"Qiuzhu, you are so beautiful, but unfortunately I'm not a man, otherwise I'll never marry you in this life."

Ye Yuqing looked at Lin Qiuzhu and praised.

At this time, Lin Qiuzhu not only looks national and heavenly, but also has a graceful and extravagant air on her body. She is like a blooming peony, beautiful but not demonic, glamorous but not vulgar, charming and refined!

Even though Ye Yuqing had already passed the age of being competitive, she could not help but feel a little jealous in her heart.

Hearing the praise of the two, Lin Qiuzhu's face also blossomed with joy.

But she still said modestly: "Actually, the main reason is that this phoenix crown looks good. I believe that you two will be very beautiful when you wear it. Why don't you try it too."


Su Xiaoxiao had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, so when she heard Lin Qiuzhu say this, she agreed without thinking.

Lin Qiuzhu reluctantly took off the Jiulong Jiufeng crown, and then carefully put it on Su Xiaoxiao's head.

It has to be said that people rely on clothes and horses and saddles, but there is only an extra phoenix crown, but Su Xiaoxiao's temperament immediately improved a level, making her originally cute and cute also a little more noble.

Lin Qiuzhu and Ye Yuqing also praised Su Xiaoxiao generously. The happy Su Xiaoxiao's mouth was about to laugh crookedly.

After Su Xiaoxiao, Ye Yuqing also tried it on.

She was originally a domineering female president. After wearing this phoenix crown, she immediately became the queen of the mother world, which caused Lin Qiuzhu and the two to scream in surprise.

It's a pity that they didn't have a camera, otherwise they would have taken dozens of photos as souvenirs.

In order to avoid damage to the phoenix crown, Ye Yuqing hurriedly wrapped it in silk and put it back into the box after taking off the phoenix crown.

Next, Qin Lie moved the fifth iron box.

The first iron box contains gold products, the second is silver products, the third is a pile of exquisite jewelry, and the fourth is the nine dragons and nine phoenix crowns.

Qin Lie didn't whet everyone's appetite and opened the box directly.

Once again beyond everyone's expectations, this box turned out to be a sword!

The scabbard of the sword here is inlaid with dozens of gems of various colors, which looks extremely luxurious and dazzling. The moment Qin Lie pulled the sword out of the scabbard, an overwhelming chill immediately made one's heart shudder.

Qin Lie tried to chop the stick with his sword, and the stick was easily cut off like tofu.

Then Qin Lie tried to slash the metal box again, and it was easy to cut off a corner of the metal box, but the blade was intact.

"What a fine sword!"

Qin Lie originally thought that this sword was only used for decoration, but he never expected it to be so sharp. The man is split in half.

In particular, this sword has been sealed here for three hundred years, but it is still the same as it was just created, which is even more rare.

After putting the sword back into the iron box solemnly, Qin Lie opened the next iron box.

There is also only one thing in this box, a golden scepter symbolizing supreme power!

The top of the scepter is also inlaid with colorful gems, which are exquisite in shape and gorgeous in decoration. Unfortunately, this golden scepter is broken into two parts for some reason, which undoubtedly reduces its value, otherwise it is a piece comparable to Kowloon. The treasure of the nine phoenix crown.

The rest of the iron boxes contained jewelry, oil paintings, various porcelain bronzes, and ivory carvings, all of which were valuable items anyway.

"I now seriously doubt whether Roberts has looted a certain emperor's treasury, otherwise how could he have accumulated so much gold and silver treasures."

Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help sighing.

There are too many treasures here, more than Lin Qiuzhu imagined.

Especially the nine dragons and nine phoenix crowns, the sharp swords that cut iron like mud, the golden scepter, any of these things can be called priceless treasures, but now they are all concentrated here, even if she sees it with her own eyes, she has a kind of dream. Feel.

"Sister, Roberts looted hundreds of merchant ships back then. It's normal to have these properties, otherwise how could he be called the Pirate King."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled.

She still knew something about Roberts, but even so, she was still shocked by the treasure here.

If calculated according to the assets of Roberts back then, he is enough to be called rich enough to rival the country.

It is a pity that Roberts died tragically in the end, and he ended up with a life to make money and a life to spend.

While a few people were chatting, Qin Lie opened all the wooden boxes.

There are no brilliant treasures in these wooden boxes, they are all golden bricks of the same size!

Each gold brick weighs 20 to 30 catties, and the total of all the gold bricks is estimated to be 8 tons!

"Qin Lie, no, Boss Qin, don't forget to help me when I won't be able to eat in the future."

Lin Qiuzhu laughed and joked.

The total value of the gold and silver treasures in the two caves inside and outside is definitely over 10 billion. As the current owner of these treasures, Qin Lie has become a veritable billionaire!

The key point is that he is definitely a tens of billionaires much stronger than the tens of billionaires on the Forbes Rich List. After all, most of the wealth of those millionaires is in stocks, and the water is very large. There are few who can easily take out billions of cash, and As long as the stock price fluctuates a little, the net worth may shrink significantly.

However, Qin Lie is different. The treasures he owns can be exchanged for cash at any time.

In particular, this thirteen tons of gold is hard currency in any country in the world. Even if the global economy collapses due to the economic crisis, he can still live a happy life as a billionaire.

"Don't say that, this group of treasure-seekers has a share, and I will definitely not eat alone."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

The treasure worth tens of billions has exceeded his imagination, and he can give Lin Qiuzhu and the others a share.

Of course, he certainly won't give out too much, but even if it's only one tenth, there are more than one billion.

"So many gold and silver treasures, just transporting them from here to the sea is a big project."

Ye Yuqing sighed while looking at the boxes of treasures.

The sum of gold and silver has exceeded 20 tons, plus the other treasures, the total weight has reached 30 tons, and here is different from the city, one lacks manpower, and two has no tools, and they are transported by these people alone. , it will take a month.

"It's okay, take your time. Anyway, the most important thing we don't lack right now is time."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

He does not dislike the abundance of gold and silver treasures, after all, the more these things, the better.

What's more, it only takes a little effort to get wealth that many people can't earn in a lifetime, and he is naturally not unhappy.

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