoxiao, and saw one mouse after another burrowing out of a small hole under the rock wall. In the blink of an eye, twenty or thirty mice appeared, and the number was still increasing. !


The fat mouse, like a rat king, barked at Qin Lie again. The mouse just appeared and rushed towards Qin Lie at the same time.

"My grass!"

Seeing dozens of mice besieging him at a time, Qin Lie's scalp also felt numb.

He knocked out a mouse with a stick, but another mouse had already jumped on him.

He hurriedly knocked the mouse away, but two more mice bit his pants. Before he could knock the two mice away, more mice jumped up and bit him. come.

"Hurry up, get out first and then talk about it!"

Seeing that this group of mice were not afraid of death, Qin Lie did not dare to fight with these mice, and immediately took Ye Yuqing and the others out of the cave.

It was not until Qin Lie and the others left the cave for a few dozen meters that the mice gave up chasing him.

"It's the mother of a chicken. This is the first time in my life that I have been chased by mice. If this is spread out, it will be ruined."

Glancing at the cave, Qin Lie couldn't help but cursed bitterly.

"I can't blame you for that. Who would have thought that there are so many mice in that cave. It's so scary."

Lin Qiuzhu comforted.

She thought that the mice had never seen people before, so she was not afraid of Qin Lie, but when she saw the dense group of mice, she immediately reacted. The mice were completely reliant on her own clan, so she ignored them.

"Qin Lie, what should we do now? There are so many mice, it takes us a long time to kill one by one."

Ye Yuqing asked with lingering fears.

I'm afraid there are no less than seventy or eighty mice that just appeared, and who knows how many have not come out of the cave, which makes her dare not enter the cave rashly.

"Don't worry, wait until I get some poison to kill them!"

Qin Lie viciously said that although the number of mice is large, they are small, and he can exterminate the group of mice by himself.

The key is that the rat carries all kinds of deadly b-poisons, especially the hemorrhagic fever b-poison. In case any rat bites him and infects him, he can only wait to die on this deserted island, so he just died. Don't dare to fight recklessly with the rats.

But he's human, and it doesn't take brute force to deal with these rats at all.

"Qin Lie, we don't have rat poison, how did you poison those rats?"

Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help but ask.

"What kind of rat poison are you using, wait, brother, go for a walk in the woods, and make sure you can find a poison that is several times stronger than rat poison. It won't take too long to poison this group of mice."

Qin Lie said with a proud face.

Although his medical skills are not very superb, he knows the medicinal properties of various herbs very well. He only needs to find a few highly poisonous herbs and he can wipe out the entire group of rats.

Seeing that it was about to get dark, Qin Lie didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately took Ye Yuqing and the others into the woods to search.

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