"Brother Qin, there is a wild fruit tree here. Do you think this fruit is edible?"

Ten minutes later, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly shouted at Qin Lie.

Qin Lie walked over to take a look, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Poison Arrowwood, haha, it seems that God is helping me get rid of rats."

Looking at this tree, Qin Lie immediately laughed happily.

"Brother Qin, what did you say this tree was called?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked again.

"This tree is called Poison Arrowwood, also known as Blood Sealing Throat. The roots, stems, leaves, and flower and fruit bark of this tree are all highly poisonous, especially its sap, which is almost as toxic as arsenic. It only takes a few grams to make Seven orifices bleed!"

Qin Lie immediately introduced to Su Xiaoxiao and the others.

"My mother, this tree is covered in poison."

After hearing what Qin Lie said, Su Xiaoxiao's heart also trembled.

When she saw the bright red fruit on the tree just now, she wanted to pick a few and taste it, thanks to Qin Lie being by her side, otherwise, once she ate the fruit, I am afraid that next year would be her death day.

"Sister Yuqing, step back, I'm going to pick some poisonous arrowwood juice. If this juice accidentally splashes into people's eyes, it will cause blindness."

Qin Lie reminded Ye Yuqing and others to be humane.

"Okay okay."

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuqing and the others quickly stepped back four or five meters.

Qin Lie took out a bottle, drank all the water in it, and walked to Poison Arrow.

He first used a knife to cut a button in the bark of the poison arrow wood, and a white sap soon flowed out of it.

The sap looks similar to milk, but it is actually a highly poisonous blood that seals the throat!

Qin Lie used the bottle to pick up dozens of milliliters of tree sap. During the whole process, he was very careful not to let the tree sap get on his skin, so as not to poison himself.

"Okay, now we can go hunting."

Qin Lie said after collecting the sap.

Originally, he was looking for some highly poisonous herbs such as strych, aconite, or kansui, but he found the poisonous arrow tree, but this was even better. On top of the previous poisonous weeds, it was easy to kill the rats.

After that, Qin Lie spent another half an hour hitting two hares.

After the hare was cooked, Qin Lie smeared the twigs of curare wood on the surface of the rabbit meat and cut the meat into small pieces.

"You wait for me outside, and I will throw the meat into the cave."

After talking to Ye Yuqing and the others, Qin Lie took the meat and entered the cave.

In the darkness, rustling sounds could be heard, obviously there were mice moving.

In order to avoid being besieged by the rats again, Qin Lie threw the minced meat into the rat hole and left the cave.

"Okay, the bait has been thrown out, let's wait for those mice to collect the corpses tomorrow."

Qin Lie returned to Ye Yuqing and the others.

"Qin Lie, let's stay away from here, I don't want to be bitten by a mouse while sleeping in the middle of the night."

Lin Qiuzhu said after looking at the cave.

"it is good."

Qin Lie nodded in response, and then the four of them went to the woods not far away to find an open space and settled down.

Time flies, and soon came the next day.

After getting up early in the morning, Qin Lie didn't even bother to eat, so he took people back to the cave.

Soon he found a dead mouse, then a second, a third...

In particular, there were more dead mice at the entrance of the mouse hole, and more than a dozen were poisoned here.

Qin Lie was about to collect these dead mice and throw them outside, his eyes froze for a moment.

Without speaking, Qin Lie quickly leaned over to the mouse hole to have a look, and quickly determined that there was originally a cave in the mouse hole, but it was sealed with clay, but it was later punched out by the mouse .

This discovery made Qin Lie feel a strong excitement again.

He knew very well that no one had come to this cave except Roberts' group of pirates, so, needless to say, this cave must have been sealed by Roberts, and his intentions are self-evident!

Qin Lie didn't care about the dead mice, he directly chiseled the clay with a machete.

The dust was flying, making Qin Lie disgraced, but he didn't care at all.

After a full twenty minutes, Qin Lie finally drilled through the cave.

The cave is about three meters long, and at the end is another very large cave!

When Qin Lie illuminated the cave with a torch, his blood boiled again.

As he expected, another part of the treasure was hidden here!

"Qin Lie, did you find anything there?"

Lin Qiuzhu, who was waiting in the first cave, asked.

"You'll know when you come."

Qin Lie replied vaguely, not directly telling Lin Qiuzhu what they found.

Hearing this, the three of Lin Qiuzhu climbed over from the cave.

"My God, there are so many gold and silver treasures hidden here."

Looking at the boxes in front of him, Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help but look shocked.

"It can be specially sealed here by Roberts. Obviously, the value of these treasures should be far more than the ones outside."

Lin Qiuzhu followed the analysis.

"Brother Qin, quickly open these boxes and take a look."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't wait to urge that the gold and silver treasures outside had already opened her eyes, and she was even more curious about what treasures were hidden inside.

"it is good."

Qin Lie was also curious in his heart. He brought a wooden box and smashed the iron lock on it.

After opening it, there is a pile of gold products inside.

There are golden plates, golden bowls, golden necklaces, golden Buddha statues, golden shrines, golden masks and so on.

Qin Lie casually took a gold plate and slashed it. It was easy to see from the incision that these were all made of pure gold!

You must know that gold itself is already very expensive, not to mention these gold products, especially the craftsmanship of hundreds of years ago, any piece here is enough to be called an antique, and it can easily be sold higher than gold itself several times the price.

Next, Qin Lie opened another wooden box, which was full of sterling silver products, but each piece of silverware was very exquisitely crafted, and at first glance it was made by a master.

"Brother Qin, open an iron box and take a look."

Su Xiaoxiao suggested.

The cave outside is all wooden boxes, but in this cave half of them are iron boxes.

Judging from the use of the box, it must contain more precious treasures.

Qin Lie nodded and brought the first iron box over.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Qin Lie smashed the lock with all his strength.

The moment he opened the box, everyone's eyes instantly widened, and a dull look appeared on their faces at the same time.

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