"Then what, let's clean up the dead mice here first, don't stink in it."

Ye Yuqing changed her words and said again.

"I can do this alone, you rest."

After speaking to Ye Yuqing, Qin Lie quickly picked up the poisoned mouse corpses.

I have to say that this place has become a rat's nest, and there are more than 100 rats, large and small.

Qin Lie estimated that the corpses of the pirates outside were probably eaten by rats as food, otherwise some corpses would not be scattered everywhere.

Fortunately, he was more tactful and used the sap of the poisonous arrowwood to bring these mice to a pot, otherwise he would not be able to eat and walk around if he was besieged by a group of mice.

In the process of cleaning up the corpses of mice, Qin Lie also found several broods of young mice that were just born.

Qin Lie didn't show any mercy, and directly destroyed them all humanely.

So far, the rats that have lived in this cave for 300 years are considered to be completely exterminated by Qin Lie.

This is also thanks to the fact that there are no animal protection people here, otherwise Qin Lie will definitely be detained as a cold-blooded butcher.

After all the dead mice were collected, Qin Lie took it outside and poured whale oil on it, setting it on fire to save the environment.

Originally, Qin Lie didn't intend to touch the bones of the pirates, but Su Xiaoxiao told Lin Qiuzhu that they looked scared, so Qin Lie simply took all the bones outside and set them on fire.

Before he knew it, it was eleven o'clock at noon, and Qin Lie went to hunt two prey for lunch.

After eating and drinking, Qin Lie leisurely lay down in the cave and fell asleep.

Because he didn't sleep well last night, Qin Lie slept for two hours.

After discussing with Lin Qiuzhu, Qin Lie carried the box of gems, Lin Qiuzhu and Su Xiaoxiao carried the Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns, Ye Yuqing took the golden scepter, and the four set foot on their way home.

Before leaving, Qin Lie also blocked the hole with branches.

But he is not to prevent others from coming in, mainly to prevent animals such as bears and wolves from running in.

Although the iron box on his shoulders and various gems weighed dozens of pounds, Qin Lie didn't feel heavy at all, but he was still in the mood to talk and laugh with Ye Yuqing and the others.

When they came, Qin Lie and the others only spent a day and a half, but when they went back, Qin Lie did not hurry as before and stopped to enjoy the scenery from time to time, so Qin Lie and the others did not return to the beach until the afternoon of the third day.

"Brother Qin, should we hide these treasures here first, then go back and tell Sister Xianglan and the others that we didn't find anything, and then take them out as a surprise when they are completely disappointed?"

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but suggest.

"That's a good idea, so let's do it."

Qin Lie agreed immediately.

Just when Qin Lie was about to put the gem box in the grass first, there was a sudden thud in his ear.

In an instant Qin Lie judged that it was the sound of gunshots!

And the direction of the gunshots turned out to be their camp!

"Qin Lie, it's the sound of gunshots, something must have happened at the camp!"

Lin Qiuzhu had played with today's guns, and she also heard the gunshots immediately.

"You guys are waiting here, I'll go take a look first!"

Qin Lie said solemnly.

"I will go with you."

Lin Qiuzhu said quickly.

"No, you wait here."

Qin Lie didn't know what happened at the moment, so he couldn't take Lin Qiuzhu with him, otherwise he wouldn't have time to take care of her in case of danger.

After leaving Ye Yuqing and three people behind, Qin Lie pulled out his gun, made a detour through the woods, and came to the vicinity of the camp.

When he saw the scene outside, Qin Lie's face instantly showed a strong murderous intent.

On the beach not far away, Logan, who was beaten to death, fell to the ground undecided, while four black people stood beside his thatched hut.

Each of the four black people had guns in their hands, and one of them had already taken off his pants, exposing the dirty thing, and the gun in his hand was on Bai Xianglan's head!

Needless to say, the black man should have fired the shot just now.

Except for Bai Xianglan, Qin Lie didn't see anyone else for the time being.


Another gunshot sounded, Bai Xianglan's body trembled, and her pretty face turned pale.

The black man put the muzzle of the gun on Bai Xianglan's head again, and he didn't know what to say, but it was not difficult to see from his gestures that he obviously wanted Bai Xianglan to do that kind of thing for him.

The other three blacks were like perverts, laughing wildly and whistling constantly. They obviously regarded Bai Xianglan as playthings.

There were tears in Bai Xianglan's eyes, and her heart was already filled with fear, but at this time, she still insisted on gritting her teeth, and did not succumb to this black man's lewd power.

The black man seemed impatient to wait, and smashed the butt of his gun directly on Bai Xianglan's forehead.

Bai Xianglan is just a small woman with delicate skin and tender flesh, how could she withstand such a heavy blow, and her head was smashed with blood!

Amid the booing of the other black people, the black man didn't waste any more time and went straight to Bai Panlan, tearing up her clothes brutally like a wild beast.

"No, no, no."

Bai Xianglan cried and resisted, but it was all to no avail. Facing such a maddened beast, her little sheep had no resistance at all.

Seeing that Bai Xianglan was about to be defiled, Qin Lie, who was furious, finally rushed out.


The gunshots sounded, and the thug was shot in the head!

The other three blacks were watching the show, and no one noticed Qin Lie. They didn't react until Qin Lie shot him. They were about to shoot Qin Lie, but it was too late.

"It's all to die for Lao Tzu!"

Qin Lie didn't show any mercy, he fired all the bullets in the magazine at one time, and sent all three of them to the Palace of Hell!

Even so, Qin Lie felt uneasy, picked up a submachine gun from the ground, and shot at the bodies of these people again, until they were all bloody and bloody.

"Sorry, I am late."

Qin Lie picked up Bai Xianglan from the ground, full of pity and self-blame.


When she saw that the person in front of her was Qin Lie, Bai Xianglan, who was firm on the outside and soft on the inside, burst into tears instantly and threw herself into Qin Lie's arms, crying into tears in the blink of an eye.

"Cry, cry, just cry."

Qin Lie patted Bai Xianglan's back lightly, comforting her softly.

Five or six minutes later, Lin Qiuzhu, who was worried about Qin Lie's safety, came over together.

When they saw the four bloody corpses on the ground, the expressions of the three of them changed at the same time.

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